life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Archive for the ‘intellect’ Category

Food For Thought – Knowledge & Wisdom

True Knowledge – logos, ‘knowing’ — can only be gained by direct experience.  Ageless Wisdom is earned exclusively via the accumulation, assimilation, and harmonious organization of True Knowledge.

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To better facilitate the full comprehension of the statements above, consider this riddle:  ‘One can study in the most prestigious universities in the world for decades and, upon ‘graduation’, end up having learned nothing of any real value.  Or worse.’ 

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To even better facilitate the assimilation of the above information, ponder the following:

There once was a fine student named Sparks

Who was praised for her brains and high marks

But when leaving the commode

In her designer silk robe

She often left signs on her arse




P.S. – FYI, I graduated from a famous university with a degree in science, and harbor no ill will towards either it or the system it represents.  LOTS of great things can be learned by studying courses offered at most universities.  However, actually paying an institution to train and condition you to fill a job for a large impersonal corporation whose legally sanctioned motto is ‘greed is good’ – well, that just doesn’t feel quite smoothly aligned with the basic tenets of Love and Life, now does it?  Regardless, no mainstream university, simply by its intrinsic nature (the fundamental relationships involved) — and in many cases despite truly sincere positive intentions — can impart the most important and valuable lessons about our life in this magical Universe. 


I know that a lot has been written on this particular topic of late. However, I think that maybe my personal perspective, and experience, might reveal a slightly different aspect of the issue, illuminate a heretofore unseen angle, and help some of you who have not yet quite grasped how significant, and critical, this pivotal shift in SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) really IS right now for all of us to make – given the assumed goal of maximum spiritual evolution and expansion and growth, of course.

In these ‘change times’, at the cusp of the massive paradigm shift that is now taking place in our world, things can get quite confusing. Most of us, because of our ‘conditioning’ to not just go with the flow and feel our way through events, strive in vain with our mental faculties to make some kind of logical sense out what is happening both around us and within us. For the most part, however, it’s an exercise in futility. Why??? Because our ‘logic’ is based primarily on a linear, cause-and-effect, conservative, fear-based, and woefully misinformed perspective.

I was born an intellectual. It’s just the way I came into this world (a triple Virgo no less) — and pretty much still am, though in a more organic, holistic sense. Anyway, I suffered a bit in my youth because of the somewhat more detached and ‘lofty’ intellectual perspective I came in with, getting quickly labeled in high school and earning a couple of nicknames. Fortunately for me, however, I had started surfing at a tender young age, and so had already learned many things about life — and attitude and knowledge and the relative ‘value’ of the intellect – by the time I reached those challenging times. Thank the Universe for that!

Here’s the thing. . . . . . As all athletes know, trying to use your cerebral mind or normal thought processes (logic, rationalization, weighing pros and cons, etc.) while one is actually engaged in intense activity is basically useless – and can even be downright dangerous in some sports, like surfing big waves or shooting rapids in a kayak or sparring in martial arts, where split-second decisions must be made and executed way, way too quickly for any mental processes to even be called upon, let alone utilized. It’s ALL about so-called ‘instinct’ or ‘second nature’ or ‘feel’, something that can only be developed with hands-on practice and experience, while applying the intellectual information and concepts one has learned in a non-critical environment before one actually does the thing. For those non-athletes out there who may not be able to viscerally relate to the above, just imagine trying to manage a passionate session of love-making with your intellectual mind. Enough said.

According to all that I’ve read over the years, AND also as a conclusion based on my extensive experience in all kinds of radical physical and social and economic situations over the decades, it appears that the most intelligent and successful manner in which to navigate these ‘interesting times’ is to practice something that, at first glance, appears to be somewhat of an oxymoron: THINK WITH YOUR HEART. (Helpful Note: There is a great .net web site by that name!).

Intuition, non-physical/energetic awareness, and feelings now appear to be the most efficient and effective ‘tools’ of information gathering and discernment. Your HEART is where these aspects emanate from, energetically at least (our middle main chakra point, Center of Love and Intuition, with its own scientifically confirmed ‘brain-like’ nervous system no less). So, personally, my greatest transition in this area over the last 20 years or so has been learning to rely primarily on my heart for guidance, forging a direct connection to the infinite pool of information of the Sentient Cosmos, in order to better make my way through this pivotal epoch in human history on Terra. The intellect, or mind, is still a very important and even critical instrument for making our way in 3D life, of course! However, it has now been placed in its natural secondary position in the hierarchy of my personal 3D-navigation toolbox. Once all the intel is collected from the non-physical sources, then I employ my mind, put the ‘higher logic’ of my obedient intellect to work, to sort it all out in this transitioning matrix and make both the most supra-logical AND best-feeling decision possible.

A few weeks ago, I wrote the following to a relative of mine (excerpted and edited for clarity here), responding to his penchant for recommending various books to me despite the fact that I’ve stopped reading them. I began taking a quite different approach to ‘information gathering’ last year, one which has proved very effective (for me at least):

‘Whatever I need to know is provided to me instantly when necessary for me to ‘understand’ the experience I am having, or have just passed through (or that another person has experienced that is related to something I have also, or need to help them with in some way). But the means of transferring the information is never via the language that you and I use. This is why I stopped reading books. For the time being at least, I have no need or use for that type of ‘knowledge’ (which really isn’t true knowledge anyway, right?). Some things are interesting and entertaining, and so I read some material in books that I am guided to from time to time, but only in excerpts.

‘The primary purpose of intellectual ‘understanding’ is to reduce or eliminate fear. If a being is utilizing the lower mind as its primary mechanism to operate within a given reality, then a mental comprehension is necessary for that being to avoid a fear reaction to events or circumstances that are ‘beyond’ their experience or previous understanding of reality. On the other hand, if a being is no longer utilizing their lower mind as the primary ‘tool’ for navigating reality, then ‘studying’ various aspects of the reality they find themselves in so that they can manipulate it more easily, is unnecessary.

‘‘PUL’ (Pure Unconditional Love) is only achieved when one releases the 3D intellect completely, and FEELS ones way through Reality. I’ve been doing that for a while now. As long as one relies on the mind for guidance, one shall remain unsure and confused in the most important situations. Think of martial arts, and you’ll grasp my point here . . . . You need not ‘understand’ ascension in order to achieve it, you see. You must, however, lose your mind in order to do so. That is definitely a non-negotiable prerequisite.

‘That’s just the way it is, and the way it must be. That’s why none of the cabal or their followers can enter the Gates of Heaven, you see (without changing radically, of course). They all live through their minds, not their hearts. It’s THAT simple. PUL is 100% Heart, 0% head/mind/intellect.’

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So let’s all put our Hearts in the driver’s seat, and race joyfully into the New Earth we are rapidly co-creating together! What’d’ya say???

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