life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Posts tagged ‘Peace’

Food For Thought: EVERYTHING

A wise sage once stated, as his most memorable and enduring legacy, that to know what life was about, to understand how things worked, to comprehend the meaning of what we do and, more importantly, who we are, one should seek to hold as one’s most important guiding credo:  ‘Know thyself.’

Another sagacious gentlemen, born of a very wealthy family, said after meditating under a tree for quite some time, ‘Peace comes from within.’

Another wise brother of ours said once long ago, when pressed again and again by those around him to reveal in simple language what they should be doing in order to draw to themselves the things of the world they felt they so desperately needed to survive and be happy, the following:  ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, . . . and all these things shall be added unto you.’

In our modern age, a peaceful warrior who led a people to throw off the shackles of imperialism and establish a new independent nation based on spiritual principles, stated it with equal simplicity:  ‘Each one has to find his peace from within.

Many others have pointed us in the same exact direction.  Seems pretty clear to me.  How about you?

Buddha Statue w 3rd Eye Light

When one finally turns away from the distractions of the virtual reality matrix of this illusional realm, the ‘external’ material world of matter and movement and never-ending drama; when one succeeds in quieting and releasing the incessant mind-chatter of the superficial ego-self, and goes Within to seek the Core Essence of one’s True Eternal Beingness . . . . . . then one shall finally find EVERYTHING!

I encourage you to ponder these thoughts and, if it resonates to where you are ‘at’ in this particular Divine Moment of the Eternal Now, give it a go!  You have literally nothing to lose (well, maybe you do actually – strife, sorrow, loneliness, anger, despair . . . . those types of ‘things’) and, well, everything to gain!

Grid Patterns w Yoga Pose

FOOD FOR THOUGHT – Balance: Just Feel the Waves

‘There’s no secret to balance. You just have to feel the waves.’ — Frank Herbert (author of the Dune books), via the character Darwi Odrade/Sea Child

A statement, and oft-confirmed reality, close to my waveriding heart (today accompanied by wild leaping dolphins!).

May you all feel the Waves of Love washing over us right now, and maintain your Inner Balance as the powerful Seas upon which we ride begin to toss and churn a bit. Be safe, be well, and be at peace; once this brief storm has passed, our collective voyage shall be SO much more fun!


The harsher the oppression — physical and non-physical — the stronger it grows: the desire – the passion, the need – for Freedom.

Love and appreciate your so-called enemies, both conscious (living) and circumstantial, for the critical role they play; they do you a grand service. Without them, in the absence of their ‘provocation’, stagnation, decadence, narcissistic self-indulgence and boredom would be your perpetual companions in this world.

True Peace is not the absence of conflict and challenge, but rather the absence of separation. Unity Consciousness demands the presence of Unconditional Love. Where Unconditional Love is present, so is True Peace. The stronger Its presence, the greater the inner peace.

Where there is Life, there is movement, flow, change, growth, expansion, creation — challenge. No challenge, no change. No change, no growth. No growth, no expansion. No expansion, no Creation. The line between stagnation and rot is wafer thin. The line between ‘peace’ — in the sense most people view that concept (as simply a lack of physical conflict and/or strife) — and stagnation . . . . . even thinner.

Physical death is a far, far cry from the ‘worst’ that one can experience.

As a musician once scribed some time ago, I’d rather wear out than rust out.

Be safe, stay centered, and stay very alert and discerning — both internally and externally — in the days to come.  May all your personal choices lead you upward and onward on your never-ending journey Home. . . . .

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