life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Posts tagged ‘Boston’


Sun near horizon behind palms, radiant

The New Dawn IS now rising up above the horizon, my fellow awakening humans!  And the floodgates of both Heavenly Inspiration — and also hidden and suppressed information — have finally opened wide. This latter aspect is long overdue, as the masses finally get informed about how our world has really been run.  However, the tendency of most, when they discover the lies and deceptions and obfuscations and manipulations and blatant crimes of those who had been ‘running’ us hard and mercilessly for centuries (or longer) — and intentionally hiding and distorting the truth of our origins and situation — is to give in to anger, resentment, and other ugly ‘negative’ emotions.  Well . . . . as I may have mentioned a couple of times on this blog in the past, it IS healthy to allow oneself to feel and accept and own those lower-vibrational sentiments.  It’s necessary really, at least initially.  But then one must summon the courage (and control the ego enough) to forgive those perceived trespasses (and yourself of course), and RELEASE those sentiments and those they are directed at.  Just let them go — and move on!  What it is now definitely too late for is for people to dwell on those feelings for any length of time, you see, and stay stuck in the past.  That ‘phase’ has now passed as the New Earth is becoming visible over the horizon for those with eyes to see, and an open heart to feel.  I hope you join us in celebrating this monumental Cosmic Event, engaging the changes with a positive, hopeful and above all supportive attitude.

Sunrise image w Boston quote 2

So don’t look back!!!  A New Day is dawning, and in order to participate in the unfolding of this Grand Liberation from the dying Old World and its disharmonious paradigms (and Controllers), one must leave all that behind.  Forever.  Giving it (and those who fight tooth and nail now for its survival) any more attention than it’s already gotten is literally throwing your own Energies into a black hole, one that actually extends their existence in this world — and their power to continue doing harm to both us and Gaia.  Again, just let it, and them, go away already!  It’s time for the absolute final ‘curtain call‘, and their roles have been well-acted — but are now being retired in this world.  So let the dead bury the dead, and let’s give ALL our attention to the emerging New Earth with its sweet buds of Universal Abundance, and move on to greener pastures.  Energy flows where your attention goes . . . .

Boston video image - no more time left to criticize

As my final gift to help you all get into the New Groove, I offer you here the music and lyrics to one of my very favorite 80’s rock tunes, a song that deeply inspired me for many years, and one that I loved to sing (and feel) along with as I ran around the San Francisco Bay Area in my car as an ambitious young marketing guy in new business development.  It got me going, and also kept me going during some very challenging times.  I hope it helps inspire YOU now.  Embrace our radiant future, and enter into the New Golden Age that we have all prayed and hoped for all these challenging years and decades!  Or not . . . .  Of course, as always, it is completely YOUR sovereign choice.  Choose wisely, choose well — and I sincerely hope you choose a more joyful, abundant, creative, dynamic, and collectively uplifting life.  I sure have, BIG TIME!!!  (Remember that 80’s tune?  Another inspiring one, though not quite in the same way 😉 )

 BOSTON, Don't Look Back video title image

DON’T LOOK BACK – by Boston

Don’t look backSunrise image w Boston quote
A new day is breaking
It’s been too long since I felt this way
I don’t mind where I get taken
The road is calling
Today is the day!

I can see
It took so long just to realize
I’m much too strong
Not to compromise
Now I see what I am is holdin’ me down
I’ll turn it around!  Oh, yes I will!

Hey, I finally see the dawn arrivin’
Hey, I see beyond the road I’m drivin’
Far away and left behind

It’s a bright horizon, but I’m awakingSunrise image w Boston quote 3 - no game to play
Oh I see myself in a brand new way
The sun is shinin’
The clouds are breakin’
‘Cause I can’t lose now, there’s no game to play

I can tell there’s no more time left to criticize
I’ve seen what I could not recognize
Everthing in my life was leading me on . . .
But I can be strong!  Oh yes I can!

Hey, I finally see the dawn arrivin’
Hey, I see beyond the road I’m drivin’
Far away and left behind

Oh, the sun is shining, and I’m on that road . . . . .

Boston video image - Far away and left behind

= = = = = = = = = =

Matrix Images - The Ones that WANT out will be freed

For those of you who still wish to remain in contact with me, and/or get some inspiring and pragmatic information of the type I’ve been providing the last two years, you can ‘friend’ me on Facebook, where I am still very active — actually more so than ever (as Alexander Del Sol, and the page Ascending Community).  My counseling/coaching services are definitely still available for the time being (see link to that information here in the upper right corner of this blog), though I’m not sure for how much longer.  If what I feel coming in my personal financial life manifests (and it appears it shall, and very soon), then I may just withdraw from that kind of individual assistance altogether, and shift all my human energies to the new project that I have been inspired to build with one or two others here in the beautiful tropical wonderland of my adopted ‘home away from Home’, Costa Rica (given, of course, that this world doesn’t morph so radically and quickly to make even that kind of project . . . unnecessary, or irrelevant).  If/When that manifests, then you all can come see me personally as I manage a sacred new place on Nova Gaia where people can gather in peace to share, heal, and uplift each other.  Regardless, we’ll soon see how this will all ‘play out’.  The only thing I personally know for sure is this:  I’ve got my ticket to New Earth in hand — and in Heart and Soul — and feel the Higher Energies pulsing powerfully through my entire body, increasing so much lately that it’s no longer possible to ‘calm them down’ very much, or for very long (and I have several globally-renowned Light Warrior friends who are experiencing the same exact thing, btw ;-)).  In other words, I AM ascending physically as my Lightbody takes form and my Higher Self ‘downloads’ into this physical vehicle, taking over full control from my ego-body-mind complex — and WOW is it amazing!!!  I pray that you all join us soon with full consciousness in this Epic Adventure that we have all co-created together for mutual . . . enJOYment 🙂

Signing off for this ‘now’ in the illusion of linear time,


aka Waverider (One)


Revelations: Coming To Terms With Our Past – and Healing Our Present

Note:  This is one of my longer posts, with several links and references.  I understand that it is also not one of my most ‘warm and fuzzy’ posts, either, and I do not expect many ‘likes’.  No matter.  I feel that at this pivotal juncture in our collective history, it is ESSENTIAL that these issues be discussed openly and honestly, with the sacred goal of collective healing serving as our guiding motivation.  I apologize ahead of time for anyone that may feel ‘uncomfortable’ with this material.  But, alas, as one of our modern luminaries has mentioned, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” (Neale Donald Walsh).

Change Ahead - sign We now live in what have been termed the Change Times.  This can no longer be debated, not by anyone with even a modicum of knowledge of what’s been going in our recent past:  Weather records broken over and over again all over the planet, frequent massive earthquakes, erupting volcanoes; governments being ‘replaced’ left and right; the mass spiritual awakening that has built up an inexorable momentum, which made yoga and meditation almost mainstream after these ancient practices had been ridiculed and ‘cultified’ for so long; the rediscovery of medicinal plants, natural healing, and energetic healing modalities; the exposure of the ‘banksters’ and the nefarious agendas of the Ruling Elite; and the stunning pace of advancement of technology in every field.  It’s clear that our global village, our human society, is changing so fast and so radically in such a short span of time that the reality we live in even six months from now is pretty hard to imagine, let alone predict.  One thing is now certain, though:  As long as fear is not allowed to rule our collective heart and mind again, it’s gonna be fantastic!


This past Monday, however, we were all made acutely aware of the ‘giant pink elephant in the living room’.  As a society, before we can move onwards and upwards with a fully clear collective consciousness, we must first come to terms with our dissolving, oft-unpleasant past – and our still-disturbing present.  If we don’t, we’ll simply be drawn back – individually and possibly collectively – into the lower dimensional realms that we are just now moving out of.  Personally, I have no desire whatsoever to go back to those dark, relatively loveless times again.  Do you?  Let’s just all pause for a minute or two in our dizzying race into the future, allow the truth of our collective past to come fully up to the surface to be healed, and just deal with it.  THEN, and only then, can we move cleanly and joyfully and guiltlessly into our ineffably beauteous and ecstatic Golden Age.

Regarding our looking back into our past to see how history really played out in our world, there are myriad avenues and sources for you to do just that on the internet.  For example, the treatise on Financial Tyranny by David Wilcock ( would be a good place to start for those who are not yet apprised of how we got here in the first place, and/or want ‘hard, documented facts’ to back up the ‘theories’ of how this planet has been run as a prison/energy plantation for millennia.  Also, the stunningly brilliant documentary THRIVE (which you can see for free here on YouTube) would also be a wonderful primer on these topics, a beautifully presented, engaging, and entertaining place to start.

THRIVE title

Another way of looking at the situation is to consider what one is missing or even denying oneself by refusing to look openly and honestly at ‘the way things really are’.  I’ll allow Neale Donald Walsh, in the classic work Conversations With God (Book 3), to elucidate this aspect (from pp.262-263):

‘. . . This is how a person can be ‘’separate from his own truth’’:  by looking truth in the eye so squarely he can’t miss it – and then denying what he sees. . . . . .  As with so much else in life – from depletion of your planet’s natural resources to the abuse of children in so many of your homes – you see it, but you don’t believe it. . . . . The master knows that denial is for those who are choosing to have the illusion continue.  Acceptance is for those who choose now for the illusion to end.’

With this perspective in mind, I offer you a few videos, articles and comments about the recent bombings in Boston, ones that shall most likely not be broadcast on CNN or BBC anytime soon – or maybe ever:

Censored evidence of prior government knowledge of the Boston bomb threat can be seen by clicking here: ‘Just an exercise’

This article is quite interesting, too.  It mentions the bomb-sniffing dogs if you read down towards the end of the story – which corroborates the first story (above) where the eye witness tells the reporters about the bomb-sniffing dogs being there at the START of the race.  The part about ‘the loudspeakers telling people to stay calm’ just before the bombs go off is very, very interesting indeed. . . . .

There are many, many more documented facts surrounding the Boston bombings that indicate how clearly this event was ‘allowed to happen’.  I mean after BILLIONS of dollars poured into ‘national security’, thousands of video cameras installed watching every movement on the streets, and thousands of police officers and FBI and DHS agents patrolling every square foot of the marathon route . . . . . How in God’s name can a person wearing multiple backpacks (up to 4, with only two bombs detonating), dropping them into trash cans and in front of huge crowds and then walking away, NOT be noticed???  Funny how nothing can be hidden from open eyes anymore. . . . . unless those eyes are intentionally closed, of course.

Additional proof of foreknowledge by ‘somebody’ is demonstrated by the fact that TWO FB pages were created before the explosions on Monday!

Title of Saturday’s creation:  ‘Thoughts go out to all involved in the Boston Explosions’!!!

Title of Monday morning’s creation:  ‘Our thoughts and prayers go out to all involved in the Boston bombings’ !!!

See them here, in the two very short videos with the screen shots of the pages – with posted comments on the pages about the pages’ creation long before the event itself.  I wonder if FB has given the names of the pages’ creators to the FBI or DHS???  Whoever created and posted those FB pages are directly involved, or at least personally know those who are.  How else could they know about the bombings ahead of time, eh?  Simple logic, people, nothing difficult or complicated.  Hiding behind flat-out irrational denial is no longer an option, especially now after another huge and even more deadly and destructive bomb went off in Texas (yeah, I know, they say it was an ‘accident’. . . . .).  If you’ve made it this far in my blog post (lol ;-)), you might be able to make it through the rest of Geoffrey West’s article for a possible explanation for the ‘distraction event’ in Boston.  It appears very logical to me.  Did you know that the general abundance program passed by Congress a couple of decades ago (and immediately shelved and suppressed) known as NESARA was going to be announced to the public by high-ranking government officials (now deceased of course) at 10am Monday morning in the lobby of the World Trade Center?  Yeah, you know the infamous date. . . . . .

The following video, published on YouTube in 2011, discusses the basic motives for so-called ‘false flag’ operations throughout history (and gives many now-confirmed/officially admitted examples):  James Corbett – When False Flags Dont Fly Anymore PEOPLE ARE LEARNING THE TRUTH

I'M FREE -- Statement of Sovereignty as image

True. lasting freedom is not possible for those who refuse to look at their past, individually and collectively, and then accept even the most hideous aspects of it.  Healing can only be accomplished after ALL the truth has been exposed and processed, you see.  No exposure, no acceptance, no processing = no healing.  And therefore no moving on.  Just like when one gets a nasty cut falling into a wood pile, the first thing to do is to clean the dirt off the surface of the cut to see the wound clearlyThen one needs to examine the wound carefully for possible hidden damages.  Then, and only then, can one proceed to treat it correctly, so that it will heal without getting infected, and never need to be reopened (or worse, killing you via a systemic infection).  Coming from a family of health care practitioners, that makes a lot of sense to me.  Doesn’t it to you?

May you all accept and process your own past and present truths, and that of our shared collective, as quickly and painlessly as possible.  I end with an excerpt from an author and fellow Lightwarrior who I admire greatly for her love of humanity and all Life, her profound and compassionate expressions, and the raw courage she displays to publish her deepest insights into our human condition.  You can read the entire post – published the same day I wrote the bulk of this blog post, but after I wrote most of the above, including even the ‘pink elephant’ metaphor!  (The synchronicities just keep on comin’!) – at

‘Love does not mean inaction.  It does not mean allowance as in submission.  Love means a direct understanding of the truth in all beings – an acknowledgement of the sacred in life.  It means responsibility.  Love demands an examination of all thought, word and deed.  You cannot partially serve Truth.  Truth demands Absolute Awareness.

The Beginning Is HERE

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