life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Posts tagged ‘revolution’


. . . and CHANGED it!

‘You went against The Story…’ This line was spoken to me in a ‘dream’ the other night by an old friend, one who has not always been ‘fully aligned’ with my particular Path to Mastery since we started communicating again a few years ago after not seeing each other for around two full decades. In this dream sequence – which we now understand are more akin to astral travels to other worlds in ‘reality’, than what we were told were ‘just’ nighttime dreams of pure fantasy and illusion – we had just been accosted by a few onerous giant humans, and I had done a fine job defusing the situation, and bringing it to a peaceful conclusion. And then my friend turns to me and says that, a thought that was not only completely spontaneous, but also completely out of context. But I KNEW exactly what he meant, the way we all do in ‘dreams’ via the instantaneous understanding of not only what is said, but all that what is said implies, the entire background and conceptual framework that forms its context. Some call it ‘telepathy’. I just call it ‘knowing’…..

We went against The Story that we wQI - Upping-The-Storyere taught, told to believe above and despite any other ‘viewpoint’ we may have stumbled upon in our search for the ever-elusive ‘truth’, and literally forced to support via myriad ‘obligations’ and ‘requirements’. Though many of us tried to achieve ‘socioeconomic success’ via this horribly IN-human System of Control, most of us simply could not manage to keep it up for very long, even after some of us DID manage to claw our way up the ladder – to some small extent compared to those in the top castes of the social order — of ‘financial affluence’ and ‘social status’. But we eventually woke up to the fact that it was all a scam, a charade, a Show that was based on intentionally false assumptions, phony science, and intentional programming of us ‘unwashed masses’ to serve our Hidden Masters. So we stepped back from the mainstream’s social narrative, the dominant paradigm of the Old World culture. Make no mistake, NO human society is free of organized social structures. They have been created, fed, nurtured and defended by ALL human civilizations throughout history, of any and all social orders. We just had the insight to realize, before it was too late (again), that if things kept going as they were – and as thThe Story Beginsey were being encouraged to – the human race, like the proverbial lemmings, would soon be leaping blindly to their death. And the planet’s.

Throughout our lives, we – the Wayshowers, the Rebels, the Trailblazers, the Discontent Misfits of society – never fully accepted the fabricated story line of ‘how things worked’, ‘how to get ahead’, what was ‘expected of us’ as citizens of post-industrial First World society, what our ‘role’ was in this materialistic, consumerist, horrifically unsustainable modus operand we had co-created over the centuries, nor what was published as ‘fact’ in the Mainstream Media (MSM). ‘What exactly do you mean by ‘The Story’, though?’ you may ask. Well, it’s what ALL ruling classes develop and promote and sustain via the available media of their age, used both to ‘program’ the populace into their particular paradigm and ‘interpretations’ of what life is all about; and Heart, 3D Fractal Realm image, WOWMAINTAIN THEIR POWER over the masses. In our case, over the last century or two, it could be defined in general economic terms as ‘materialist capitalism-based consumerism’. Philosophically, it would be something like ‘Darwinist competition for survival and limited resources in a vertical social hierarchy’. As you can clearly see in the MSM, the politicians, corporate executives, school textbook authors, mainstream economists, Wall Street financial kings, etc. all continue inexplicably to ‘toe the line’ and ‘stick to the story’ regarding the ‘official’ version of ‘what is’ in the world (and of course why) — despite the overwhelming proof of its insanity. And anyone who refuses to do so is immediately cast out of the ‘inner circles’ of both geopolitical power structures and the highest socioeconomic networks (and their accompanying positions of influence of course). Or worse (think ‘The Kennedys). But that’s another ‘story’, lol…..

So, what most of us ‘Truthers’ did in the face of all this BS spewing out into the Mass Consciousness of global society – especially here in the West – was to begin to speak, write, and broadcast an Alternative Story, one based on both ancient wisdom and whatever factual intel could be found ‘out there’. The stunning growth of the Internet, and it’s natural dispersion of encyclopedic information about any and all subjects, Truther QIhelped immensely in this project. It was truly a gift from Heaven for our Cause, and we really could not have done this without it. Little did the original inventors (the US military actually, at least ‘officially’) comprehend what they had given us . . . . Anyway, we also benefited magnificently from the information received from ‘insiders’, whistleblowers , ex-military ‘black ops’ types, ex-spies, and ex-corporate goons and shills whose direct exposure to and experience of the ‘REAL Deal’ they felt just couldn’t remain hidden from public view any longer (and which led to most of them being ‘silenced’ in one nefarious form or another). This ‘new’ Real Story not only exposed the lies and deception and manipulations of the Old Institutional/Ruling Elite Story, but also revealed the glorious potential New Life that we are now finally actively ushering into existence in this realm, actually creating as we move rapidly into its Energies!

Alexander - Ascension is a Good ThingFor my part, I and most of the tight group of Global Wayshowers I communicate with directly on the planet (for example Bill Ballard, Méline Lafont, Sandra Walter, Cary Kirastar Ellis, and Sixtina Friedrich), have been guided during this brief moment of relative calm to simply sit back, let go of all that we have done and been in what is now our past, be a witness to the explosive Awakening of Humanity that is now occurring, take some notes, and enjoy The Ride. Soon, we shall be called into our next roles here – and then our time to just sit back and relax will be very much over for a while.  With that in mind (and heart) I recommend to ALL of you to put forth your best effort to finish cleaning out the closets and dark corners of your own psyches — and to simply stop worrying about anybody else’s!  We all need to be fully prepared for the next unfoldment of The Grand Plan. It’s gonna be RAD!!!

Despite this time of relaxation and ‘gathering together of Energies’ that I AM experiencing, I continue to post much information on Facebook, under the name Alexander RA-Sol. So if you’d like to learn more, and in more detail, aboutKid running through tunnel into sun what this New Story that is beginning to burst into the mainstream dialogue all over the planet is all about, and also how you can accelerate your own process of healing and connection and en-LIGHT-enment, then feel free to ‘friend’ me in that space – and follow this Trailblazing Cosmic Surfer deeper into the rabbit hole of your own SELF-discovery . . . .

In La ‘Kesh!

 QI - Something BIG is coming

FOOD FOR THOUGHT (& ACTION) — Tinderboxes, Avalanches, & Pressure Cookers

Our Current Situation

The Global Elite, in one form or another, have been ruling our planet for eons. They have grown in both power and hubris over the last few centuries, ruling over us in their minds by ‘divine right’ and, according to some reports from those intimately familiar with their perspective, they even possess the unshakeable belief that they are ‘genetically superior’ to the ‘ignorant rabble’, and were always destined to be the masters of us ‘useless eaters’. Since they have been bred and raised within that system of belief, and their personal experiences up until very, very recently have done nothing but reinforce these appalling sentiments, I believe it is folly to attempt to resolve the situation – peacefully or otherwise — without taking these facts into primary consideration.

The only language that this relatively small group of people has ever learned to speak – and been indoctrinated and trained into respecting above all other forms of ‘communication’ — is the language of raw physical power. Even their fascination with occult rituals and such 4th-dimensional exercises, as well as their intense training in subtle forms of non-physical communication, manipulation, and mass psychology, has had as its sole purpose the acquisition and consolidation of more influence and control over our third-dimensional world.

We as a planet stand at a crossroads. There is no more time for silly games, nor for delays, and even less for denying the true nature of our dire situation. Pollyanna attitudes will lose the day, and summarily derail our valiant march towards the oft-promised Golden Age. We need to take off our rose-colored glasses, see things as they truly ARE, and deal with them assertively and, yes, forcefully if necessary – whether we ‘like’ it or not. Remember the ancient adage; God helps those who help themselves. Have not our galactic brethren been saying as much for what feels like years now?

The Dangers of Denial, Wishful Thinking, and Physical Inaction

The enormous pressures of our oppression over the last few centuries, and especially the last few decades, have dammed up the human psyche. The sheer volume of repressed anger, angst, and even rage have grown to explosive levels, to put it mildly. The box by the fireplace is now wide open, dry as an old bones in the desert sun, and the accumulated tinder is spilling out all over the place. As we have seen in the Middle East, even the tiniest spark — just one single person making a dramatic statement of final rebellion on behalf of his fellows against The System (the young martyr in Tunisia) — can literally explode upon the world without reason or temperance, resulting in bloody death and destruction on a mass scale. This scenario — an amorphous, undirected, disorganized flash flood of deeply-repressed violent emotion unleashed both from and upon hordes of innocent people – should not be allowed to happen again. Unchecked conflagrations like that only serve the agenda of the Dark Ones, as they provide for them a perfect excuse to come in with heavy armaments to ‘keep the peace’, and push us even deeper into abject slavery.

To look at it another way . . . . . I have never myself lived above the snow line in mountainous areas, but have visited often and read a bit about that lifestyle. I was fascinated to find out how often very dangerous, even fatal, situations are created when lots of snow falls in a relatively brief stretch of time, and enormous weight is placed on cliff edges and such on the sides of large mountains. So what do the local folk living in the towns below and beside these dangerous mountains do in order to avoid the looming disaster of massive avalanches, some of which have wiped out entire villages in less time than it takes to put on a pair of snowshoes? They place powerful explosives in very specific, well-thought-out places on certain sensitive pressure points within the deep snow banks and accumulations. Then they set them off. This ‘strategy’ in the face of imminent threat saves literally thousands of lives each year – using intelligent, well-calculated and minimally-destructive, disciplined ‘violence’ to avoid utter devastation and massive loss of life.

My mom used to cook beans with a pressure cooker. As a kid, I always tripped out on both its design and function, and the underlying concept behind it. The most amazing thing is to see how such enormous pressure can be controlled and utilized in a very productive way – but can also get quickly out of hand if that same pressure is not released bit by bit, like if the valve gets stuck. Things can go very, very wrong in an alarmingly short period of time. The result is not pretty.

The Narrow Path of The Middle Way

Yes, it may be true that ‘violence begets violence’. However, most people that sit firmly on the ‘meditate our way to liberation’ side of the fence may be missing fully half of that ancient equation. You see, the Cabal is using direct, brutal, inhuman violence against us every single day – both physical and psychological. No sane person can deny this fact. This has always been their modus operandi. Therefore, the violence that they are ‘begetting’ is precisely our resistance to their attacks. Our counter-strategy of at least some bit of ‘violence’ – or the perception thereof — is actually necessary to balance out their nefarious actions and short-circuit the horrific cycle forever! I agree wholeheartedly that matching physical force with an equal or greater amount of force is not a good idea, no, nor would it be productive in the end, only serving to exacerbate the situation. However, a small, carefully measured amount of decisive and forceful collective physical action – not necessarily violent, you see, only potentially so if ‘they’ decide to fight back (which some undoubtedly will, preferring death to surrender to us ‘dumbed down cannon fodder’ – but relatively few in my opinion) – should resolve the situation once and for all, and facilitate their capitulation. You see, the appearance or illusion of physical strength — the major currency of their trade — can be just as effective as the ‘real thing’. Why not use their own tactics against them??? Besides, there ain’t nothin’ more ‘persuasive’ to a power-mad, twisted mentality such as theirs than a rifle barrel pointed directly at their forehead. Just look at how quickly they agreed to at least sit down and discuss the possibility of surrender (regardless of their true intentions) after our friends started sabotaging their arsenal of WMDs. This proves the fact that the display of physical force – even if never employed — is the ONLY effective strategy available to us at this late date to deal with these intransigent miscreants. Otherwise, they will continue to see us as ‘weak cowards’ who are more concerned with watching soap opera reruns and how many app’s our cell phones have, than our true freedom and the health and futures of our children and planetary life-support systems. I still have difficulty comprehending how people can literally watch silently as they poison our skies with deadly chemtrails, and shut down and even incarcerate simple organic farmers and health food companies just trying to provide a healthier option for the population. The apathy I observe in the face of such vicious assaults just boggles my mind. I side with Patrick Henry (and Drake) on this one for sure.

Anyway, if their incarceration and maiming and killing of humans, animals, and Gaia Herself are allowed to continue any longer, the ONLY viable option that our Earth shall have is total annihilation of our hideously destructive modern civilization. That would mean massive earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes going off in the dozens or hundreds (which is actually already starting to happen), etc., etc. Apocalypse Now. Even our Friends On High have mentioned this as a possibility (not a probability, mind you, but a distinct possibility) countless times – IF we 99.9% don’t get our collective s—t together right quick and cut down the cornered Beast that still thrashes about wildly among us.

Those innocent souls who believed that the majority of the Global Elite would actually willingly surrender, especially under the terms that Cobra and Drake and company laid out on their web sites, were suffering from a potentially fatal lack of understanding of how those people think. Many of us with family and/or friends in such organizations as the military, corporate upper management, large business ownership, elitist business clubs and groups, etc. simply knew that that scenario was never anything more than a fairy tale, a pipe dream, subtly perpetuated by the highly-educated strategists and think tanks of the elite themselves to buy more time to execute their horrific agenda (which they are fervently attempting as you read this with Agenda 21 and the new ‘treaty’ in the Eurozone) – regardless of how sincerely and ardently we prayed and meditated to change that reality. Once you reach a certain point, it is quite impossible to change another person from the outside against their will. This is why the ET/EDs keep emphasizing to us to just send them love and light, and forget any other ‘spiritual strategy’. Regardless, their overtures of peace were never real, never sincere (at least for that majority of them). This is why Cobra mentioned the fact that those who are helping Gaia shake off her life-sucking parasites at this juncture already had back-up plans in place. Naturally! They’ve dealt with the off-planet versions of these warped psyches for eons, and KNOW their basic mentality. Sure, despite the awareness of our oppressors’ duplicitous nature, it is never a bad idea, spiritually speaking, to give your ‘enemy’ every possible chance to redeem themselves, mend their ways, and seek restitution. I agree. However, as Drake and our Galactic Family and many others have clearly expressed, we’ve given way, way more time to them than they have ever given to us (or even considered giving), and THEIR TIME IS UP! We can no longer afford to play the ‘softie’ in this grand game of hardball, the ‘innocent victims’ (which we are decidedly NOT, of course, as part of the collective Whole – see countless other articles and channelings about how those who rule us are only physical reflections of the Dark aspects of us all) — without literally sacrificing the majority of the population of Gaia in the process – humans, animals, and plant life included.

The Resolution, Our Collective Revolution, Is Now At Hand

I ask only this: PLEASE help all those raging souls in the United States and the rest of the world to resolve their personal karmic situations once and for All, release their heavy energetic burdens in a collectively constructive manner, via the purgative ACTION of fighting for their freedom and/or protecting their families and communities against the murderous assaults of the Cabal. If they are blocked from doing this, stymied from releasing that immensely powerful energetic bombshell, both they and we shall have to deal with it in some other, possibly even less harmonious (ie., more violent and destructive) manner. And PLEASE give our counterparts on the ‘other side’ of this spectrum the opportunity to learn their final lessons in duality and move on, instead of forcing them to continually believe in their chosen paths as ‘right’ and ‘proper for the teeming masses’, an outlook that they shall only perpetuate and persecute upon other humans on other worlds if not revealed and disassembled right now. PLEASE stop trying to control other people’s thinking and behavior, regardless of how ‘right’ and ‘honorable’ you believe your chosen path and/or solution to be in your mind. If one limits oneself firmly to a dualistic, ‘right vs. wrong’ system of thought, is not one only perpetuating the current broken and dysfunctional paradigm? Consider allowing those brave souls among us to do what their hearts are telling them is the ‘right’ and ‘honorable’ way out of our very tricky dilemma. The militias and warriors among us cannot be condemned as ‘wrong’ and ‘unbalanced’ simply because they seek a better world than they grew up in for themselves and their loved ones, and know no other way to accomplish their missions that are overwhelmingly based on equally loving and compassionate motives than our more ‘peaceful’ strategies are, now can they?

Time To Move On, Folks . . . .

Please contemplate the above offerings. And please remember what actually may be the most important bit of ‘intel’ of all: Our collective dream in Illusion is ending. The Matrix is being revealed for what it is, and always really was – and broken down forever on this ailing world. It never was truly ‘real’ anyway, you see. This is another aspect of our world that has been hammered home to us via the ascended masters, angels, saints, yogis, modern physicists and goodly ETs throughout history. Once you accept this fact, the fear-based stress of making the ‘wrong decision’ fades quickly into the oblivion from whence it emerged.

Like a grand circus that has overstayed its time in the fields of summer, and must move on and make room for the new plantings in the fall, the impressive Big Top, vender stands glittering with toys and baubles, outrageous rides and challenging games are being quickly dismantled and packed up in their crates — despite the hordes of people still wanting to shoot at moving targets, win stuffed animals, paint their faces with crazy colors, watch feats of skill and daring by acrobats and their trained menagerie, gorge themselves on barbecued meats and cotton candy, and mount scary rides that whirl dizzily in the sky. Let the long-suffering crews do their final work here, as the rains have come and the soft dirt is turning quickly to sticky mud. If you’re one of those die-hard players that simply can’t let go of the ‘fun and games’, even at the cost of your own health or that of your friends and family – or continue to insist that you know ‘best’ how to take down the giant metal structures and collect the trash scattered all over the fairgrounds — I strongly urge you to reconsider your attitude. There’ll be other 3D carnivals, other thrilling rides, other stimulating games to play – just not here. Again, please allow the mechanics and janitors to do their thankless but critical jobs, so that those of us who are ready to leave the playground (for another, even more fun and satisfying one — but with more wholesome and mutually joyful activities) can do so in peace and satisfaction of time well spent, and our long summer of wild adventures can finally come to a close.

Thank you for your time and thoughtful consideration.


My vacation is over!  EVERYBODY’S vacation is over it appears.  There is a LOT happening on this little blue planet this week, pretty radical and fundamental stuff, and all of us lightworkers (or ‘lightwarriors’ in my case — next post will explain) are being called up into service for our final ‘push’ into . . . . whatever is coming.  It’s ‘GO TIME’, people!

Fortunately, this SHALL be the truly final episode of this multi-millenial drama, the final installment of the Grand Theater of Life on Planet Earth in 3D.  Finally.  I’m glad, because our collective ‘vacation’ after this next few weeks or months — however long the deep purge and ‘reset’ takes to accomplish — shall be so fantastic that I believe the old Star Trek episode of their trip to the ‘vacation planet’ (where all their thoughts — whether fantasies or nightmares — instantly materialized) will pale in comparison!  . . . . . On the positive side, of course.  No worries!.

So grab your etheric surfboards and jump right in, dudes, ’cause this is going to prove to be the ride of a thousand lifetimes. ¡Cowabunga, baby . . . . .!

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