life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Posts tagged ‘awakening’


Sun near horizon behind palms, radiant

The New Dawn IS now rising up above the horizon, my fellow awakening humans!  And the floodgates of both Heavenly Inspiration — and also hidden and suppressed information — have finally opened wide. This latter aspect is long overdue, as the masses finally get informed about how our world has really been run.  However, the tendency of most, when they discover the lies and deceptions and obfuscations and manipulations and blatant crimes of those who had been ‘running’ us hard and mercilessly for centuries (or longer) — and intentionally hiding and distorting the truth of our origins and situation — is to give in to anger, resentment, and other ugly ‘negative’ emotions.  Well . . . . as I may have mentioned a couple of times on this blog in the past, it IS healthy to allow oneself to feel and accept and own those lower-vibrational sentiments.  It’s necessary really, at least initially.  But then one must summon the courage (and control the ego enough) to forgive those perceived trespasses (and yourself of course), and RELEASE those sentiments and those they are directed at.  Just let them go — and move on!  What it is now definitely too late for is for people to dwell on those feelings for any length of time, you see, and stay stuck in the past.  That ‘phase’ has now passed as the New Earth is becoming visible over the horizon for those with eyes to see, and an open heart to feel.  I hope you join us in celebrating this monumental Cosmic Event, engaging the changes with a positive, hopeful and above all supportive attitude.

Sunrise image w Boston quote 2

So don’t look back!!!  A New Day is dawning, and in order to participate in the unfolding of this Grand Liberation from the dying Old World and its disharmonious paradigms (and Controllers), one must leave all that behind.  Forever.  Giving it (and those who fight tooth and nail now for its survival) any more attention than it’s already gotten is literally throwing your own Energies into a black hole, one that actually extends their existence in this world — and their power to continue doing harm to both us and Gaia.  Again, just let it, and them, go away already!  It’s time for the absolute final ‘curtain call‘, and their roles have been well-acted — but are now being retired in this world.  So let the dead bury the dead, and let’s give ALL our attention to the emerging New Earth with its sweet buds of Universal Abundance, and move on to greener pastures.  Energy flows where your attention goes . . . .

Boston video image - no more time left to criticize

As my final gift to help you all get into the New Groove, I offer you here the music and lyrics to one of my very favorite 80’s rock tunes, a song that deeply inspired me for many years, and one that I loved to sing (and feel) along with as I ran around the San Francisco Bay Area in my car as an ambitious young marketing guy in new business development.  It got me going, and also kept me going during some very challenging times.  I hope it helps inspire YOU now.  Embrace our radiant future, and enter into the New Golden Age that we have all prayed and hoped for all these challenging years and decades!  Or not . . . .  Of course, as always, it is completely YOUR sovereign choice.  Choose wisely, choose well — and I sincerely hope you choose a more joyful, abundant, creative, dynamic, and collectively uplifting life.  I sure have, BIG TIME!!!  (Remember that 80’s tune?  Another inspiring one, though not quite in the same way 😉 )

 BOSTON, Don't Look Back video title image

DON’T LOOK BACK – by Boston

Don’t look backSunrise image w Boston quote
A new day is breaking
It’s been too long since I felt this way
I don’t mind where I get taken
The road is calling
Today is the day!

I can see
It took so long just to realize
I’m much too strong
Not to compromise
Now I see what I am is holdin’ me down
I’ll turn it around!  Oh, yes I will!

Hey, I finally see the dawn arrivin’
Hey, I see beyond the road I’m drivin’
Far away and left behind

It’s a bright horizon, but I’m awakingSunrise image w Boston quote 3 - no game to play
Oh I see myself in a brand new way
The sun is shinin’
The clouds are breakin’
‘Cause I can’t lose now, there’s no game to play

I can tell there’s no more time left to criticize
I’ve seen what I could not recognize
Everthing in my life was leading me on . . .
But I can be strong!  Oh yes I can!

Hey, I finally see the dawn arrivin’
Hey, I see beyond the road I’m drivin’
Far away and left behind

Oh, the sun is shining, and I’m on that road . . . . .

Boston video image - Far away and left behind

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Matrix Images - The Ones that WANT out will be freed

For those of you who still wish to remain in contact with me, and/or get some inspiring and pragmatic information of the type I’ve been providing the last two years, you can ‘friend’ me on Facebook, where I am still very active — actually more so than ever (as Alexander Del Sol, and the page Ascending Community).  My counseling/coaching services are definitely still available for the time being (see link to that information here in the upper right corner of this blog), though I’m not sure for how much longer.  If what I feel coming in my personal financial life manifests (and it appears it shall, and very soon), then I may just withdraw from that kind of individual assistance altogether, and shift all my human energies to the new project that I have been inspired to build with one or two others here in the beautiful tropical wonderland of my adopted ‘home away from Home’, Costa Rica (given, of course, that this world doesn’t morph so radically and quickly to make even that kind of project . . . unnecessary, or irrelevant).  If/When that manifests, then you all can come see me personally as I manage a sacred new place on Nova Gaia where people can gather in peace to share, heal, and uplift each other.  Regardless, we’ll soon see how this will all ‘play out’.  The only thing I personally know for sure is this:  I’ve got my ticket to New Earth in hand — and in Heart and Soul — and feel the Higher Energies pulsing powerfully through my entire body, increasing so much lately that it’s no longer possible to ‘calm them down’ very much, or for very long (and I have several globally-renowned Light Warrior friends who are experiencing the same exact thing, btw ;-)).  In other words, I AM ascending physically as my Lightbody takes form and my Higher Self ‘downloads’ into this physical vehicle, taking over full control from my ego-body-mind complex — and WOW is it amazing!!!  I pray that you all join us soon with full consciousness in this Epic Adventure that we have all co-created together for mutual . . . enJOYment 🙂

Signing off for this ‘now’ in the illusion of linear time,


aka Waverider (One)


Reconstructing The Starship — DMT, Ayahuasca, and Opening The 3rd Eye

Mind Waves graphic, blue light in head

There has recently been a huge surge of interest in DMT, ayahuasca ceremonies, and pineal gland activation – and, of course, the life-changing experiences that they bring.  There has also been a very impressive intensification of my own amazing, powerful, lucid, wakeful experiences in this area due to my own natural pineal activation. It is very important to note that I had never taken DMT externally nor done any ayahuasca, actually had not touched any hallucinogen in over 25 years (until June of 2018, when I did two nights of ceremonies at a friend’s place in Costa Rica where I live). But the fact is that all my daily experiences were initiated via, and continue to be based from, a 100% natural yogic/energetic process: the decalcification, cleansing, and then activation of the pineal gland in the center of all of our brains.  I did my first international radio show last night, and the subject naturally came up.  But then, this morning, things got really interesting . . . .  Synchronicities abound!

Grid Patterns w Yoga Pose

Earlier this week, a couple of people asked me how to detoxify and activate their pineal gland, so as to generate their own ‘vision’ into the realms that I’ve been privy to for around two full years now, and attempt to also experience the blisstacy resulting from my activated internal pharmacopeia: the hormonal secretions of of my pineal and pituitary glands, often called in ancient yogic texts ‘the nectar of the gods’…. (see my post ‘Afterglow’ for more on that magnificent aspect of Nirvana Bliss 🙂 ).  The next day a short blog post landed in my e-mail inbox, and I forwarded it to the interested parties.  Well, it just happened again!  This morning, after my first guest appearance on a radio show talking about (in part) these experiences, another even more extensive and detailed article appeared on this timely subject by

Wild SCENE, People, Creatures, Mansions -- Pablo A

What follows is inspired by none other than Terrence McKenna, the ‘Timothy Leary of DMT’, plus a much more detailed, thorough, and entertaining full-length documentary on the subject.  Here I offer you for further personal research a recently published infomentary (Oct 2019) by the fantastic YouTube Channel creator Jordan River of Spirit Science (which I highly recommend you subscribe to, delve into for personal research) about both the known science and traditional practices of ayahuasca and other plant medicines, and the actual life-changing experiences of many doing several ‘ceremonies’ they participated in here in Costa Rica:  The Secret Mysteries of Ayahuasca    And here is a detailed article by a PhD regarding the actual science of how the pineal and pituitary glands, along with the person’s own ‘energetics’, work together to open the 3rd eye — and the general information regarding the techniques of how to accomplish this for yourself.  I also share with you here this excellent article on the world of Ayahuasca, the structure of the Multiverse as revealed via the visions the ‘medicine’ usually facilitates, the man who is considered to be ‘The Shaman of Shamans’ in South America, Pablo Amaringo’s remarkably detailed and accurate art, and more.  EnJOY this potent and fascinating information and, much more importantly, please USE IT to enhance your own life with infinitely more fascinating personal experiences, and open the doors – and windows, and ceiling, and walls, lol – to the Worlds beyond this one that the mystics and seers have been telling us about for millennia.  And that I my Self see (and feel) into every day . . . .

For those among you considering trying (smoking) DMT – or are just curious about what that experience is like – I *strongly* recommend this London Real internet show (a YouTube channel) in which the host and a friend actually DO it, split the show into a ‘before’ and ‘after’ segments.  It’s excellent, as they describe their very brief experiences vividly enough to give you a pretty good idea of what it’s like to trip in those ‘other realms’, or ‘parallel realities’ when you do it ‘artificially’ via taking an external substance as they do, smoking synthesized DMT, or via taking ayahuasca with a shaman — but that’s a whole different ‘thing’, and one I can’t actually recommend to newbies or inexperienced psychonauts.  I strongly encourage you to work with your own Self to achieve the experience as I did: via a natural manner based on the very challenging, long-term efforts of deep inner cleansing, purgative and vitalizing energy work, and transcendent styles of meditation.  I also highly recommend both YouTube videos just below:  the Terence McKenna talk, and especially the fantastic short science-based documentary about DMT (the active ingredient in ayahuasca, and also what the pineal gland excretes into our brains to facilitate our visions):

Terence McKenna:  ‘To Wrap It All Up . . . .’     Documentary:  DMT – The Spirit Molecule (English, subtitled in Portugese)

Alex Grey - COLLAGE, grids and earth-tree

We have indeed deconstructed the ‘lethal vehicle’ that has carried us haphazardly to the brink of self-destruction, Yes!  It took QUITE an effort, but it is now done.  So, as Terence states so eloquently at the end of his magnificent verbal essay (above), I join him whole-Heartedly in declaring: ‘Bring on the archaic revival, and let’s create a NEW WORLD!’

I wish you Happy Journeys, and Joyful Discoveries . . . . experienced, however, in as natural a manner as possible 😉

5D Realms  GRID scene - Two Beings CREATING, VERY dynamic and accurate vision

DREAM YOURSELF AWAKE! or Matrix Disassembly In Progress

(Note:  I just today read this article by John McIntosh, and saw how it related directly to some info that came to me yesterday and this morning that was meant for my next post.  So now, I’ll just repost his article and preface it with a few thoughts . . . .)


Our shared ‘reality’, the illusional matrix that we have co-created together for eons, is NOW being completely disassembled.  Our individuated consciousness is being ‘extracted’ from this dream world (many consider it a ‘nightmare world’ no doubt) – whether every individual is aware of this process or not.

Wouldn’t this concept very neatly account for the ‘what the heck is going on here?’ question in many people’s minds, explain the unprecedented levels of confusion, mayhem, strife, bewilderment, doubt, self-doubt, conflict, seeking, and just general chaos – mental, emotional and spiritual — of most of the world’s population in these crazy times we find ourselves experiencing as a Collective?

Here is my ‘take’ on the matter:  We are returning to our true Home, folks!  However, when a) one doesn’t even know that one is not ‘home’ in the first place, and b) one has no clue as to what one’s True Home ‘looks like’, and c) one is being bombarded by the MSM every single moment of one’s waking dream with messages, both overt and subtle, that tell you that ‘No, THIS is the ONLY reality, people!’ and ‘FEAR the unknown, don’t trust anybody who preaches positive, uplifting news!  The world/universe really does suck, and we are nothing but fleeting life forms evolved from ancient slime molds, living only for competing and even fighting to survive and breed!’ (even screaming it in your face every day from all angles) . . . . . . Well, I can see how challenging this may appear as a concept to most of the lost souls out there!

Anyway, I strongly recommend that you embrace, and enjoy, this sacred disassembly and quantum perceptual shift (or extraction if you prefer) as much as you can possibly manage to — bit by bit, step by step, day by challenging day.  The veil is lifting on our small but very influential world, as simultaneously the curtain is being lowered on the Grand Theater we have been acting out for untold millennia.  The horror show is over, my fellow players.  Time to take off our masks and costumes, take a nice long bath or hot shower to wash all the sweat and grit off our tired and somewhat mistreated Selves – and get ready for the magnificent after-party!  It is my fervent hope that the following article by John McIntosh will help you all do just that . . . . . IF you put the recommended spiritual technology into passionate action, connecting your naturally brilliant minds with your love-portal hearts, and putting them both to the epic task of your own Grand Awakening.


= E = N = J = O = Y = ! =


Dream Yourself Awake by John McIntosh

17 August 2012

While in the dream – the 3D world of opposites, of separation of limitation – nothing you have learned, none of your history is True except … as you believe it to be. Even then, it is still not True but seems True to you while you give it Life through your belief.

When you come to the Moment when you finally see you are dreaming and choose to Wake from the dream all you have is what you have learned within the dream to use to Wake from it … call it your history.

This means you are using a dream to Wake from the dream.

There are a multitude of choices from the various religions and philosophies to the more esoteric spiritual belief systems … many ancient and several relatively new.

You may choose to try many of these techniques but eventually you will find they all lead to stilling the mind – the false ego self – so that Truth can shine through.

The question arises … who is listening and who is speaking? You may hear suggestions of a ‘still small voice’ or the ‘voice of silence’ or the ‘inner guide’ as the speaker of Truth … but who is listening?

If the ego-mind is to be stilled, what is left to listen with?

Consciousness is the screen on which the play of dreams plays and it is also the Awareness that watches it and the player within it. It goes into the play It creates and ‘plays’ in that creation … a dream.

It is the instrument through which the Unknowable One Knows It Self.

Once Consciousness goes into Its creation to have this experience of Knowing It Self, it loses Awareness of Its True Self … Its Divine Unknowable origin. This is done in order that the experience may ‘seem’ completely Real.

It is not a mistake that IT … which is US … has done this.

The season of this forgetting It Self in order to fully experience It Self has ended and Now we are returning to the full Awareness that we Are that Divine Unknowable One.


The listener within the dream IS the Consciousness (the player) that has been sleeping within the dream. For the most part the silent voice has not been heard down through the eons of experience but Now the silent voice ‘seems’ louder.

This is because the veil between full Awareness and full forgetfulness has thinned and we ‘hear’ It more easily … which is to say, we hear the voice of Truth, which is US … calling us Home.

Many still refuse to listen and that is their choice to remain sleeping.

For those who choose to listen and follow the guidance YOU are giving yourself, a new dream is being given to you in order to Awaken you from the old one. It is simply that you Are Free … you Are Peace, you Are Joy.

While in the dream … these are just words but the New dream asks you to shift from the flat, lifeless meaning of words to the Vital Aliveness of the ‘Essence’ within the words. It asks you to FEEL the words rather than hear them. This is a shift from the head-thoughts to the Heart-feelings. This IS the Consciousness you Are and Knows It Self as feelings (not emotions).

As you allow yourself to FEEL everything you are Being your True Self and dreaming your True Self back into full Awareness of your Unknowable Oneness or Being-ness.


I invite you to join – GLOBAL PEACE WEB /link to original article

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LATE ADDITION:  I just read a very timely message posted by John Smallman on his blog (after writing all of the above), which ‘coincidentally’ speaks to the exact same theme as this post of mine, and John McIntosh’s article of the 17th.  Sooooo many synchronicities lately . ….  Anyway, John S’s post (notice the same first names of the writers, and of the ‘other’ author in Smallman’s blog post — hmmmm) dovetails nicely on this one, coming from a more ‘purely spiritual’ perspective ( ).  Hold on tight to your Inner/Higher Selves as the momentous unraveling of the Collective Dream begins to accelerate . . . .










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