life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Posts tagged ‘ideas’



CNN Presenter

Distractions abound

Both inside and out

Why is it so trying, so hard

To ignore them, opt out?

Bombings, wars and earthquakes

Financial crises and chemtrails

The MSM news outlets

Work to keep us biting our nails

The Masters of Mass Control

They have their hands on the knobs

The arrogance of centuries

Makes them unapproachable SOBs

But they suffer, too!

In their lack of love, and of joy

Their ‘priorities’ blind them

To what many of us now know and enjoy

But Oh! how trying it is

To turn away from their noise

When most people around us

Believe them, but not their own Inner Voice

Our family and friends, too

Though ‘meaning well’ I admit

Try to rein in our Light

Get us our ‘craziness’ to quit

Our libidinal urges as well

Ever powerful, most basic

Tempt us down egoic paths

Those physical pleasures — so magnetic!

The glamorous social life of the ‘hip’

We’ve been carefully programmed to follow

Makes the need to disconnect from ‘the show’

Somewhat bitter to swallow

You see, we’ve all been deceived

By so many distractions

To prevent our longings for Freedom and Love

From getting translated into real-world actions

Like building communities on mutual respect

Unity Consciousness, compassion and caring

Leaving behind separation, competition and greed

Embracing universal abundance, joy and bliss-sharing

I myself still often struggle

As you may have noticed in my blog

It’s not easy to turn away completely

Pull your mud-caked feet out of the bog

I apologize for those lapses

When I drew attention to the negative crap

I was just trying to help more sleeping Souls awaken

From their rather unpleasant duality nap

But look! The New Earth awaits us!

She’s emerging right now!

Just got to ignore those pesky distractions

From both within and without

We have lots of help in this venture

As True Masters abound

For those just waking up to the trickery of ages

Lots of assistance can be easily found

If we hold fast to the Truth,

Our New Reality, Divinity Rising

The distractors can’t sway us

From manifesting NOW the Golden Age of Gaia

So buckle up, people

The Great Transition has begun

As we leave the distractions behind

. . . . And dive into the FUN!

Monks on Roller Coaster


What most people think of ‘reality’ has clearly been proven, by award-winning, professional, mainstream scientists, to be complete illusion.


Every single physicist, and biologist and medical doctor as well, understands that what we think we see ‘out there’ in the ‘material world’ is, quite simply, a highly-filtered summation of an interpretation of a bewildering stream of electrical signals that come into our brains from the nerve endings in our eyes, our noses, our skin, and our ears.  This is something I learned decades ago in my own university education.  A bit later, I ran across the explosive book The Tao of Physics, a seminal work by the insightful  physicist Fritjof Capra that explains in great detail the similarities between the then-groundbreaking work in modern quantum physics and ancient mystic thought on how our Universe is structured.  So when a person close to me sent me this link the other day (below), a huge smile spread out across my face as I appreciated with joy how those past personal discoveries of mine have been put out even farther into the public domain, where many thousands or millions more can make their own liberating discoveries, and further empower themselves to improve their personal realities, after accepting for themselves how malleable and flexible and shapeable their individual worlds not only can be, but truly ARE.

Isn’t it just beautiful symmetry when the ‘hard-core materialist scientists’ and the ‘airy-fairy ethereal mystics’ completely agree on the fundamental nature of reality???  It is from among THESE erudite luminaries, all acknowledged internationally renowned masters in their respective fields, that I have derived my guidance, my inspiration – and many ‘facts’ – that continue to fuel my ever-deepening understanding of what Life is really about.  This information, though maybe not ‘perfect’ in every single detail, is what should be taught in our educational systems instead of the antique, hopelessly inadequate and inaccurate Newtonian-era science that gets mercilessly pounded into our minds as ‘absolute fact’ (which changes, of course, with each new discovery in physics – so which ‘fact’, from which year and textbook, is the ‘absolute’ one then?).  A proper, more ‘realistic’, more open and more modern curriculum would avoid many, many, many fractious discussions about the true nature of reality that I, unfortunately, have been forced to engage in over the years, defending myself and my ‘crazy ideas’ against what can only be characterized as emotionally-charged ignorance, and even violent denial.  Why do most people feel so deeply threatened when confronted with information that contradicts their delicate, outdated belief systems?

Lennon Quote -- The More Real You Get

But back to the conclusions of the luminaries . . . . .  As one truly great mind put it, ‘Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.’  And from the same mind comes this:  ‘The important thing is not to stop questioning.’  And this:  ‘The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.’ –  Who made these enigmatic statements about ‘reality’ and the most effective and intelligent approaches towards discovering its nature?  Who else but the inimitable genius of Mr. Albert Einstein . . . . .

EINSTEIN, color spectrum, blk bkgrd

I’ll side with him on these ‘touchy’ issues any day.  Period.  Why wouldn’t I?  Why doesn’t everyone? . . . . . .  We may never know the answer to that last question.  No matter (lol).  Regardless, if you happen to run across one of those ‘aggressively ignorant’ types who think they know more about the nature of reality than not only you, but Mr. Einstein, you now have a nice little blurb you can send them – without saying a single word yourself – that may (hopefully) not only set them straight, but also get them to wake up a little bit more to the Grand Illusion that they still so desperately cling to, understand better where you have been ‘coming from’ lately, and maybe even decide to join us ‘airy-fairy types’ in openness and hope and excitement as we transcend, shift and consciously mold our ever-new collective reality, moving rapidly and inexorably towards discovering, finally, what is truly Real.  The more the merrier!

Here are a few more jewels of wisdom from the Einstein treasure trove of enlightened thought, that may open more doors and windows in those stuffy, shut down, horribly stressed minds out there searching desperately for the answer to the simple but pivotal question, ‘What the heck is going on around here?!’:

 There is no logical way to the discovery of these elemental laws. There is only the way of intuition, which is helped by a feeling for the order lying behind the appearance.

 The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.

EINSTEIN - with tongue outWe shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.

We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.

To raise new questions, new possibilities; to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination and marks real advance in science.

There comes a time when the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge but can never prove how it got there.

 Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters.

We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what Nature has revealed to us.

Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.

 The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.

 The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once!EINSTEIN laughing

The high destiny of the individual is to serve rather than to rule.

The process of scientific discovery is, in effect, a continual flight from wonder.

The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.

There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.

True religion is real living; living with all one’s soul, with all one’s goodness and righteousness.

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.

When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking.

When the solution is simple, God is answering.

When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That’s relativity!

EINSTEIN - Knowledge Is Limited


Food For Thought: The Pot IS Boiling!

The ‘temperature’ of our Earthly environment is at ‘full boil’ now.  When a pot of water is boiling, what happens to the molecules of liquid that stubbornly resist their logical transformation into vapor, not only not go with the flow, but deny that there even exists a flow at all?  Why do they not join in the fun, and float effortlessly and peacefully above the roiling maelstrom below, moving happily beyond the pot along with the majority of their fellow water molecules?  What happens to those who continue to claim that ‘nothing major is happening’, cling to the status quo of gravity-restricted pot dwelling, and refuse to allow their natural transmutation into a higher-vibrational state of BE-ing, fighting the process every step of the way?  I don’t know exactly.  Do you?

Water Boiling in glass pot w colored vapor, jpg

Food for thought indeed.  A veritable feast for deep thought, ¿verdad?  Well, as I’ve written in what is now the past, each sovereign individual ‘water molecule’ has the right, actually the responsibility, to choose for itself its own unique path, and its timing as well (until the experience of time actually runs out, of course).  No judgment, no blame, no reason to fret.  All is as it should be, and each shall manifest its personal destiny according to its own unique plan – regardless of how strenuously one hopes and wishes and desires that ALL their fellow water molecules just let go and fulfill their ultimate, unavoidable evolution/transmutation into . . . . . . something more peaceful and fulfilling and pleasurable — and MUCH more exciting!

From JOY I come.  In JOY I live.  To JOY I now surrender all that I do, all that I feel, all that I AM. . . . . .  EnJOY the feast!


Ever hear the phrase, ‘We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual BEings having a human experience’?  Still wonder what that really means?  What IS a so-called ‘human being’ anyway?

Statue w Light, Lotus Woman

Maybe this will help. . . .  Here on Earth/Gaia, we are ‘made up of’ two fundamental aspects:  Spirit (also Soul or Divine Essence, which we share in Oneness with All That Is), and Ego (body/lower mind/personality — our ‘vehicle’ here in the lower material realms).  No body = no ego = no 3D ‘personality’.  In other words, these ‘lower aspects’ form an inextricable complex together so that we can ‘navigate’ through time and space in the lower dimensions.  Without going into detail, I’ll just say that Yes, we do carry over from one life to another to another (in ‘time’ of course, which doesn’t actually exist) the heaviest ‘imprints’ from our 3D experiences, the deepest psycho-emotional traumas and ecstasies.  Some people call them ‘lessons’ as well, which we can then retain on a Soul level as a ‘knowing’.  But those deep impressions, or ‘issues’, are ephemeral, and are now being ‘resolved’ (or not) as the process we are immersed in races on at breakneck speed through a collapsing space-time bottleneck.  Regardless, they are not part of our Eternal Divine Aspect.  So much for keeping it simple, lol . . . . .

Sooooo . . . . . .  Which aspect of being ‘human’ do you claim as your Primary Identity???  Spirit or Matter?  Love and Unity Consciousness — OR the transient illusions of the material world and its strictly time-and-space-dependent Separation Consciousness?  It makes ALL the difference, you see, in every single aspect of life.  No exceptions.  Why?  Because, based on which part of your human be-ing you identify with, you determine which aspect you are going to ‘work for’ and ‘cater to’ in your day to day life – the physical, separate ego-self; or the grander, eternal, All-inclusive Higher Self.  Pretty simple, no?

Golden Energetic Meditating Humanoid WOW

I hope this helped shed some Light on this very sensitive, confusing subject.  BE well!  Oh, and when in doubt about what to do, or how to be,  I give you the most successful tool I learned to utilize in my life (though not the easiest to use, no way):  Follow your bliss. . . . .


To offer Love, and to share Love truly, is the most generous and enlightened form of self-interest in which you can engage.  Don’t hesitate.  Do it!’  —  Saul, via John Smallman  (Read the full article here )

Meditation - humanoid on giant lotus, radiant light, fractals, spaceANGEL flying, multicolored impressionistic dynamic

Just Be LOVE . . . .

Ah, the deep, fundamental, pivotal questions we are grappling with these days. . . . .  What do we ‘do’ now, given that the Big Shift at the end of last year did not immediately ‘save’ us from the Cabal/Illuminati/Controllers, and our space brethren didn’t whisk us away on fancy lightships to our Galactic family reunions in 5D?  Should we demonstrate and rally in the streets, or just meditate and visualize ourselves into freedom?  Do we only work on and in our Inner World, or also act assertively in the ‘outer world’ as well in order to break the chains that bind us in Illusion and economic slavery?  What to do, what not to do. . . .. To be or not to be. . . .

Well, I personally am going to do my best – ie., put forth my best effort, re-Mind myself as often as possible, etc. — to stick to the simplest and highest vibrational mantra I’ve ever run across, one that sooooo many have mentioned over the last century in myriad forms:  All we need is Love!

All You Need Is Love

‘But wait a sec, Waverider, I agree wholeheartedly’, you say.  ‘But what do we then DO with our lives???’  Well. . . . just BE that.  BE Love!  It IS What We Are at our Core, is It not?  Holographic Sparks of Divinity with only a small part of our Infinite Consciousness immersed in the illusion of separation and duality . . . . . right?


So how does this concept translate into ‘action’, you ask?  Well, according to what I’ve found in my research, here is my best answer:  In every hour of every day, strive as best you can (and this IS very challenging, I admit), when making decisions about things in the course of your daily life, to answer this very fundamental question:  ‘What would Love do?’  I mean, can it get any simpler than that???

For a very different, much more assertive, but not totally unrelated perspective, this short video conveys the idea in a more socially impactful manner:

Love as ‘The Silver Bullet’

Best of fortune with whatever you decide works best for YOU, my fellow ascending humans!



Things Learned The Hard Way

I read this humorous and provocative list today, and just couldn’t help posting it on my blog for a slight change of pace.  I hope it gives you a good laugh, lightens up your day a bit, and also provides you with some ‘food for thought’ (an option for that at least).  EnJOY!!!  (Note:  I have shortened the list a little, leaving out a couple of the more serious, not-so-funny admonitions). 

Things Learned The Hard Way

From a weekly newsletter published by

 1. Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

2. If you had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved, and never will achieve, its full potential, that word would be “meetings.”

3. People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.

4. You should not confuse your career with your life.

5. Nobody cares if you can’t dance well. Just get up and dance!

6. Never lick a steak knife.

7. The most destructive force in the universe is gossip.

8. You will never find anybody who can give you a clear and compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time.

9. You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests that you think she’s pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.

10. There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age eleven.

11. The one thing that unites all human beings, regardless of age, gender, religion, economic status or ethnic background, is that, deep down inside, we ALL believe that we are above-average drivers.

12. A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person.

13. Your real friends love you anyway.



I’ve been reading a lot lately about how much trouble people are having with their incessant mind-chatter.  It is proving extremely difficult for many of you to stem the constant flow of ‘noise’ that your ego-mind seems to love to generate, keeping you distracted with superficial material concerns and interpersonal dramas, while keeping your attention away from the really important things in life.  Since I was able to stop my own mind-chatter – consciously and completely – many years ago, maybe I can be of some assistance here by sharing my most effective technique with you (mentioned in one of my previous posts back in December, here).

It’s really, really, really simple.  And btw, the original statement actually comes from the Christian Bible, so not even the most conservative among you should have any ‘issues’ with it (though your fear-ridden ego may try to convince you otherwise).  This is what you do:  When the ridiculous chatter has you batty, just make this statement in your head, using as assertive and confident a tone as you can muster . . . .


That’s it. That’s all you need to do.  In the beginning, you will probably need to repeat this ‘mantra’ several times before it becomes effective.  With time, however, it will succeed in stopping that annoying little voice in your head immediately with the first firm utterance.  Eventually, you’ll find (like I did) that just having the thought of making the statement, or the desire to quiet your mind, will be enough to make it so.  The verbal statement becomes completely internalized and ‘assumed’, you see, and therefore unnecessary.

You can also ‘customize’ this statement for specific situations or purposes.  Try replacing the word ‘Love’ with one of the following, depending on your desired effect or result:   Spirit . . . Joy . . . Worthy . . . Fun . . . Light . . . Confident . . . . Safe . . . . Happy . . . . Good.  Follow your Inner Guidance, and play with it!  Whatever works best, right?

FYI, the original statement (from the Bible, remember) uses the word ‘God’ — which is what I myself used, and very successfully so, for this amazingly effective technique (before my ‘customizing’ began that is).  I understand, however, that many people out there may take serious issue with this Truth, and so will not even try it out.  This is why I have presented it in this manner.  Hopefully you can quickly arrive at the place of Self-knowledge and Self-esteem to be able to utilize this miraculous tool in its original form.

Lastly, don’t be shy about using this mantra, or a modified variation thereof, for the purpose of initiating deep meditation.  It works great!  Again, one of its most appealing qualities IS its flexibility/adaptability.  Above all, though, just do it, and reap the powerful, amazing, and perpetual accumulative benefits!

P.S. – I’d love to get your feedback on this.  Please let me know how things go (let us know really, with the other blog readers included of course), and feel free to post in the comments section below any expansions or helpful hints you may discover/create, plus any positive experiences you may want to share that may help or encourage others.  Thanks!  Also, please feel free to re-post and/or forward this to whomever you think might derive some benefit.  In these crazy times, we all need to band together in true community spirit, and help each other out in any way we can!


I know that a lot has been written on this particular topic of late. However, I think that maybe my personal perspective, and experience, might reveal a slightly different aspect of the issue, illuminate a heretofore unseen angle, and help some of you who have not yet quite grasped how significant, and critical, this pivotal shift in SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) really IS right now for all of us to make – given the assumed goal of maximum spiritual evolution and expansion and growth, of course.

In these ‘change times’, at the cusp of the massive paradigm shift that is now taking place in our world, things can get quite confusing. Most of us, because of our ‘conditioning’ to not just go with the flow and feel our way through events, strive in vain with our mental faculties to make some kind of logical sense out what is happening both around us and within us. For the most part, however, it’s an exercise in futility. Why??? Because our ‘logic’ is based primarily on a linear, cause-and-effect, conservative, fear-based, and woefully misinformed perspective.

I was born an intellectual. It’s just the way I came into this world (a triple Virgo no less) — and pretty much still am, though in a more organic, holistic sense. Anyway, I suffered a bit in my youth because of the somewhat more detached and ‘lofty’ intellectual perspective I came in with, getting quickly labeled in high school and earning a couple of nicknames. Fortunately for me, however, I had started surfing at a tender young age, and so had already learned many things about life — and attitude and knowledge and the relative ‘value’ of the intellect – by the time I reached those challenging times. Thank the Universe for that!

Here’s the thing. . . . . . As all athletes know, trying to use your cerebral mind or normal thought processes (logic, rationalization, weighing pros and cons, etc.) while one is actually engaged in intense activity is basically useless – and can even be downright dangerous in some sports, like surfing big waves or shooting rapids in a kayak or sparring in martial arts, where split-second decisions must be made and executed way, way too quickly for any mental processes to even be called upon, let alone utilized. It’s ALL about so-called ‘instinct’ or ‘second nature’ or ‘feel’, something that can only be developed with hands-on practice and experience, while applying the intellectual information and concepts one has learned in a non-critical environment before one actually does the thing. For those non-athletes out there who may not be able to viscerally relate to the above, just imagine trying to manage a passionate session of love-making with your intellectual mind. Enough said.

According to all that I’ve read over the years, AND also as a conclusion based on my extensive experience in all kinds of radical physical and social and economic situations over the decades, it appears that the most intelligent and successful manner in which to navigate these ‘interesting times’ is to practice something that, at first glance, appears to be somewhat of an oxymoron: THINK WITH YOUR HEART. (Helpful Note: There is a great .net web site by that name!).

Intuition, non-physical/energetic awareness, and feelings now appear to be the most efficient and effective ‘tools’ of information gathering and discernment. Your HEART is where these aspects emanate from, energetically at least (our middle main chakra point, Center of Love and Intuition, with its own scientifically confirmed ‘brain-like’ nervous system no less). So, personally, my greatest transition in this area over the last 20 years or so has been learning to rely primarily on my heart for guidance, forging a direct connection to the infinite pool of information of the Sentient Cosmos, in order to better make my way through this pivotal epoch in human history on Terra. The intellect, or mind, is still a very important and even critical instrument for making our way in 3D life, of course! However, it has now been placed in its natural secondary position in the hierarchy of my personal 3D-navigation toolbox. Once all the intel is collected from the non-physical sources, then I employ my mind, put the ‘higher logic’ of my obedient intellect to work, to sort it all out in this transitioning matrix and make both the most supra-logical AND best-feeling decision possible.

A few weeks ago, I wrote the following to a relative of mine (excerpted and edited for clarity here), responding to his penchant for recommending various books to me despite the fact that I’ve stopped reading them. I began taking a quite different approach to ‘information gathering’ last year, one which has proved very effective (for me at least):

‘Whatever I need to know is provided to me instantly when necessary for me to ‘understand’ the experience I am having, or have just passed through (or that another person has experienced that is related to something I have also, or need to help them with in some way). But the means of transferring the information is never via the language that you and I use. This is why I stopped reading books. For the time being at least, I have no need or use for that type of ‘knowledge’ (which really isn’t true knowledge anyway, right?). Some things are interesting and entertaining, and so I read some material in books that I am guided to from time to time, but only in excerpts.

‘The primary purpose of intellectual ‘understanding’ is to reduce or eliminate fear. If a being is utilizing the lower mind as its primary mechanism to operate within a given reality, then a mental comprehension is necessary for that being to avoid a fear reaction to events or circumstances that are ‘beyond’ their experience or previous understanding of reality. On the other hand, if a being is no longer utilizing their lower mind as the primary ‘tool’ for navigating reality, then ‘studying’ various aspects of the reality they find themselves in so that they can manipulate it more easily, is unnecessary.

‘‘PUL’ (Pure Unconditional Love) is only achieved when one releases the 3D intellect completely, and FEELS ones way through Reality. I’ve been doing that for a while now. As long as one relies on the mind for guidance, one shall remain unsure and confused in the most important situations. Think of martial arts, and you’ll grasp my point here . . . . You need not ‘understand’ ascension in order to achieve it, you see. You must, however, lose your mind in order to do so. That is definitely a non-negotiable prerequisite.

‘That’s just the way it is, and the way it must be. That’s why none of the cabal or their followers can enter the Gates of Heaven, you see (without changing radically, of course). They all live through their minds, not their hearts. It’s THAT simple. PUL is 100% Heart, 0% head/mind/intellect.’

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

So let’s all put our Hearts in the driver’s seat, and race joyfully into the New Earth we are rapidly co-creating together! What’d’ya say???


Around the time I was in university, taking a class called Ancient Myths And Modern Meaning, I read an old adage:  ‘In order to scale to great heights, you must first plumb the depths.’  Something like that.  I feel it might be related to that other saying about the consciousness-expanding process, ‘You gotta go through hell in order to get to Heaven!’.

In ’06 I made my only visit to New York City.  (I wanted to see it ‘while it was still there’ – modern Rome at its infamous zenith – as I was still a bit of a ‘doom-and-gloomer’ back then).  I was walking down to the waterfront in lower Manhattan, not far from the felled towers, and had to skirt around a massive construction site.  The construction was only in its first or second phase – a full square block hole in the ground (remember, I’m in MANHATTAN!), at least 60 feet deep, maybe much more.  There were giant machines and hundreds of workers all over the place looking like so many oversized ants from my ‘heights’ above on the street level.  I was reminded of something I’d read about construction techniques years earlier.  It had said that, when building skyscrapers, most of the critical and delicate and time-consuming work was done in the beginning, when they actually excavated downwards into the Earth in order to build the foundation for the shooting towers of concrete and steel.  It said that almost the same amount of time was spent below the surface, laying the foundation, than was spent above the street level, to construct the actual skyscraper.  Wow.

Now, to put it into perspective:  To build a thousand-foot skyscraper, they spend the first HALF of their time and effort going down 60-100 feet!  (approximately – I’m no engineer, so please don’t hold me precisely to this).  Fascinating.

‘OK, Waverider, wonderful little tidbit for my next game of Trivial Pursuit —  but so what?  What has that got to do with the price of tea in China?’ you might ask (that’s an old saying my mom used on us a lot growing up).  Well, everything, really.  No, not the specific mechanisms whereby the fair-market retail costs of certain dry herbs are determined in the Far East maybe.  But it speaks to what we ALL go through when we engage the challenging process of self-actualization.

We are at the cusp of an historic shift in our realities.  This Grand Paradigm Shift of the Ages is not simply historic in the ‘four score and seven years ago’ sense, but in the ‘. . .and God created Man in His image and likeness’ sense.  For those who have not begun this process yet, or have tried to begin but seem to keep getting stuck – reaching a certain point and hitting wall after wall after wall – I’d like to express this thought:  IT’S TIME TO GET MOVING, FOLKS!  If you truly want to build yourself (and your Self) a ‘skyscraper’ of self-esteem, self-confidence, integrity, peace, love, joy, and fun – in other words, a life of deep satisfaction and fulfillment and dreams-come-true – then NOW is the time to do it.

In regards to the above metaphor, both my deep research and intense experience in this area point to its veracity:  One must delve deeply into one’s murky subconscious depths of beingness (childhood upbringing, adolescent trauma, pivotal emotional events of early adulthood, unhealed/unforgiven ‘injuries’, hidden roots of a low self-image, etc.), dig up any and all the suppressed, obscure ‘dross’ that has been weighing you down like anchors on a speedboat, and heal that stuff once and for all, in whatever way(s) your personal philosophy can handle:  Offer it up to the Light (or an Archangel, Ascended Master, Guide, Love, Divinity, Christ, etc.); talk to a therapist; do energy work; sign up for a cleansing/purging program; go to group therapy sessions; and/or (one of the most effective tools in my personal experience) practice deep meditation (assisted and/or solo).

Build your skyscraper.  Now.  Please.   With determination, with vigor, and with joy.  There is really, truly nothing better you can do at this moment of history for yourself, your loved ones, our beloved planet, and for ALL.  Dream big, dream wide, dream tall, and then go out – and especially IN – and make it happen!



I was reading an article the other day, part of a daily collection of interesting and very current offerings put together and e-mailed out by The 2012 Scenario.  It was called The Unknown Lightworker – The Lightwarrior.  The title intrigued me, so I read it.  I’m glad I did, as it spelled something out for me that I could never quite put my finger on, something about myself, and the way I express things to others that I feel are very important for them to understand (for all of us to understand, of course, including myself – and apply in our daily lives as much as possible).  This is especially relevant now, in these exceptionally uncertain and chaotic times.

Here are the most germane excerpts:

* * * * * * * * *

‘Everyone in the new age/spiritual scene is familiar with what a lightworker is….

Lightworkers…. Those who soothe the soul, inspire the masses, heal the mind and/or body, and teach seekers the ways of truth and light. Lightworkers do their functions both in public and private, and are those beautiful souls that are sought when there is another in need. Their methods are mostly gentle, nurturing, encouraging, empowering, or enabling in nature. The lightworker sees the beauty in all things, all the time.

What is unknown though, until now, is the “hidden” lightworker that you may have seen from time to time. . . . . Seeming cold, logical, and often times seeming negative, they are often misunderstood and disliked among the lightworker community.

Lightwarriors… Those who make known all sides of any given issue or topic. Those who defend and fight for light and truth, either in the earth or astral realms. Those who restore, fight for, and keep balance in all things. Lightwarriors can and often do those things that lightworkers do as well, but most often in a closed and one-on-one setting, and methods used may differ than those of most light workers. The lightwarrior methods may include the diplomatic but direct approach, bluntly honest in nature, but offering encouragement and support where needed and warranted. The lightwarrior approach may range from gentle and nurturing to a more intense, empowering “tough love” approach. Lightwarriors are aware of both sides of the coin, and defends the light by making all sides of an issue known, no matter how unpleasant or controversial.

The lightwarrior respects all paths and beliefs, but is quick to jump to the forefront of things if there is something important to be said. Often times the message the lightwarrior brings is against the grain, against the fabric of what most lightworkers believe or hold.

Lightwarriors tend to be intense, often appearing to lack love and compassion, and speak from the viewpoint of blatant honesty, no matter how blunt or controversial.

The Defender of Truth… This is the type of lightwarrior that tends to draw the most fire. The defender of truth knows that truth itself is highly subjective, each having its own meaning to those experiencing it. What is truth for one person might not be truth to another. The highly subjective nature of truth, and the infinite ideas that truth represents, provide a unique challenge to the lightwarrior. The lightwarrior speaks ideas to the masses whenever he/she sees an area of concern that needs to be addressed.

The lightwarrior knows that not all lightworkers have the same level of discernment, and is aware that with the subjective nature of truth, his/her ideas may not resonate with all, and is therefore left open to attack by those of whom his/her words may not resonate. The defender of truth’s style of speaking may vary from lightwarrior to lightwarrior, but often times it is the bold and upfront approach taken by some that tend to inspire one group of lightworkers, while drawing reproach from others. Many times those in support of the lightwarrior will voice their words in private, while those against the lightwarrior will voice their opinions publicly. This tends to give the appearance that the lightwarrior is speaking to an empty room, and sometimes leaves their credibility in question.  This is a risk the lightwarrior is aware of, and is willing to take in the name of the Greater Good for ALL.

Sometimes, there are some perfectly balanced lightworkers who are a perfect balance between the lightworker and lightwarrior, carrying within them traits of both.’

* * * * * * * * *

This last characterization/description is what I strive to BE, incorporating the love and empathy and upbeat attitude of the typical Lightworker, with the distinctly less ‘warm and fuzzy’, more ‘just deal with it’ style of the Lightwarrior – which is what I most definitely AM still best defined as (for now).  Some of those descriptive words and phrases up there in that article have been used to describe me!  (Which is why I highlighted them.).  It’s not always pleasant, believe me, especially if it’s someone you really love and care for.  Both I and my ideas get attacked constantly, more often the former – it’s a lot easier for many less educated/researched/experienced, emotional-driven people to simply attack the messenger than to have a civil, orderly discussion of the concepts it seems.  You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink — especially if it’s trying to kick you in the head!  Sometimes trying to help people can be downright dangerous . . . . .

Anyway, I may not like the impressions that people get of me sometimes about the stuff I write, and/or my particular style, but I can’t argue with them either.  I admit I can be ‘blunt’, ‘insensitive’, ‘pushy’, ‘direct’, ‘undiplomatic’, or even ‘asinine’ on occasion with the direct manner in which I present information.  But I can take it, you see.  It used to get to me, but no longer.  I feel, to the very core of my Being, that it is very, very important that people open their minds to a greater understanding of things in our Universe – NOW.  I don’t claim to know all the answers, no way.  But the things I DO ‘know’ have been vetted, proven, demonstrated, and ‘tried by fire’ enough times in my personal direct experience that it would take a professor of many disciplines, AND a veteran of many extreme experiences, to even begin to be able to successfully dissuade me from my conclusions.  It’s happened, of course, enough to let me know that I definitely do NOT have ‘all the answers’.  But not often, and not lately.  Thank the Multiverse I do NOT debate subjects, or even write about those, with which I do not have years of learning and direct experience with.  There is a LOT of stuff that I simply don’t know much about at all – but, unlike many, I have a strong enough self-esteem to readily admit that.

Anyway, I really appreciate this article because it makes clear, as I believe only ‘one of us’ can, that our intentions as ‘Lightwarriors’ are just as ‘pure’ as any other Lightworker’s (if not more than some of them), AND that our deepest motivation comes not from any feelings of ‘arrogance’, or attempts at forceful compliance with our ‘version’ of the very subjective lower realities (yikes!), but from a really, really, really powerful desire to get the information/message through – and/or prevent somebody, or a group of people, from making a tragic, pivotal mistake in their thought process, logic, analysis, or perceptionsThe term ‘tough love’ is precisely accurate.  Whatever works, right?  There just isn’t any time left to mess around.

For future reference, please keep in mind the following advice from the author when dealing with me, and other Lightwarriors out there.  I’d really appreciate it a LOT! . . . .

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‘So the next time you find yourself in a confrontation in someone with a differing opinion, whether it is in a forum, a chatroom, or in a real life situation, take a minute to think before speaking. Is this person worthy of your attack? Their idea may not resonate with yours, or they may be a bit too blunt or arrogant for your taste. Take a minute to absorb what this person says, as sometimes they carry a warning that could save you time and trouble down the line.  Lightwarriors have no less love than lightworkers, they just express it in different ways. Keep this in mind before you pass judgment.’

(you can find the entire article published here Article kindly provided by Mai’ani San’Tarai Onara, c. 2007-2011)

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