life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Posts tagged ‘Personal life’

Afterglow . . . .

Sunset of Wispy Clouds (4)

“The Way is not in the sky. The Way is in the Heart.”  — ancient Buddhist axiom

NOTE:  Best to play the following YouTube music compilation video while reading this, in order to groove with its vibe more easily, as the music in this compilation represents even more viscerally the feeling, the transcendent rapture, I am trying to convey in this post via my words:

A few months ago, I posted a short article about what I had begun to experience, namely a deep and unshakeable inner peace, combined with a soaring joy that was, and still is, completely indescribable.  These amazing sensations and experiences were coming to me only sporadically at that time, sudden spontaneous infusions of ethereal bliss moving wonderfully into and through my entire body, and surrounding me with what felt like the warmest loving embrace a human being could ever imagine or experience.  Well, that’s all changed now.

Towards the end of June, just after the northern Summer Solstice, these overwhelming sensations stopped.  Well, they stopped being sporadic, that is!  I felt this Sunset Cloud from house (2)ineffable state of BE-ing sort of ‘lock in’.  Something fundamental shifted in my . . . Deepest Core, I guess you could term it.  And the spiritual ecstasy became permanent.  Of course, it ebbs and flows like anything else in this life, sometimes flowing subtly just under the surface of my ‘normal’ daily activities, where I am barely conscious of it at all; and other times sending chills and other delightful physical sensations rolling through my body, preventing me from doing anything outside of simply reveling in it until the heavenly moment passes.  It’s pretty awesome, to say the least.

So how can I better describe this now-constant experience/sensation, make it easier for others to get a ‘taste’ of what I’m attempting to convey?  It’s not easy!  Well, this question was exactly what I was thinking about the other morning as I woke up from another night of other-worldly adventures.  I stretched long and powerfully, like a big cat after a long nap, felt the blood flowing a bit more vigorously through my veins and arteries, and enjoyed the little rush of endorphins my muscles were treated to.  And, of course, I bathed myself in the ‘ocean of bliss’ that I am now accustomed to swimming in continuously.  Then it hit me:  Afterglow!  YES, that’s IT!!!

Couple in bed, violet afterglow w burst

Unless you’re still a virgin, or unless you’re one of the unfortunate few (or many? I hope not!) who’ve never made love in a really vigorous, passionate, deeply satisfying manner, in a way which sates not only the body – sometimes to the point of exhaustion — but even your very soul when it’s exceptionally . . . powerful — then you know what I’m getting at here.  For those of you who are also familiar with tantric ecstasy, or who have learned to weave non-physical (higher-vibrational) energies into your lovemaking, this is what I’m talking about.  The after-effects.  Nothing quite like it – and nowhere else in the cosmos you would ever want to ‘be’ when you’re there.  Vibrant, whole, and perfectly content. . . .

I have been floating in a sea of profound inner peace and imperturbable bliss, enjoying deep physical relaxation, and finally trusting fully in the Reality that whispers to me constantly in its still, small Voice, ‘All that transpires, both Within and without, is part of the Divine PlanKeep the faith, we are always with you!’.  I no longer possess any personal agenda, make no long-term plans (at this point ‘next week’ would be long-term for me!), feel no materialistic desires, nor experience any type of stress.  I literally don’t have a single care in the world – despite several people in my lifMan-Woman orgasmic space-chakra imagee who keep trying to impose them on me.  Just so you know, I do still have a family to support, apartments and homes to maintain and manage, and a car that is actually starting to get eaten alive by rust (I live near the ocean) and hasn’t had a tune-up in at least two years.  But nothing of the material world concerns me anymore.  Nothing.  Not in the least.  (Outside of my children’s immediate needs, of course).  I take care of what needs taking care of, but I am no longer emotionally attached to my physical circumstances and material world ‘obligations’.  I hope you can see the difference?  (Non-attachment does not mean ‘neglect’, by the way, as many still stuck in the old 3D mind-set may try to convince you – so you don’t uncouple yourself from them and their little dramas, you see.).  Regardless, I have now stopped giving any emotion (power) to the ‘negative’ events unfolding in our world, as I have come to the knowing that all happens for a Go(o)d reason, despite the fact that we may not always be able to discern or decipher that reason.  Instead, I am focusing exclusively on simply BEing in the moment, in every single moment, while calmly and confidently gazing forward into our glorious emerging lives in the New Earth we are now co-creating together.

The Beginning Is Now - yoga at sunrise

Fortunately (for my sanity), I have heard of others in the global spiritual community having very similar, or even identical, transformations in their BEING-ness lately.  Sandra Walter is one.  Bill Ballard is another.  And the supportive, inspiring messages from and through Aisha North, Ron Head, John Smallman, Méline Lafont (two sites), Sophia LoveUte Posegga-Rudel, more recently Brenda Hoffman, and many other remarkable and courageous souls out there have been pivotal in helping to keep my head together through these Inner changes, since most people in this crazy world in the midst of radical change — those just now starting to undo their disagreeable Old Earth programming, find and cleanse old traumas and inner darkness, and wrestle their tyrannical little egos out of the driver’s seat of their planetary vehicle — still insist on questioning and resisting (or even fighting) these monumental shifts within their own selves.

My fondest hope is that you reading this, and ideally the rest of humanity, quickly join us here on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge to dwell in the Sacred Land that was promised to us long, long ago.  Right here and now in this momentous calendar year of 2013, it appears (and feels) like we are being gently and lovingly summoned back Home.   Weary travelers trudging through alien wilderness, tired and confused by our protracted journey that has lasted so long now that we’ve completely forgotten why we departed in the first place, we finally spot the beckoning light of a nighttime campfire in a nearby forest clearing.  The flames leap and dance to greet us as we approach, inviting us joyfully to return to its ancient circle of warmth, comfort and camaraderie, offering the rest and succor we long for so desperately after our horribly exhausting journey into the previously uncharted wilds of our amazing Material Creation.

So who’s got the marshmallows???. . . .

Bonfire with marshmallow

The Divine Nectar


Females, Artistic Renderings - Earth Mother nursing baby

Oh, to suckle on the teat of the Divine Mother,

To nourish one’s Life with the flow of that luscious Nectar

That has no compare, and never fails to sate!

To be embraced by the Goddess of Unconditional Love

Whose warm liquid sustenance seeps into every pore

Of your Being, leaving no wound unhealed.

YES!  To bathe in the Waters of Bliss so clean and pure,

Purge all fear, struggle and strife, wash away the past,

Forget the future. . . . . . . Just BE Now-Here!

Enter this ecstatic New World, this New Reality with me, my brethren

And we shall then LIVE there forevermore as the One that we truly ARE!

Gaia is waiting . . . . .

PREGNANT nude, with Earth


floodgates  Do ya FEEL it yet???

The other day, I was reading the following blog post: Fran Z, May 19 2013.  I typically read several blogs and articles every day, but this one accomplished something that very, very few have – it described a truly overwhelming experience that I just happened to have had earlier that same day, spontaneously, that I felt so powerfully and deeply it caused me to weep.  The following is that very eloquent description:

‘Feel my love for you. It is delicate and strong, silky and sweet; it is powerful, yet oh so subtle at times. This is the quality of Love you can experience, that you do experience . . . .’

I don’t recall having ever read or heard such an excellent description of That (Pure Unconditional Higher Love)  – insofar as it can even be remotely described in mere words, of course.  Though this ineffable, overpowering Love did not apparently come to me from the soul we know as Mother Mary (the speaker in the above-quoted message), it DID come from another ‘Mother’, another female entity, One much more grand, universal and at the same time easily accessible.  And it was . . . . . . well, it just WAS!

The Divine Floodgates have finally opened, my friends!  There is no longer anythingWalk Into The Garden Love Has Prepared, ACIM poster preventing all of humanity from having access to this Soul-moving experience of inexhaustible bliss!  In truth, there never was, at least without herculean effort – but NOW it’s being pumped into our realm like never before in the history of our existence in physicality, with only minimal veils, filters and barriers in place to dampen the impact.  I pray you all begin to feel this Unconditional Divine Love in your lives as I now do.  It is wonderfully overwhelming, and changes everything, regardless of the ‘circumstances’ you may find yourself inIf you have already felt this, then fantastic – get ready for much, much more!  I am fortunate in feeling the gentle flow of It into and through my waking consciousness almost constantly now for the past few weeks.  It is not only makes for a magnificent wave to ride day-in and day-out, but IS the way we shall ALL be experiencing this thing we call ‘life’ in the very near future – well, those who choose to at least.  What do you choose??? . . . . . . .

I close with oSplit Worlds - Color and Grey Scalene more statement from this message that I resonate to deeply and intimately:

With That as your main focus of existence, everything is colored in a different way. There is no room for worry or doubt as you completely give yourself up to your Essence of Love. You begin to experience the totality of it, the sustainment of it, and nothing is able to shake the joy and bliss coming from it, no matter what. Yes, you can live in that always. Welcome to the 5th dimension and higher, beloveds, when you realize this.

I strongly encourage you to prepare yourselves for, or more accurately just open yourselves to, sudden spontaneous waves of unmitigated JOY!  And also — maybe even more importantly — get prepared to meet — and maybe even merge with (if you dare!) — your True Radiant Self. . . . .

Meditation - humanoid on giant lotus, radiant light, fractals, space



CNN Presenter

Distractions abound

Both inside and out

Why is it so trying, so hard

To ignore them, opt out?

Bombings, wars and earthquakes

Financial crises and chemtrails

The MSM news outlets

Work to keep us biting our nails

The Masters of Mass Control

They have their hands on the knobs

The arrogance of centuries

Makes them unapproachable SOBs

But they suffer, too!

In their lack of love, and of joy

Their ‘priorities’ blind them

To what many of us now know and enjoy

But Oh! how trying it is

To turn away from their noise

When most people around us

Believe them, but not their own Inner Voice

Our family and friends, too

Though ‘meaning well’ I admit

Try to rein in our Light

Get us our ‘craziness’ to quit

Our libidinal urges as well

Ever powerful, most basic

Tempt us down egoic paths

Those physical pleasures — so magnetic!

The glamorous social life of the ‘hip’

We’ve been carefully programmed to follow

Makes the need to disconnect from ‘the show’

Somewhat bitter to swallow

You see, we’ve all been deceived

By so many distractions

To prevent our longings for Freedom and Love

From getting translated into real-world actions

Like building communities on mutual respect

Unity Consciousness, compassion and caring

Leaving behind separation, competition and greed

Embracing universal abundance, joy and bliss-sharing

I myself still often struggle

As you may have noticed in my blog

It’s not easy to turn away completely

Pull your mud-caked feet out of the bog

I apologize for those lapses

When I drew attention to the negative crap

I was just trying to help more sleeping Souls awaken

From their rather unpleasant duality nap

But look! The New Earth awaits us!

She’s emerging right now!

Just got to ignore those pesky distractions

From both within and without

We have lots of help in this venture

As True Masters abound

For those just waking up to the trickery of ages

Lots of assistance can be easily found

If we hold fast to the Truth,

Our New Reality, Divinity Rising

The distractors can’t sway us

From manifesting NOW the Golden Age of Gaia

So buckle up, people

The Great Transition has begun

As we leave the distractions behind

. . . . And dive into the FUN!

Monks on Roller Coaster

Profound Inner Peace, Ineffable Bliss — The Shift is NOW in Progress!

(IMPORTANT NOTE:  The Process that we have been going through is universal for ALL people on Earth at this time.  The Paradigm Shift is planet-wide — if not even greater in scope.  However, each sovereign individual human BE-ing is having a very unique experience of this Shift, based on both their specific circumstances in life, and the particular perspective and attitude which they choose to adopt in any and every given moment, and at what point in The Process they find themselves of course.  Self-comparisons and ‘rankings’ and such are simply . . . . . perpetuating the Illusion, to put it nicely.  Please just let it go.  ALL of it.  Now.  Choose Unity Through Variety instead, Humanity as a stunning mosaic of oft-bewildering, but always fascinating, manifestations of be-ing and do-ing here.  Thank you!)

Wild SCENE, People, Creatures, Mansions -- Pablo A

Over the past week or so, I have been experiencing, and maintaining, the deepest and most relaxing Inner Peace of my life.  I have also been experiencing frequent bouts of ineffable, pure states of Bliss, even feeling waves of ecstatic chills running up and down and throughout my body.  And this has had NO ‘external’ cause, is happening at NO particular time of day, has had no connection whatsoever to my immediate circumstances or situation.  None.  It is spontaneous, magnificent, and utterly overwhelming!

 The Paradigm Shift, the beginning of the Golden Age of Gaia, the Earth Changes – whatever you’d like to label it as – is INDEED in progress, actually in its latter stages of completion . . . . . for those who choose to experience it, of course.  And I personally have definitely chosen — over and over again — to DO just that, and enthusiastically so!!!  The following excerpt from a new blog article posted the other day (seen here) resonated deeply with me regarding both my own recent feelings, personal contacts with the ‘Ocean of Source’, and the NOW manifesting global paradigm shift:

‘The Feeling of Being, the sheer Presence of I AM, the Sacred Chamber of the Heart, is now a tangible Reality, implanted in the collective consciousness of mankind. . . . . It is the Ocean of the Source Which we all share and which is inherently uniting us as inseparable Oneness and Radiant Love. Such Is the Origin from which each One of Us came, and our remembrance of It is dawning now in the One Body of mankind.’

I truly hope that you all join me in embracing and celebrating the wonderful, fantastic New Earth that we are co-creating together – fully aware of its rapid emergence or not – and share in this indescribable Peace and Bliss that I AM now partaking in most of my waking hours.  BE well, and again please consider striving to adopt the following suggestion as your guiding mantra for and in and through our collective grand and radiant future:

‘. . . . (Let’s) ride like waves upon the Infinite Stillness of our Being-ness, arising and dissolving in That Ocean as a dance of light and energy, our new and ascended body-mind a sacred vessel for the force of creation.’

Surfer Tubed, rear underwater view

Gaia, female painter in cosmos w eyesThe Beginning Is HERE

The Morrow Brings The Light


The Morrow brings the Light

A new Perspective on our Plight

As we bob and weave our Way along the Path


Thank the Source I was rarely hit

With the existential bottomless Pit

Born of Belief that we are naught but Dust


I never felt such abject Fright

O the Fury! the Hell! the unhindered Spite!

Till I scorned, my Friends, a woman’s Lust


Of being loose and merry, Wow!

That Part I’ve played, O yes, and how!

When I lived that old Credo ‘I’d rather burn out, than rust!’


I’ve ridden many a tall ocean Wave

To Heights of Ecstasy! And almost to my Grave . . . .

Tapping into a Flow that only raw Nature proffers


Gold and Silver have been mine, no jest!

But Lady Poverty also, the unwelcome Guest

Learning that One IS (I AM) – no matter the State of one’s Coffers


The Journey has been long

Full of Heartbreak, Adventure, and Song

While we Lost Ones played fitfully in the Clay


Much Wisdom have we garnished

Our Souls cleansed, sanded, and varnished

As our Sojourn led us on to the fore-destined brand new Day


Time now to set aside our Bother

Prepare the Farewell Feast, our Departure

To a new Way of Being; our final Liberation’s coming fast!


The Morrow brings the Light

A new Perspective on our Plight

As we dance and sing our Way along the Path


One Of These Nights . . . .

Yesterday morning I did something very unusual.  I was ‘urged’ to do it, so I did.  Just before getting up, I listened to a song on my wife’s iPod (not one that she listens to, btw, but got on there), that she just happened to leave on the bed — and got TOTALLY into it.  It was really, really intense, almost as intense as the visions I had had a bit earlier just after waking, and feeling the message that I was going to read later that day from the GFL about all of us soon being able to live our grandest dreams, fulfil our most passionate desires. . . . .

Anyway, the musical and linguistic artistry of this song feels very appropriate for what is happening on this planet right now, and especially to all of us, internally.  I’ve highlighted some lines that seem to imply that the artists themselves were hinting at a deeper, more profound meaning than just that of seeking a ‘special’ fantasy woman to get wild with.  What do you think?

One Of These Nights

The Eagles

 One of these nights
One of these crazy old nights
We’re gonna find out
Pretty mama
What turns on your lights
The full moon is calling
The fever is high
And the wicked wind whispers
And moans

You got your demons
You got desires
Well, I got a few of my own

Oooh, someone to be kind to
In between the dark and the light
Oooh, coming right behind you
Swear I’m gonna find you
One of these nights

One of these dreams
One of these lost and lonely dreams
We’re gonna find one
One that really screams

I’ve been searching for the daughter
Of the devil himself
I’ve been searching for an angel in white
I’ve been waiting for a woman who’s a little
Of both
And I can feel her but she’s nowhere
In sight

Oooh, loneliness will blind you
In between the wrong and the right
Oooh, coming right behind you
Swear I’m gonna find you
One of these nights

One of these nights
In between the dark and the light
Coming right behind you
Swear I’m gonna find you
Get ya baby one of these nights
One of these nights
One of these nights
I can feel it
I can feel it
One of these nights
Coming right behind you
Swear I’m gonna find you now
One of these nights.. . . .

VACATION TIME! Part II – Confirmation & Validation

I’m on vacation, right?  That’s what ‘came to me’ yesterday morning, just before I got showered and dressed and went to another town to do some errands, after which I put up my last blog post (VACATION TIME!).  Uh-huh.  Well, I just saw this message in my inbox (Tuesday, March 13th, 3.00pm).  Um, how does it get any clearer than THIS?????:

Excerpted from The Galactic Free Press Daily, Update of 3~12~12 (that’s yesterday):

Greetings Love Beings~ Welcome to the Energies of Mercury retrograde. We have entered a Period of integration and processing of all the Energy that has been blasting the Planet and All of Humanity. This is a rest period. This will allow everyone’s choices to be made manifest. For those who are choosing surrendering into Love will receive everything, and those who have been fence sitters or making no choice at all will receive nothing. This is the Reality.  (For further reading, go to )

Fascinating, huh?  Add to that my constant (every day, sometimes 2 or 3 times) being ‘prompted’ to look at a clock at exactly the moment when an 11.11 number, or a similar related number series (1.11, 2.22, 3.33, 4.44, 12.12, etc.), is being displayed, and it’s pretty darn obvious that I’m aligned with Something that is far, far greater than my humble little self – and that That Something is demonstrating to me It’s ‘reality’ in an unequivocal manner.

Those reading this post who are still in total denial about all my ‘crazy ideas’ can no longer reject out of hand the ‘scientific’ proof (at least it is for me, a trained scientist — personal objective observations of ‘bizarre’ synchronistic phenomena) that something very ‘real’  is happening around here.  For those of you already ‘in the know’, no explanation is needed.  I’m sure many of you of the latter category have also been experiencing ‘events’ like this, albeit in slightly different ways – or maybe even the same ways in some cases.  Let me know.

Anyway, it’s all very, very good.  Now I’m off to help my wife bake some fresh organic banana bread, and then water our garden, and maybe play a little with our happy little daughter outside in the grass . . . . . .


Hi!  Many wonderful things are happening on our planet right now.  Some of them, however, may cause a few of you to go into ‘fear mode’ again.  Please reconsider this very unwise reaction to current events!  We are all about to be truly liberated from the yolk (sic, on purpose, pun intended, lol) of slavery to the Powers That Were, so don’t worry, and be happy, folks!

Today I’d like to give you a really fun and enriching meditation exercise that you can do anywhere, and any when.  The following version is my own, and is simply a slight expansion of one one I saw recently on line (I forget where, but it was a channeled message from our Friends On High – no copyright has ever been filed!).  Besides, it’s really, really, really simple!

Before I describe it (and another one I just ran across for those who can’t stop their egos from launching them into that ‘fear mode’ state), I’ll try to create for you an image of how I ‘see’ our ‘beingness’ for the purposes of this exercise.  It’ll make the image-ing process a bit easier for you, though I shall not make any claims as to the ‘absolute accuracy’ of how I view things.  Whatever helps the visualization process is what I’m after here, NOT create an intellectual treatise on what our energetic beings ‘looks like’ in the third dimension (I mean, how boring would that be?).

In my mind’s eye, I see our energetic selves in this world matrix as a thin layer of material consciousness ‘encapsulating’ a very beautiful Light of extremely high frequency.  This outer layer forms the shape of your physical body.  Most of the time, this Light is fully contained by the denser, ‘harder’ outer shell (ego structure, material consciousness, lower mind — whatever you want to call it) – which means that most people and animals around you feel primarily that energy from you, and not your Inner Light.  OK.

The exercise is this:  Visualize this Inner Light of yours expanding outwards in all directions.  Feel it doing this.  See it going upwards above your head, downwards below your feet, and flowing around you in all directions, forming a brilliant whitish ball of Pure Energy that goes far beyond the ‘denser’ outer layer.  The original idea that I ran across said to imagine your Light expanding out to a ball of several meters in diameter.  Nah!  I decided to make the sphere around 200 meters in diameter!  This would allow it to not only cocoon all the people and pets in my personal household, but also include anybody walking on the road, at least one neighbor and their family, the stream, the coffee plantation across the street, the local evangelical church, etc.  Now, one can take this thing as far as you want to, and continue to expand your Light to include the entire planet, or even the entire Universe, right?  For those of you who feel you can do that, go for it!  The more the merrier, right?  It ALL helps . . . . .

BTW, I do this sometimes while walking, driving my car, working, watering the garden, etc.  Hey, why not?  Now here’s the second exercise, freshly downloaded and copied from the reference below:

We have spoken to you often of your need to clear your negative emotions that are tied to your experiences here, and we would like to touch upon how you can better achieve this. Find yourself a very quiet place where you can be alone, and a place where you can sit quietly in darkness would be very opportune. Sit quietly and begin to take in breaths slowly and deeply. Quiet your mind by focusing only on your breaths. In-out. In-out. Slowly, very slowly. Allow yourself to understand that all has been for your benefit and upliftment. Allow yourself to understand that nothing you have experienced here has occurred without your prior consent. Allow yourself to forgive yourself and understand the guilt you carry with you is nothing but a lower dimensional symptom that has no place in the higher realms and will vanish upon your ascension and your return home, and that you have the power to release this guilt today. Guilt and shame do not have to be a part of these lessons you have learned. Release them as you breathe deep and breathe slow. Release them. They are not necessary, and they mean nothing. Continue to breathe, and when you feel ready begin the rest of your day and the rest of your new life free of these emotions. They no longer serve you and they are no longer needed. You are free of them.

Excerpted from a post of February 29th 2012 entitled Message from the Ashtar Command  2/29/12, on

= = = = = = =

P.S. — Just like some other fun things in life, do this as often as you can for best results!  Again, why not?!  You have nothing to lose but your stress and limitations.

Ignorance Is Bliss!

Not anymore.

(End of transmission)

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