life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Posts tagged ‘Know thyself’


A few days ago I ran across a recently published message/conversation by Blossom Goodchild.  Part way through the post, I read a passage that appears to answer THE Big Question, very clearly.  Here is the main idea, succinctly and energetically expressed in response to one of Blossom’s pleas for easily understandable ‘final’ answers to her anxious inquiries:

‘We CANNOT answer many questions because you hold the answers … which are dependent upon your own self-discovery of LOVE!  Over and over again we CHOOSE to talk about it … Because that is all there is. That is all there is to talk about.  For there is nothing else in existence other than LOVE.

‘. . . . NOTHING MATTERS other than BEING LOVE.

‘IF YOU REALLY GOT THAT … there simply would be no need to KNOW anything more.’

Sunset w words 'Love Light Laughter', from BGs web site

THIS perspective, you see, is where I have been ‘coming from’ in this blog for the most part, as the above understanding is one I’ve been living for many years now.  I and others could write a million more blog posts about a million subjects, and it wouldn’t make a damned nor blessed bit of difference as to any of you knowing of the ONLY IMPORTANT THINGS about existence.  Not a bit.  To explain:  Intellectual (ego-mind) ‘knowledge’ is NOT true knowledge.  It’s just a temporary 3rd-dimensional tool for those who have not yet made their own connection with their Higher Self, and Higher Knowing.  Those who insist on arguing about who is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ about something – about anything – have simply not yet experienced Truth with their human consciousness (or maybe have — but forgotten again).  You see, only an ego that is not 100% sure of its ‘knowledge’ must try to convince others of their personal perception of reality.  When it comes to truth, no doubts = no ‘need’ to convince others = no arguments. 

Mind Waves graphic, blue light in head

Personally, I myself am a ‘recovering intellectual’ (yeah, it is funny, go ahead and chuckle!).  I have read twice as many books as most college-educated people, and many more times that in essays and magazine articles and blog posts, etc.  I used to rely on my 3D-ego-mind intelligence to make my way in life — and did pretty darn well at it, too (for the most part).  But when it comes to what is considered Higher Truth, you see . . . . well, only the Heart can ‘know’ That.  When I first came across this concept, I fought it tooth and nail – until I started experiencing it in very personal, dramatic ways.  I (my ego-self-personality) eventually gave up the fight against knowing the Truth – in other words, stopped living in denial — and gave in to the process of SELF-discovery.  And the floodgates subsequently opened wide . . . . . 


You all have ALL knowing Within you, now.  Finding and forging that ‘link’ represents possibly the greatest challenge a human being could ever take on.  The ancient yogis would sequester themselves from society and meditate deeply for lifetimes to accomplish that, after having lived many lifetimes of pure experience and struggle (according to Hindu, Taoist, and Buddhist texts).  Nowadays, because of the Divine Cosmic Energies we are being bathed in – some would characterize it more as ‘bombarded by’, lol – here at the threshold of humanity’s Grand Awakening, it doesn’t take much active effort at all.  

Buddha Statue w 3rd Eye Light

In the end, regardless of any individual’s unique set of beliefs or circumstances, whether a person awakens to Higher Truth and consciously strengthens their bond with the Divinity Within — or not —  really comes down to personal choice.  So IF you choose to follow this amazing path to what I described in previous posts as ‘profound inner peace and ineffable bliss‘ and a similar state to ‘afterglow’, just go Within, clear away the flotsam and jetsam of your ego-personality self (old unhealed emotional scars, ancient issues and hang-ups, repressed resentments and longings, etc.), and all shall be revealed to you in an amazingly vivid, yet lovingly compassionate manner. The Universe WILL support your heartfelt choice – and assist you onto and along whichever path you select with more warm, enthusiastic support than you might yet be able to imagine.  When you start to feel the presence of your guides, angels, and others around (and within) you – in ways that wash away all remaining doubt clinging to your tired, battered psyche – you’ll know that you are very, very close to encountering the One Absolute Truth of our common Existence.

Unusual Cloud Formations over lake in Georgia, 4 July '12

For more on this subject of Love as Truth, see this very recent blog post from John Smallman.  I wish you all a joyful, magnificent Grand Awakening!

Food For Thought: EVERYTHING

A wise sage once stated, as his most memorable and enduring legacy, that to know what life was about, to understand how things worked, to comprehend the meaning of what we do and, more importantly, who we are, one should seek to hold as one’s most important guiding credo:  ‘Know thyself.’

Another sagacious gentlemen, born of a very wealthy family, said after meditating under a tree for quite some time, ‘Peace comes from within.’

Another wise brother of ours said once long ago, when pressed again and again by those around him to reveal in simple language what they should be doing in order to draw to themselves the things of the world they felt they so desperately needed to survive and be happy, the following:  ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, . . . and all these things shall be added unto you.’

In our modern age, a peaceful warrior who led a people to throw off the shackles of imperialism and establish a new independent nation based on spiritual principles, stated it with equal simplicity:  ‘Each one has to find his peace from within.

Many others have pointed us in the same exact direction.  Seems pretty clear to me.  How about you?

Buddha Statue w 3rd Eye Light

When one finally turns away from the distractions of the virtual reality matrix of this illusional realm, the ‘external’ material world of matter and movement and never-ending drama; when one succeeds in quieting and releasing the incessant mind-chatter of the superficial ego-self, and goes Within to seek the Core Essence of one’s True Eternal Beingness . . . . . . then one shall finally find EVERYTHING!

I encourage you to ponder these thoughts and, if it resonates to where you are ‘at’ in this particular Divine Moment of the Eternal Now, give it a go!  You have literally nothing to lose (well, maybe you do actually – strife, sorrow, loneliness, anger, despair . . . . those types of ‘things’) and, well, everything to gain!

Grid Patterns w Yoga Pose

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