life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Posts tagged ‘healing’

We Grew New Wings . . .

Butterfly w damaged wing on leaf, cropped wide

. . . So we could finally fly free, the way we were always meant to be…..

Butterfly Woman lifting off towards Light from Gaia

(NOTE: First of all, this is my very last blog post in this venue and format. It’s been a long haul, feels like lifetimes of toil and passion these last 5 years expressing all this information (with almost zero financial compensation), crafting these articles and essays and poems for the elucidation of anyone who was seeking information and/or guidance during the Change Times that we are now in the final days of.  IF I choose to write again, I shall simply create a whole new blog, one with a distinctly different . . . personality, flavor and emphasis. Second, due to its being my Final Statement here, I have in this last extensive essay embedded many links to other posts (from this and other people’s blogs), and also links to books and media and news articles etc. that will extend and expand your comprehension – and hopefully enjoyment — of the information I include here (as I did previously in the post Don’t Look Back from 2014; I also included a list of several of my own personal sources of inspiration and guidance towards the end of my highly popular and significant piece titled Afterglow, and at the end of my e-book as well). Have fun as you explore further the labyrinthine corridors of the Information Highway to True Freedom and Heavenly Bliss!)

Baby, newborn with wings, croppedMost all of us arrived with a full set of beautiful, glorious wings, matching capacities for boundless joy and limitless imagination. But immediately upon leaving the chute into our new life as a human babe (at least in most countries), the first tactical counter-measures were employed against us to trim those magnificent etheric wings of ours, in order to make us more . . . ‘manageable’, compliant with and to The System that has been dominating humanity for many thousands of years. My fellow incarnate angels, we are ALL actually born to THRIVE!!  (I strongly encourage you to watch this pivotal, fact-based documentary, free on YouTube via this embedded link).  It’s time to simply DO that again, but this time en masse, as the Collective that we ARE in Reality, and FREE OURSELVES FROM THIS STALE OLD ILLUSION!

So despite all nefarious efforts to the contrary, we grew new wings.  We had to.  In order to fulfill our sacred mission.  In this lifetime, in this timeline.  We did not come here this time to simply ‘die’ again, to submit, to comply, to allow the forces who have ‘managed’ this planet to continue to Butterfly Crop Formationsubjugate the global population, treat us all as their chattel, their property, to use and abuse as they saw fit. We came here to liberate humanity from the shackles of top-down, tyrannical rule. Since they’d ravaged our twin wings of Imagination and Joy – which it was their job, their role, to do for us – our task was to not only ‘recover’ from the heavy trauma and suppression, but find within ourselves the deep strength and volition and indefatigable determination to grow them back! And stronger, too well-structured and reinforced and resilient for them to ever be vulnerable again to perceived external forces or circumstances. Brenda Hoffman just published a new message about us, those who many call the Front Runners, Path Pavers, First Wavers, Lightwarriors, or even more commonly Wayshowers. Those of us who bucked The System, refused to lay down and lay low, and IQ Matrix poster - morpheus-slave-prison-mindcommunicated our knowledge and insights and perspectives to anyone and everyone who cared to listen (and many who didn’t care as well, lol!  We can only show you the door…). Here is her description of what we dared to do – and what we accomplished: “You started on your path before fully opening your heart. That was your courage, your role and your magnificent plan prior to entering earth in this lifetime. You bravely explored the frontier of your inner-being without knowing what you would find. You cut through the pain and heaviness that traumatized you for eons with little assistance other than your courage and inner knowing that you needed to move forward for something. That ‘something’ is NOW.

Just as we entered this ‘Battleground of Consciousness’ on the lower-dimensional hologram reality of the planet we cBaby Shot, cryingall Earth (Soul names Gaia, Terra, and sometimes Sophia), the first debilitating damage to our capacity for ecstatic flight was inflicted: bright lights, a slap on the butt to force a cry, the radical and relatively violent separation from the only world yet known (our mother) and complete removal from her warm and nurturing presence, the sharp jabbing pain of a blood sample, and the even more hurtful trauma of alien poisons being injected into that same precious lifeblood (vaccines). And for us males (back in those days in the USA), the added horrific trauma of having one’s genitals mutilated long before one even knew what was happening, nor even had the chance to make a choice of whether we wanted to have a part of our bodies cut off or not!  It’s pretty blessing Butterfly dragging rock w statementamazing that more of us even survived those first nasty experiences, stuck it out to see through our successful culmination of The Project — without immediately punching out and returning Home (think ‘crib death’)!

As we ‘grew up’ in this crazy Matrix World (that most people are still in abject denial of), which even the most advanced scientists  now ‘confirm’ is not our ‘true reality’, we got systematically bombarded by many more measures meant to further clip our delicate wings:   Fluoride (that calcifies our pineal gland, and which causes neurological damage that can lead to forms of degenerative dementia like Alzheimer’s) put into our bodies via the delivery vehicles of both ‘toothpaste’ and even our drinking water; thimerisol and other toxic chemicals in vaccines; unnecessary mercury fillings in our teeth (since banned throughout the world due to ‘new studies’ that prove its horrific physiological effects); harsh damaging rays emitted from electronics (cell phones, computers, and TVs); cIQ poster - TOXIC chemicals put into our products, world, homeshemtrails in our skies; and much more you can discover and research for yourself (if you dare). And those were just the physical bites and cuts that were ‘employed’ to stop us from free flight into our God-given imaginations and joyful exuberance outside of The SystemThen we entered that wonderful general public luxury in the rich Western countries we grew up in called ‘free public education’.   Aaaahhhhh, what a sweet and caring democratic government we have, under God, with liberty and justice for all – well, all who are above a certain socio-economic caste and can afford to get a ‘real’ education of course! The actual definition of modern schooling should be rewritten to read ‘the forced conditioning of the masses into compliance to and subjugation under the Matrix Control System for Humanity’.  Anyway . . . we were all coerced into ‘learning’ obedience to The Institutional Order, to the Father Knows Best patriarchal top-down hierarchy of pyramid-structure rule. If we didn’t comply, we failed our ‘tests’ — and were mercilessly punished by the compliant members of our ‘highly advanced’ society (which included our own parents of course, some of whom delivered to us more physical consequences than simply the psycho-emotional DOGMA cartoon, 'beware of dogma'attacks we suffered at school and in our neighborhood for our transgressions against The System). It was all nothing more than basic slave training people, nothing to do with real learning (got an English essay marked down in high school once due to my insistence that our school systems were a form of training, not ‘education’ – I became an intellectual rebel by the time I hit 16, lol!). We were coerced into conforming to the ‘prevailing standards’ and paradigm and thought-forms and scientigious (scientific-religious) dogma of our generation.  No fun at all.  And it wreaked havoc on our already severely degraded abilities to even dream of soaring free . . . .

Then our wings were clipped even more by the demand that, if we wanted a ‘secure future’ (economically of course – what other kind of ‘security’ IS there in life according to them, right?), those who were ‘smart’ enough (ie. those who figured out how to pass their tests betterIQ poster - Einstein_quote, education interferes w learning than most others) were encouraged to go to university for FURTHER ‘education’, where they learned to manage and direct the masses of other sheeple bio-robot conformists, and administrate all the highly complicated and ever-changing laws, rules, regulations, businesses, governments, bureaucracies, and ‘enforcement mechanisms’ of The Matrix Society.

Then we got a JOB…. As the Corporate Oligarchy planned for us all along of course.  And while we worked for other people — or rather for the soulless, heartless, sociopathic profit machines which now form the most fundamental unit of modern global culture called ‘The Corporation’ (including your own personal ‘strawman’, or CORPORATE ID, YOUR BIRTH NAME which must always be written in all caps or it is deemed IQ POSTER cartoon - rats climbing corp ladder‘invalid’) — we were subjected to even more degrading and humiliating treatment that further reinforced the ancient aphorisms ‘The Lord of the Manor boss is always right!’ and ‘Just do what you’re told, and you’ll get by!’.  These energy-sapping monsters euphemistically labelled ‘large corporations’ were staffed at the very top by ‘captains of industry’ who ‘fought tooth and nail’ to become the ‘Modern American Capitalist Heroes’, the ideals that we were brainwashed to strive to become ourselves.  The ‘most successful’ examples of the very assiduously marketed American Success Story, as evidenced by the hundreds of Hollywood movies and dramas and sitcoms pumped out by the self-same corporations from the 1950’s onward, were nothing more than extremely cunning sociopaths — the ideal ‘ruthless’ combination of social intelligence (also called ‘street smarts’, not to be confused with real intelligence lol!), and amoral predator instincts. (By the way, the original American Dream was NEVER to go to college, get a degree in something ‘useful’ and ‘practical’, and then get a job! It was to start one’s own business!  Yes, TRUE capitalism isOld Storefront, Pipe Fitting and Plumbing a System that holds sovereign citizens with their own capital-based BUSINESS as the actual microcosmic template for a harmonious, peaceful, abundant society. THAT was what the United States economy was actually built upon, independent business owners providing products and services, with capital and labor they created and provided themselves (including the now nearly-extinct family farm). But I digress . . . .

So due to the usurpation of humanity’s energies, and the subjugation of all life on the planet to the will of The Usurpers, the massive socio-economic transformation of the last 100 years was finally required at the very end of the Kali Yuga and other Galactic and planetary cycles, and executed almost flawlessly. . . . by and for ‘them’!   But that was not the actual Great Shift of the Ages, my friends – which is actually happening now — but just the ‘final playing out’ of the millennial-old program for humanity’s total enslavement by the ancient ruling families (for a much more detailed, in-depth discussion of exactly what this massive, world-changing Shift is all about, see this heavily-referenced book here). As everyone who has studied modern Precession of the Equinoxeshistory knows as the ‘official’ reality, what really happened after the Industrial Revolution, especially since the turn of the 20th century, was a massive transfiguration of human society in almost every aspect of life and lifestyle. People moved from the country to the cities, from eating home-grown and home-cooked meals to purchasing processed foodstuffs, from manual labor to white-collar jobs, from natural medicines to mass-manufactured pharmaceutical drugs, and from going to small-town doctors and tribal shamans with their wellness challenges to being herded over to placing their faith and trust in big-university-educated (and Big Pharma-conditioned and bribed) A.M.A. doctors under a fully corporate-based system of ‘mandated health insurance’ and absolute bureaucratic control.  QUITE the radical change in only one century!  On top of all this, humanity as a species was also put through a ‘crucible’ or ‘gauntlet’ of sorts in an attempt to ‘depopulate’ the planet – think TWO world wars and nearly countless other ‘smaller’ conflicts, intentionally-manufactured diseases and their ‘outbreaks’, the denigration of the food chain via not only pollution but reduction in food quality (natural concentration of nutrients per serving), etc. Fortunately, due to our resilience, their despicable ‘agenda’ actually backfired on them, lol, as it contributed to ‘weeding out’ the weaker genetics, actually strengthening the species.  So, despite the Duality Consciousness tendency to curse and despise them (and I myself was on that revolutionary bandwagon for decades, btw – Oh, the rage I felt for so many stress-filled years….), they ‘played’ their parts flawlessly for The Cosmic Experiment, the Grand Project of Creation (see below).  As a result, we as a Collective, as a species, expanded from under 2 billion individuals, to over 7 billion in only 100 years! A pretty stunning accomplishment actually, especially considering the fact that we were subjected to all manner and style of vicious attack by the ruling elite of the world (as cited above). And I didn’t even list most of the psychological warfare tactics that were employed against us (please see the insightful, perspicacious publications of Zen Gardner and Jon Rappaport for much more clarity and detail on that, and also more fact-based, documented details on the physical harms perpetrated against our bodies).   Regardless, most people still don’t really comprehend the Big Picture in all this. ‘And what might that be, Waverider?’ many may ask. Well . . . if you look at the actual facts of the matter — objectively (ie. without emotion, without pre-judgment, without bias) — doesn’t it appear fairly obvious that something truly powerful has occurred, at least in terms of evolutionary theory? How does a species grow, improve, find and select the best genetic combinations for even greater ‘success’ in challenging environments? WhWolf Hunting Caribou on snowat type of ‘circumstances’ tend to bring out the best in a species, make it more adaptive, more resilient, and stronger as a WHOLE? Think about the relationship between most predators and their prey and, if you are open to these concepts and can maintain a detached, neutral mental and emotional attitude, I’m sure you will figure it out J. What we have now is this: Over 7 BILLION amazingly flexible and adaptable human beings, a population of seriously tried and tested biological ‘vehicles’ that are ready to expand out into this physical universe as freedom-loving explorers and colonizers of the Cosmos!

What has this to do with the theme of this, my very final blog post through this medium? Well, this has all been part and parcel of The Project (or ‘Experiment’), for creating a New Golden Race of HU-manPhone Dnld 29 March '14 090 Being (some are using the name ‘Homo sapiens luminus’ a new subspecies of the species Homo sapiens). In order to accomplish this amazing feat – creating an entirely new species of New HU-mans that was finally capable and ‘mature’ enough to venture out from this single planet, join the existing Galactic Society, and eventually expand even beyond the confines of this one galaxy — some of us had to regrow the ‘original equipment’ we came into this world with. You know, our ‘wings’ that were so very rigorously (and often ‘ceremoniously’) clipped and torn and just generally ravaged post-partum. And so we did! As we accomplished this herculean task, we (unbeknownst to our human consciousness) empowered ourselves to become the ‘information dissemination agents’ for the masses (here is a list of some of my fellow Earth & Humanity Liberation Mission Special Forces Officers (Light Warriors) and close spiritual friends that you can still find very active:   Bill Ballard, Méline Lafont, Sandra Walter, Cary Kirastar Ellis, and Sixtina Friedrich).  We are the Ones Who Chose to play these roles for the Collective, what the popular New Earth author Cary Ellis terms the ‘21st Century Super Humans‘ who chose to blaze a trail to a NEW Quantum Lifestyle, one that eventually all (who choose to) can help create and join for themselves, and enJOY along with us.  Five fantastic independent sources of daily articles about this Great Shift of the Ages (and highly personal topics such as physical and emotional health, spiritual practices, self-empowerment, deep psychology, disclosure, alternative medicine, etc.) from several of our fellow information dissemination warriors can be found in the following New Paradigm News sites:  Wes Annac’s Culture of Awareness blog, Steve Beckow’s long-contributing Golden Age of Gaia, Wake Up World, Waking Times and Conscious Life News.  As the author of ET 101 – THE COSMIC INSTRUEnergy Being 1CTION MANUAL wrote over 25 years ago (hands down THE best short, extremely well-presented and witty book about this Sacred Mission that I have ever had the immense pleasure of reading), we transformed ourselves into ‘sacred cowpokes on a sacred cowherd’ — sort of like the Jedi Warriors and Protectors for Earth Humans, lol, toiling hard and long and assiduously on ourselves first to eventually earn our respectful positions as the guides and shepherds of the ‘sacred herd’ of humanity. What we thereby helped to create (conscious of it or not) is a truly Creation-shaking species that carries the most precious genetic material in the Cosmos (one of those very well-kept secrets that has only been revealed in brief glimpses via movies such as Jupiter Rising).  As part of our Grand Mission, we agreed to utilize whatever means at our disposal to wake humanity up, and help lead it out of the experiment of Separation Consciousness that all humans volunteered to participate in for the universal benefit of all Creation (again, conscious of this or not). We also endeavored to help as many as possible regrow BUTTERFLY WOMAN BODY PAINT w moonrise in backgndtheir wings as we, against all odds and bets and predictions, have regrown ours. And also to reverse the most fundamental ‘conceptual error’ that was seeded into the Mass Mind over the millennia: our actual Identity!  To add amazement to victory, we also proved beyond a shadow of a doubt to our ‘partners in contrast’ – those who deliberately destroyed our original wings through their skillfully designed process of ‘socialization’ – that though they could alter, damage, shape, manipulate and control the human body (and its ego-mind and emotional character), they could NOT permanently affect or control our Spirit!  They didn’t actually ‘factor that into the equation’ when they made their grandiose plans for complete global domination, did they?


We are in the VERY FINAL DAYS of the Old Matrix right now.  Time to CELEBRATE!!  IF you are one of those who has completed the Old Earth School and its brutal yet wildly edifying and cosmically empowering Higher Level Curriculum, that is.  And if you are among those of us who is just done with this viciously controlled Hologram Matrix Reality — and can allow those who are not yet done to continue on their own individual Paths and Process, via their own free-will efforts and self-generated momentum. Whichever fork in the road you have chosen to travel my friend, it’s time to leave all the silly (and fully intentional) distractions behind, become imperturbable in your determination and indefatigable in your passionate zest for life, and don’t look back!  Keep your eyes, minds, and especially hearts focused on the magnificent future that you have helped to create, as we stand quite literally at the very gates of Heaven on Earth!

IQ KK - Train to ENtrain w Self

As a melodic finale to this extended essay, I present two of my favorite ‘theme songs’, the first which describes how I felt as a man in my teens and 20’s about this last period of human history and my own journey through it (Come Sail Away’ by Styx); and the second that expresses the . . . sensation, experience, when one finds rest and succor ‘in the arms of the angel’, a very sweet and feminine song featured in my favorite Nick Cage movie, City of Angels (‘In The Arms Of The Angel’ by Sarah McLachlan). And or those of you wondering how I feel and live now in these Last Days of Empire, you can go check out my YouTube channel where I’ve posted a few short videos of my area and lifestyle, some public shows I’ve done recently, and my first solo video as a Self-Realization Facilitator.  I’ll also leave you with a concise and cogent presentation by Darryl Anka/Bashar (‘You Are The Infinite’ on YouTube) to get you fired up and (hopefully) a bit more confident about Who You Really ARE.  Last but not least are four of my favorite High Vibe Tribe YouTube music compilations that I listen to constantly for the necessary ‘vibrational support’ their flowing rhythms provide.  These multi-media creations are far better ‘descriptions’ than any written human language could express for ‘how I feel’ anyway…second only to the actual personal experience of opening one’s 3rd eye and having Visionary Experiences oneself (as I describe, and provide much information about, in my blog post titled Reconstructing The Starship 🙂 ) .  Make them your daily music habit, and you simply won’t be able to avoid feeling a bit more (or maybe even a lot more) . . . uplifted.   And if you prefer watching informative videos rather than reading, the most elucidative information on deep Universal psychology and spirituality that I have run across in these several decades of self-education and evolution can be gleaned via the well-loved and widely watched YouTube personalities of  Bashar (Darryl Anka), Abraham (Esther Hicks, aka ‘Abraham Hicks’), Story Waters, and Sandra Walter.

IQ KK - Joy, Reality

Go with the Flow, my high-vibe friends!  My grandest wish for you all is that you choose to cross that now-completed Rainbow Bridge to your own glorious future, and make your fondest dreams come true.  May all your greatest joys be fully realized!!

Atlantean-Classic Monument on island in space w ship

In La ‘Kesh, Namaste, and Pura Vida!!


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Love Session Image for posting

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South Africa Chillout image on YT

Revelations: Coming To Terms With Our Past – and Healing Our Present

Note:  This is one of my longer posts, with several links and references.  I understand that it is also not one of my most ‘warm and fuzzy’ posts, either, and I do not expect many ‘likes’.  No matter.  I feel that at this pivotal juncture in our collective history, it is ESSENTIAL that these issues be discussed openly and honestly, with the sacred goal of collective healing serving as our guiding motivation.  I apologize ahead of time for anyone that may feel ‘uncomfortable’ with this material.  But, alas, as one of our modern luminaries has mentioned, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” (Neale Donald Walsh).

Change Ahead - sign We now live in what have been termed the Change Times.  This can no longer be debated, not by anyone with even a modicum of knowledge of what’s been going in our recent past:  Weather records broken over and over again all over the planet, frequent massive earthquakes, erupting volcanoes; governments being ‘replaced’ left and right; the mass spiritual awakening that has built up an inexorable momentum, which made yoga and meditation almost mainstream after these ancient practices had been ridiculed and ‘cultified’ for so long; the rediscovery of medicinal plants, natural healing, and energetic healing modalities; the exposure of the ‘banksters’ and the nefarious agendas of the Ruling Elite; and the stunning pace of advancement of technology in every field.  It’s clear that our global village, our human society, is changing so fast and so radically in such a short span of time that the reality we live in even six months from now is pretty hard to imagine, let alone predict.  One thing is now certain, though:  As long as fear is not allowed to rule our collective heart and mind again, it’s gonna be fantastic!


This past Monday, however, we were all made acutely aware of the ‘giant pink elephant in the living room’.  As a society, before we can move onwards and upwards with a fully clear collective consciousness, we must first come to terms with our dissolving, oft-unpleasant past – and our still-disturbing present.  If we don’t, we’ll simply be drawn back – individually and possibly collectively – into the lower dimensional realms that we are just now moving out of.  Personally, I have no desire whatsoever to go back to those dark, relatively loveless times again.  Do you?  Let’s just all pause for a minute or two in our dizzying race into the future, allow the truth of our collective past to come fully up to the surface to be healed, and just deal with it.  THEN, and only then, can we move cleanly and joyfully and guiltlessly into our ineffably beauteous and ecstatic Golden Age.

Regarding our looking back into our past to see how history really played out in our world, there are myriad avenues and sources for you to do just that on the internet.  For example, the treatise on Financial Tyranny by David Wilcock ( would be a good place to start for those who are not yet apprised of how we got here in the first place, and/or want ‘hard, documented facts’ to back up the ‘theories’ of how this planet has been run as a prison/energy plantation for millennia.  Also, the stunningly brilliant documentary THRIVE (which you can see for free here on YouTube) would also be a wonderful primer on these topics, a beautifully presented, engaging, and entertaining place to start.

THRIVE title

Another way of looking at the situation is to consider what one is missing or even denying oneself by refusing to look openly and honestly at ‘the way things really are’.  I’ll allow Neale Donald Walsh, in the classic work Conversations With God (Book 3), to elucidate this aspect (from pp.262-263):

‘. . . This is how a person can be ‘’separate from his own truth’’:  by looking truth in the eye so squarely he can’t miss it – and then denying what he sees. . . . . .  As with so much else in life – from depletion of your planet’s natural resources to the abuse of children in so many of your homes – you see it, but you don’t believe it. . . . . The master knows that denial is for those who are choosing to have the illusion continue.  Acceptance is for those who choose now for the illusion to end.’

With this perspective in mind, I offer you a few videos, articles and comments about the recent bombings in Boston, ones that shall most likely not be broadcast on CNN or BBC anytime soon – or maybe ever:

Censored evidence of prior government knowledge of the Boston bomb threat can be seen by clicking here: ‘Just an exercise’

This article is quite interesting, too.  It mentions the bomb-sniffing dogs if you read down towards the end of the story – which corroborates the first story (above) where the eye witness tells the reporters about the bomb-sniffing dogs being there at the START of the race.  The part about ‘the loudspeakers telling people to stay calm’ just before the bombs go off is very, very interesting indeed. . . . .

There are many, many more documented facts surrounding the Boston bombings that indicate how clearly this event was ‘allowed to happen’.  I mean after BILLIONS of dollars poured into ‘national security’, thousands of video cameras installed watching every movement on the streets, and thousands of police officers and FBI and DHS agents patrolling every square foot of the marathon route . . . . . How in God’s name can a person wearing multiple backpacks (up to 4, with only two bombs detonating), dropping them into trash cans and in front of huge crowds and then walking away, NOT be noticed???  Funny how nothing can be hidden from open eyes anymore. . . . . unless those eyes are intentionally closed, of course.

Additional proof of foreknowledge by ‘somebody’ is demonstrated by the fact that TWO FB pages were created before the explosions on Monday!

Title of Saturday’s creation:  ‘Thoughts go out to all involved in the Boston Explosions’!!!

Title of Monday morning’s creation:  ‘Our thoughts and prayers go out to all involved in the Boston bombings’ !!!

See them here, in the two very short videos with the screen shots of the pages – with posted comments on the pages about the pages’ creation long before the event itself.  I wonder if FB has given the names of the pages’ creators to the FBI or DHS???  Whoever created and posted those FB pages are directly involved, or at least personally know those who are.  How else could they know about the bombings ahead of time, eh?  Simple logic, people, nothing difficult or complicated.  Hiding behind flat-out irrational denial is no longer an option, especially now after another huge and even more deadly and destructive bomb went off in Texas (yeah, I know, they say it was an ‘accident’. . . . .).  If you’ve made it this far in my blog post (lol ;-)), you might be able to make it through the rest of Geoffrey West’s article for a possible explanation for the ‘distraction event’ in Boston.  It appears very logical to me.  Did you know that the general abundance program passed by Congress a couple of decades ago (and immediately shelved and suppressed) known as NESARA was going to be announced to the public by high-ranking government officials (now deceased of course) at 10am Monday morning in the lobby of the World Trade Center?  Yeah, you know the infamous date. . . . . .

The following video, published on YouTube in 2011, discusses the basic motives for so-called ‘false flag’ operations throughout history (and gives many now-confirmed/officially admitted examples):  James Corbett – When False Flags Dont Fly Anymore PEOPLE ARE LEARNING THE TRUTH

I'M FREE -- Statement of Sovereignty as image

True. lasting freedom is not possible for those who refuse to look at their past, individually and collectively, and then accept even the most hideous aspects of it.  Healing can only be accomplished after ALL the truth has been exposed and processed, you see.  No exposure, no acceptance, no processing = no healing.  And therefore no moving on.  Just like when one gets a nasty cut falling into a wood pile, the first thing to do is to clean the dirt off the surface of the cut to see the wound clearlyThen one needs to examine the wound carefully for possible hidden damages.  Then, and only then, can one proceed to treat it correctly, so that it will heal without getting infected, and never need to be reopened (or worse, killing you via a systemic infection).  Coming from a family of health care practitioners, that makes a lot of sense to me.  Doesn’t it to you?

May you all accept and process your own past and present truths, and that of our shared collective, as quickly and painlessly as possible.  I end with an excerpt from an author and fellow Lightwarrior who I admire greatly for her love of humanity and all Life, her profound and compassionate expressions, and the raw courage she displays to publish her deepest insights into our human condition.  You can read the entire post – published the same day I wrote the bulk of this blog post, but after I wrote most of the above, including even the ‘pink elephant’ metaphor!  (The synchronicities just keep on comin’!) – at

‘Love does not mean inaction.  It does not mean allowance as in submission.  Love means a direct understanding of the truth in all beings – an acknowledgement of the sacred in life.  It means responsibility.  Love demands an examination of all thought, word and deed.  You cannot partially serve Truth.  Truth demands Absolute Awareness.

The Beginning Is HERE

FOOD FOR THOUGHT (& ACTION) — Tinderboxes, Avalanches, & Pressure Cookers

Our Current Situation

The Global Elite, in one form or another, have been ruling our planet for eons. They have grown in both power and hubris over the last few centuries, ruling over us in their minds by ‘divine right’ and, according to some reports from those intimately familiar with their perspective, they even possess the unshakeable belief that they are ‘genetically superior’ to the ‘ignorant rabble’, and were always destined to be the masters of us ‘useless eaters’. Since they have been bred and raised within that system of belief, and their personal experiences up until very, very recently have done nothing but reinforce these appalling sentiments, I believe it is folly to attempt to resolve the situation – peacefully or otherwise — without taking these facts into primary consideration.

The only language that this relatively small group of people has ever learned to speak – and been indoctrinated and trained into respecting above all other forms of ‘communication’ — is the language of raw physical power. Even their fascination with occult rituals and such 4th-dimensional exercises, as well as their intense training in subtle forms of non-physical communication, manipulation, and mass psychology, has had as its sole purpose the acquisition and consolidation of more influence and control over our third-dimensional world.

We as a planet stand at a crossroads. There is no more time for silly games, nor for delays, and even less for denying the true nature of our dire situation. Pollyanna attitudes will lose the day, and summarily derail our valiant march towards the oft-promised Golden Age. We need to take off our rose-colored glasses, see things as they truly ARE, and deal with them assertively and, yes, forcefully if necessary – whether we ‘like’ it or not. Remember the ancient adage; God helps those who help themselves. Have not our galactic brethren been saying as much for what feels like years now?

The Dangers of Denial, Wishful Thinking, and Physical Inaction

The enormous pressures of our oppression over the last few centuries, and especially the last few decades, have dammed up the human psyche. The sheer volume of repressed anger, angst, and even rage have grown to explosive levels, to put it mildly. The box by the fireplace is now wide open, dry as an old bones in the desert sun, and the accumulated tinder is spilling out all over the place. As we have seen in the Middle East, even the tiniest spark — just one single person making a dramatic statement of final rebellion on behalf of his fellows against The System (the young martyr in Tunisia) — can literally explode upon the world without reason or temperance, resulting in bloody death and destruction on a mass scale. This scenario — an amorphous, undirected, disorganized flash flood of deeply-repressed violent emotion unleashed both from and upon hordes of innocent people – should not be allowed to happen again. Unchecked conflagrations like that only serve the agenda of the Dark Ones, as they provide for them a perfect excuse to come in with heavy armaments to ‘keep the peace’, and push us even deeper into abject slavery.

To look at it another way . . . . . I have never myself lived above the snow line in mountainous areas, but have visited often and read a bit about that lifestyle. I was fascinated to find out how often very dangerous, even fatal, situations are created when lots of snow falls in a relatively brief stretch of time, and enormous weight is placed on cliff edges and such on the sides of large mountains. So what do the local folk living in the towns below and beside these dangerous mountains do in order to avoid the looming disaster of massive avalanches, some of which have wiped out entire villages in less time than it takes to put on a pair of snowshoes? They place powerful explosives in very specific, well-thought-out places on certain sensitive pressure points within the deep snow banks and accumulations. Then they set them off. This ‘strategy’ in the face of imminent threat saves literally thousands of lives each year – using intelligent, well-calculated and minimally-destructive, disciplined ‘violence’ to avoid utter devastation and massive loss of life.

My mom used to cook beans with a pressure cooker. As a kid, I always tripped out on both its design and function, and the underlying concept behind it. The most amazing thing is to see how such enormous pressure can be controlled and utilized in a very productive way – but can also get quickly out of hand if that same pressure is not released bit by bit, like if the valve gets stuck. Things can go very, very wrong in an alarmingly short period of time. The result is not pretty.

The Narrow Path of The Middle Way

Yes, it may be true that ‘violence begets violence’. However, most people that sit firmly on the ‘meditate our way to liberation’ side of the fence may be missing fully half of that ancient equation. You see, the Cabal is using direct, brutal, inhuman violence against us every single day – both physical and psychological. No sane person can deny this fact. This has always been their modus operandi. Therefore, the violence that they are ‘begetting’ is precisely our resistance to their attacks. Our counter-strategy of at least some bit of ‘violence’ – or the perception thereof — is actually necessary to balance out their nefarious actions and short-circuit the horrific cycle forever! I agree wholeheartedly that matching physical force with an equal or greater amount of force is not a good idea, no, nor would it be productive in the end, only serving to exacerbate the situation. However, a small, carefully measured amount of decisive and forceful collective physical action – not necessarily violent, you see, only potentially so if ‘they’ decide to fight back (which some undoubtedly will, preferring death to surrender to us ‘dumbed down cannon fodder’ – but relatively few in my opinion) – should resolve the situation once and for all, and facilitate their capitulation. You see, the appearance or illusion of physical strength — the major currency of their trade — can be just as effective as the ‘real thing’. Why not use their own tactics against them??? Besides, there ain’t nothin’ more ‘persuasive’ to a power-mad, twisted mentality such as theirs than a rifle barrel pointed directly at their forehead. Just look at how quickly they agreed to at least sit down and discuss the possibility of surrender (regardless of their true intentions) after our friends started sabotaging their arsenal of WMDs. This proves the fact that the display of physical force – even if never employed — is the ONLY effective strategy available to us at this late date to deal with these intransigent miscreants. Otherwise, they will continue to see us as ‘weak cowards’ who are more concerned with watching soap opera reruns and how many app’s our cell phones have, than our true freedom and the health and futures of our children and planetary life-support systems. I still have difficulty comprehending how people can literally watch silently as they poison our skies with deadly chemtrails, and shut down and even incarcerate simple organic farmers and health food companies just trying to provide a healthier option for the population. The apathy I observe in the face of such vicious assaults just boggles my mind. I side with Patrick Henry (and Drake) on this one for sure.

Anyway, if their incarceration and maiming and killing of humans, animals, and Gaia Herself are allowed to continue any longer, the ONLY viable option that our Earth shall have is total annihilation of our hideously destructive modern civilization. That would mean massive earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes going off in the dozens or hundreds (which is actually already starting to happen), etc., etc. Apocalypse Now. Even our Friends On High have mentioned this as a possibility (not a probability, mind you, but a distinct possibility) countless times – IF we 99.9% don’t get our collective s—t together right quick and cut down the cornered Beast that still thrashes about wildly among us.

Those innocent souls who believed that the majority of the Global Elite would actually willingly surrender, especially under the terms that Cobra and Drake and company laid out on their web sites, were suffering from a potentially fatal lack of understanding of how those people think. Many of us with family and/or friends in such organizations as the military, corporate upper management, large business ownership, elitist business clubs and groups, etc. simply knew that that scenario was never anything more than a fairy tale, a pipe dream, subtly perpetuated by the highly-educated strategists and think tanks of the elite themselves to buy more time to execute their horrific agenda (which they are fervently attempting as you read this with Agenda 21 and the new ‘treaty’ in the Eurozone) – regardless of how sincerely and ardently we prayed and meditated to change that reality. Once you reach a certain point, it is quite impossible to change another person from the outside against their will. This is why the ET/EDs keep emphasizing to us to just send them love and light, and forget any other ‘spiritual strategy’. Regardless, their overtures of peace were never real, never sincere (at least for that majority of them). This is why Cobra mentioned the fact that those who are helping Gaia shake off her life-sucking parasites at this juncture already had back-up plans in place. Naturally! They’ve dealt with the off-planet versions of these warped psyches for eons, and KNOW their basic mentality. Sure, despite the awareness of our oppressors’ duplicitous nature, it is never a bad idea, spiritually speaking, to give your ‘enemy’ every possible chance to redeem themselves, mend their ways, and seek restitution. I agree. However, as Drake and our Galactic Family and many others have clearly expressed, we’ve given way, way more time to them than they have ever given to us (or even considered giving), and THEIR TIME IS UP! We can no longer afford to play the ‘softie’ in this grand game of hardball, the ‘innocent victims’ (which we are decidedly NOT, of course, as part of the collective Whole – see countless other articles and channelings about how those who rule us are only physical reflections of the Dark aspects of us all) — without literally sacrificing the majority of the population of Gaia in the process – humans, animals, and plant life included.

The Resolution, Our Collective Revolution, Is Now At Hand

I ask only this: PLEASE help all those raging souls in the United States and the rest of the world to resolve their personal karmic situations once and for All, release their heavy energetic burdens in a collectively constructive manner, via the purgative ACTION of fighting for their freedom and/or protecting their families and communities against the murderous assaults of the Cabal. If they are blocked from doing this, stymied from releasing that immensely powerful energetic bombshell, both they and we shall have to deal with it in some other, possibly even less harmonious (ie., more violent and destructive) manner. And PLEASE give our counterparts on the ‘other side’ of this spectrum the opportunity to learn their final lessons in duality and move on, instead of forcing them to continually believe in their chosen paths as ‘right’ and ‘proper for the teeming masses’, an outlook that they shall only perpetuate and persecute upon other humans on other worlds if not revealed and disassembled right now. PLEASE stop trying to control other people’s thinking and behavior, regardless of how ‘right’ and ‘honorable’ you believe your chosen path and/or solution to be in your mind. If one limits oneself firmly to a dualistic, ‘right vs. wrong’ system of thought, is not one only perpetuating the current broken and dysfunctional paradigm? Consider allowing those brave souls among us to do what their hearts are telling them is the ‘right’ and ‘honorable’ way out of our very tricky dilemma. The militias and warriors among us cannot be condemned as ‘wrong’ and ‘unbalanced’ simply because they seek a better world than they grew up in for themselves and their loved ones, and know no other way to accomplish their missions that are overwhelmingly based on equally loving and compassionate motives than our more ‘peaceful’ strategies are, now can they?

Time To Move On, Folks . . . .

Please contemplate the above offerings. And please remember what actually may be the most important bit of ‘intel’ of all: Our collective dream in Illusion is ending. The Matrix is being revealed for what it is, and always really was – and broken down forever on this ailing world. It never was truly ‘real’ anyway, you see. This is another aspect of our world that has been hammered home to us via the ascended masters, angels, saints, yogis, modern physicists and goodly ETs throughout history. Once you accept this fact, the fear-based stress of making the ‘wrong decision’ fades quickly into the oblivion from whence it emerged.

Like a grand circus that has overstayed its time in the fields of summer, and must move on and make room for the new plantings in the fall, the impressive Big Top, vender stands glittering with toys and baubles, outrageous rides and challenging games are being quickly dismantled and packed up in their crates — despite the hordes of people still wanting to shoot at moving targets, win stuffed animals, paint their faces with crazy colors, watch feats of skill and daring by acrobats and their trained menagerie, gorge themselves on barbecued meats and cotton candy, and mount scary rides that whirl dizzily in the sky. Let the long-suffering crews do their final work here, as the rains have come and the soft dirt is turning quickly to sticky mud. If you’re one of those die-hard players that simply can’t let go of the ‘fun and games’, even at the cost of your own health or that of your friends and family – or continue to insist that you know ‘best’ how to take down the giant metal structures and collect the trash scattered all over the fairgrounds — I strongly urge you to reconsider your attitude. There’ll be other 3D carnivals, other thrilling rides, other stimulating games to play – just not here. Again, please allow the mechanics and janitors to do their thankless but critical jobs, so that those of us who are ready to leave the playground (for another, even more fun and satisfying one — but with more wholesome and mutually joyful activities) can do so in peace and satisfaction of time well spent, and our long summer of wild adventures can finally come to a close.

Thank you for your time and thoughtful consideration.


Now, as we collectively wake up and become conscious of what we have done, it’s time to own up to our past deeds, roll up our sleeves, and get to work on the Grand Restoration of this beloved planet, our loving and gracious hostess for countless millennia. 

Who out there has the maturity to accept responsibility, the ears to hear the call, and the vision to see what must be done — regardless of ‘cost’?  Now that Humanity’s childhood is ending, our initial ‘schooling’ is over, we need to start behaving like the conscientious and accountable Galactic Citizens that we shall soon become in Reality, no?

First things first:  Let’s put our broken plastic toys away, and clean up this horrible mess.  Oh, and please no melodramatic ‘blame games’!  Our errors and ‘trespasses’ were simply those of ignorant young’uns (with a bit of manipulation and encouragement from some not-so-caring, dark-leaning ‘others’ ), and we don’t usually damn children to hell for their misguided misdeeds, do we?  A little understanding, and a lot of forgiveness – for yourself as well as for the worst ‘perpetrators’ among us – shall go a long, long way towards the necessary Healing, and hasten our collective journey back Home.

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