life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Posts tagged ‘Christ’


ANSWER:  The Christian Bible, Jesus, a day at the temple (‘. . .cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers . . . ‘).

Once in a while even this Ascended Master couldn’t hold himself back when confronted with horrific hypocrisy gone mad, and blatant manifestations of materialism, consumerism, and abject greed taking up residence in a supposedly ‘sacred space’ — even to the point of physical violence.  Not his best day, no doubt, but this episode lets us know that even the most ‘evolved’ among us have the right to release our so-called ‘negative emotions’ when pushed over the edge by nefarious forces (a little righteous indignation anyone?). . . . .  Important Note:  Apparently the only ‘injuries’ were to peoples’ egos and maybe some furniture, not bodies.   But WOW, did this tiny explosion of emotion over MONEY illicit a powerful reaction from the Controllers of that epoch!  It appears that Jesus could go all over and preach whatever he damn well pleased, but Yahweh forbid that he mess with their truly sacred financial system!  The priests of his time couldn’t allow THAT, now could they?

P.S. — To be clear, money at its core is only a means of exchange between apparently separate beings in the lower dimensions of Illusion, and has no intrinsic value or ‘energy’ outside of what those beings give to it (much less anything that can be labeled ‘positive’ or ‘negative’), especially fiat currencies (paper notes and little round metal discs, neither with anything backing them up except an abstract idea, a mental construct, an agreement). It is the placing of money, or any material thing, ‘above’ truly important things in a person’s or society’s hierarchal list of ‘priorities’, that is the core issue.  Jesus was obviously rebelling against that, and not the peaceful and equitable use of financial systems in general (I feel), which can have a valuable, useful place in evolved societies — IF the right attitudes, checks and balances are firmly in place, of course.

PPS – In other words, the expression of anger in and of itself, no matter what the particular issue, is NOT necessarily a completely ‘non-spiritual’ event.  In rare circumstances, under very specific conditions and with zero real physical harm being done, the conscious and focused and managed ‘venting’ of that emotion is justified, and even called for (versus its repression, which can lead to much worse scenarios).  I mean, if it worked for Jesus . . . . .


Today is the day Christians all over the world celebrate the ‘rising’ of Jesus the Christ from his apparent death at the hands of the Romans, via the conscious choice of the Jewish population at that time and in that place, who communicated their preference that Pontius Pilate release Barabbas from prison and condemn Jesus to death, rather the planned opposite (which is why Pilate ‘washed his hands’ of the whole deal).  And so it was.

He promised to return.  S/He hasThe Christ Is Risen, folks!  The Resurrection of the Spirit of Christ has indeed happened, again, and is surging forward at break-ego speed throughout the planet!  But not quite in the manner that traditional Christianity has always tried to portray the Second Coming as manifesting, of course.  THIS time, the Christ that we Are all a part of — often referred to as the Christ Consciousness, the Collective Spirit of Humanity, the Higher Self, the ‘I Am’ Presence, the Divine Spark we all carry within us, etc. — IS rising once again, within the breast of each and every one of us.  Right now!  It is quickly breaking down the illusional constraints of ego and pride and separation, and bursting forth with implacable power and grace and love, literally demanding our attention – and recognition.  Of Self.

Only one question remains for all of humanity collectively, and each ‘individual’ within its matrix:  Who shall accept and embrace this Divine Rebirth amongst us; and who shall continue to live in denial, fight tooth and nail against the inevitable dissolution of the fear-based ego structure, refuse to open the inner doors to Heaven on Earth???







Choice, my brothers and sisters — it all comes down to personal choice.  It’s nothing more, or less, than a Grand Pivotal Choice of your sacred free will.  No more indecision, no more hesitation, no more waffling, no more cowardice, no more excuses.  It’s time.  The critical moment has arrived.  This is y/our last chance to ‘do’ this for a very, very, very long time, and the last chance period to do this on/from Earth.  The ‘window’ of this opportunity shall soon close, and those who have chosen not to open their hearts and accept and ascend to and merge with That Which Is Truly Us shall once again sleep the long sleep.  So what’ll it BE? 


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