life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Posts tagged ‘Earth’

Let’s . . . Go . . . HOME!! :-D

Sand Castle - Horrific Images of Past

Playtime in this small, old, messy little Sandbox is over! . . .

 Sand Castle - skeletons and treasure chest

It’s Time to move on to NEW Cosmic Playgrounds, and even FUNNER worlds of clay-ful creations . . . .

Sand Art - goddess w patterns on shoreline

Sand Castle Art - Human Head in double vortexSand Art - FOL on shoreSand Art - BELIEVE

Sand Castle - flowers on shoreline


Energy Being

“We grant access to all that seek our council . . . . We do not lift our veils for just anyone, only those of pure purpose and humble in their approach. You hold remnants of a vague memory that we will awaken as you come to terms with all that is Holy and Galactic within your Self. . . . We serve as an Awakening Device helping Earth to remember the sequence of time events (that) people hold within their personal coded DNA. We align with the Higher Aspects of all Consciousness escorting humanity into a place of empowerment while living in the flesh.”   (from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan, Newsletter Article)

FLR Being, male human, surrounded by geometric light patterns


As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We are Teachers of Light and have existed for uncountable years. We herald from beyond what you know as your heavens and have taken form so we could hold these truths and wisdom’s solid until the day we could finally speak.  Long we have waited for a voice, a touch, and an appreciation of our form.  Just to be acknowledged has sent a multitude of light transmissions, telling those within our universe we have awakened. 

Your world has been experimental from the beginning.  It has housed many species on many dimensions and inclusions of light. They come from beyond the stars looking to hold a new form to learn more about themselves and what they perceive as Source.  We are such beings that chose to stay and assist the people of earth to be birthed into more awareness and then courage to use that awareness as a tool of light. 

We are celestial of nature beyond what you deem angelic or holy of recorded earth history.  The veils within us house our true form with a flash from a distant time.  Let your sense feast upon our rainbows and pathways of stellar continence. We are different in height and width yet we are identical in Beginning. On earth does a tall man have more truth than a short man?  We are tailor made to fit your world as we have the ability to generate light in many spectral directions.

The Masters of Light that have walked earth and all of their aspects intend to use our presence as a doorway to embark upon a journey to alleviate mankind’s self-induced suffering.  Cosmic rays from deep space come forth as what was has exploded in all of its glory dissipating into space and time truths that could be received no other way.  Traveling faster than a light beam they emanate from the central core of deep space and extend themselves to all that will receive them.

We are the living covenant that the stars have with earth.  Within us lives hope, ‘we stand in the gap’ for humanity’s right ‘to be’ defending them against all odds.  We come to escort you into more experiences of light, sound, and manifestation, as we are Teachers Of Time presiding over a planetary class. We are living stellar libraries with knowledge too immeasurable to hold. We grant access to all that seek our council and it is there that we sit in reverence of all that is earth. 

Our energy is transferable and multiplies with meditation and sound. Any crystalline object or liquid placed near us will align with our energies and thus our vibration will spread around the globe and out past the earth’s energetic perimeter, our truths will change into a useable form, we travel on sound.

Look deep within for our monuments of hidden truths. We do not lift our veils for just anyone, only those of pure purpose and humble in their approach. You hold remnants of a vague memory that we will awaken as you come to terms with all that is holy and galactic within your self.

We serve as an awakening device helping earth to remember the sequence of time events people hold within their personal coded DNA. We align with the higher aspects of all consciousness escorting humanity into a place of empowerment while living in the flesh. We draw to us that which is from the deepest of space.  The stars use us as their instrument to assist humanity into Arcing more Light without need for rescue. We are a divine salutation to all that has come before earth. Stellar emanations seek us as a conduit for we are a living Galactic Gateway, and a collection of rhythms from time immortal. We are a Great Light that has taken form to share its teachings.”

Blue Electric Man    Melchizedek


. . . and CHANGED it!

‘You went against The Story…’ This line was spoken to me in a ‘dream’ the other night by an old friend, one who has not always been ‘fully aligned’ with my particular Path to Mastery since we started communicating again a few years ago after not seeing each other for around two full decades. In this dream sequence – which we now understand are more akin to astral travels to other worlds in ‘reality’, than what we were told were ‘just’ nighttime dreams of pure fantasy and illusion – we had just been accosted by a few onerous giant humans, and I had done a fine job defusing the situation, and bringing it to a peaceful conclusion. And then my friend turns to me and says that, a thought that was not only completely spontaneous, but also completely out of context. But I KNEW exactly what he meant, the way we all do in ‘dreams’ via the instantaneous understanding of not only what is said, but all that what is said implies, the entire background and conceptual framework that forms its context. Some call it ‘telepathy’. I just call it ‘knowing’…..

We went against The Story that we wQI - Upping-The-Storyere taught, told to believe above and despite any other ‘viewpoint’ we may have stumbled upon in our search for the ever-elusive ‘truth’, and literally forced to support via myriad ‘obligations’ and ‘requirements’. Though many of us tried to achieve ‘socioeconomic success’ via this horribly IN-human System of Control, most of us simply could not manage to keep it up for very long, even after some of us DID manage to claw our way up the ladder – to some small extent compared to those in the top castes of the social order — of ‘financial affluence’ and ‘social status’. But we eventually woke up to the fact that it was all a scam, a charade, a Show that was based on intentionally false assumptions, phony science, and intentional programming of us ‘unwashed masses’ to serve our Hidden Masters. So we stepped back from the mainstream’s social narrative, the dominant paradigm of the Old World culture. Make no mistake, NO human society is free of organized social structures. They have been created, fed, nurtured and defended by ALL human civilizations throughout history, of any and all social orders. We just had the insight to realize, before it was too late (again), that if things kept going as they were – and as thThe Story Beginsey were being encouraged to – the human race, like the proverbial lemmings, would soon be leaping blindly to their death. And the planet’s.

Throughout our lives, we – the Wayshowers, the Rebels, the Trailblazers, the Discontent Misfits of society – never fully accepted the fabricated story line of ‘how things worked’, ‘how to get ahead’, what was ‘expected of us’ as citizens of post-industrial First World society, what our ‘role’ was in this materialistic, consumerist, horrifically unsustainable modus operand we had co-created over the centuries, nor what was published as ‘fact’ in the Mainstream Media (MSM). ‘What exactly do you mean by ‘The Story’, though?’ you may ask. Well, it’s what ALL ruling classes develop and promote and sustain via the available media of their age, used both to ‘program’ the populace into their particular paradigm and ‘interpretations’ of what life is all about; and Heart, 3D Fractal Realm image, WOWMAINTAIN THEIR POWER over the masses. In our case, over the last century or two, it could be defined in general economic terms as ‘materialist capitalism-based consumerism’. Philosophically, it would be something like ‘Darwinist competition for survival and limited resources in a vertical social hierarchy’. As you can clearly see in the MSM, the politicians, corporate executives, school textbook authors, mainstream economists, Wall Street financial kings, etc. all continue inexplicably to ‘toe the line’ and ‘stick to the story’ regarding the ‘official’ version of ‘what is’ in the world (and of course why) — despite the overwhelming proof of its insanity. And anyone who refuses to do so is immediately cast out of the ‘inner circles’ of both geopolitical power structures and the highest socioeconomic networks (and their accompanying positions of influence of course). Or worse (think ‘The Kennedys). But that’s another ‘story’, lol…..

So, what most of us ‘Truthers’ did in the face of all this BS spewing out into the Mass Consciousness of global society – especially here in the West – was to begin to speak, write, and broadcast an Alternative Story, one based on both ancient wisdom and whatever factual intel could be found ‘out there’. The stunning growth of the Internet, and it’s natural dispersion of encyclopedic information about any and all subjects, Truther QIhelped immensely in this project. It was truly a gift from Heaven for our Cause, and we really could not have done this without it. Little did the original inventors (the US military actually, at least ‘officially’) comprehend what they had given us . . . . Anyway, we also benefited magnificently from the information received from ‘insiders’, whistleblowers , ex-military ‘black ops’ types, ex-spies, and ex-corporate goons and shills whose direct exposure to and experience of the ‘REAL Deal’ they felt just couldn’t remain hidden from public view any longer (and which led to most of them being ‘silenced’ in one nefarious form or another). This ‘new’ Real Story not only exposed the lies and deception and manipulations of the Old Institutional/Ruling Elite Story, but also revealed the glorious potential New Life that we are now finally actively ushering into existence in this realm, actually creating as we move rapidly into its Energies!

Alexander - Ascension is a Good ThingFor my part, I and most of the tight group of Global Wayshowers I communicate with directly on the planet (for example Bill Ballard, Méline Lafont, Sandra Walter, Cary Kirastar Ellis, and Sixtina Friedrich), have been guided during this brief moment of relative calm to simply sit back, let go of all that we have done and been in what is now our past, be a witness to the explosive Awakening of Humanity that is now occurring, take some notes, and enjoy The Ride. Soon, we shall be called into our next roles here – and then our time to just sit back and relax will be very much over for a while.  With that in mind (and heart) I recommend to ALL of you to put forth your best effort to finish cleaning out the closets and dark corners of your own psyches — and to simply stop worrying about anybody else’s!  We all need to be fully prepared for the next unfoldment of The Grand Plan. It’s gonna be RAD!!!

Despite this time of relaxation and ‘gathering together of Energies’ that I AM experiencing, I continue to post much information on Facebook, under the name Alexander RA-Sol. So if you’d like to learn more, and in more detail, aboutKid running through tunnel into sun what this New Story that is beginning to burst into the mainstream dialogue all over the planet is all about, and also how you can accelerate your own process of healing and connection and en-LIGHT-enment, then feel free to ‘friend’ me in that space – and follow this Trailblazing Cosmic Surfer deeper into the rabbit hole of your own SELF-discovery . . . .

In La ‘Kesh!

 QI - Something BIG is coming

Trust the Pie . . . !

Trust the pie!!!

‘My granddaddy always said, ‘If you got a problem you can’t solve, it helps to get outta your headPie.  It’s good.’‘  —  From the classic ‘sci-fi’ movie Men In Black III, ‘K’ as his 1960’s self, when they had no idea where to go or what to do next to find the criminal and the 5th-Dimensional entity Griff who had yet to give them the Earth defence system, and all ‘normal investigative techniques’ and ‘reason’ and ‘linear logic’ and ‘professional police work’ had come to nothing but dead ends.  See clip below (click on the image) —  and really the entire amazingly timely, significant, insightful, and spiritual movie — for more clarity.

Trust the Pie 2

Always strive to remember this key thought as well:  ‘Pie don’t work unless you let it.‘  😉

Enjoy the ‘pie’!!!



This is it, my friends.  This is The End.  Or, to be more accurate, The Beginning. .  .  .

The Beginning Is HERE

This New Beginning represents the perfect moment of now to release my e-book.  It’s time!  My book is a collection of the majority of my blog posts on this site from the last 2-1/2 years or so, through to the end of August 2013.  Due to the enormous amount of information this work contains, written during the lead-up to this Shift of the Ages, this collection can serve as a sort of ‘reference guide’ for the coming change times.

please click on image to purchase (PayPal)

please click on image to purchase (PayPal)

Starting in late 2011 when I began my blog, I utilized many different approaches and styles, including not only my own personal musings on what was happening in the world in those moments, not just my deeply personal experiences of the radical internal changes taking place on Gaia (and within humanity), but also various viewpoints and perspectives to help calm one’s fears and doubts.  To that end there are several effective psychological techniques among the posts to help minimize and soothe the turbulent emotions that inevitably come up during the process of radical change.  My fondest hope is that it assists others, especially the newly awakened, to navigate the coming times with a bit more serenity and confidence than they might otherwise have had without this information which, it’s important to note, was vetted and ‘proven’ through my own extremely dramatic life as a wayshower (please see my brief general biography, included in the book, for more details about that).  Please write me directly at if you are interested (I can then send you an invoice), or simply send the appropriate amount to that e-mail address with ‘e-book’ included the subject line/comments (click on the cover image to go to PayPal directly).  I am charging only USD$2.99 for the (in Adobe PDF format), though any additional donations are more than welcome.

FINAL WORDS . . . .  Instead of rambling on with my own thoughts about this most epic moment in all of human history, I give you the enigmatic words of Neo at the end of the first Matrix movie.  His words feel particularly appropriate for this now moment, both for me and for ALL who have been consciously involved in this Epic Transition, this Grand Project – and also for those just now getting ‘up to speed’ on what’s really been going down on this beautiful little planet we know as Gaia:

‘I know you’re out there. I can feel you now.  I know that you’re afraid…  You’re afraid of change. I don’t know the future.  I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it’s going to begin.   I’m going to show them a world without . . . rules and controls, without borders or boundaries.  A world where anything is possible.  Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you.’

Matrix Images - The Ones that WANT out will be freed

Be well.  Be Love.  But above all, let go of whatever still holds you back, and just

BE FREE . . .

IMAGINE, mural of main song lyric

and IMAGINE . . . !

Afterglow . . . .

Sunset of Wispy Clouds (4)

“The Way is not in the sky. The Way is in the Heart.”  — ancient Buddhist axiom

NOTE:  Best to play the following YouTube music compilation video while reading this, in order to groove with its vibe more easily, as the music in this compilation represents even more viscerally the feeling, the transcendent rapture, I am trying to convey in this post via my words:

A few months ago, I posted a short article about what I had begun to experience, namely a deep and unshakeable inner peace, combined with a soaring joy that was, and still is, completely indescribable.  These amazing sensations and experiences were coming to me only sporadically at that time, sudden spontaneous infusions of ethereal bliss moving wonderfully into and through my entire body, and surrounding me with what felt like the warmest loving embrace a human being could ever imagine or experience.  Well, that’s all changed now.

Towards the end of June, just after the northern Summer Solstice, these overwhelming sensations stopped.  Well, they stopped being sporadic, that is!  I felt this Sunset Cloud from house (2)ineffable state of BE-ing sort of ‘lock in’.  Something fundamental shifted in my . . . Deepest Core, I guess you could term it.  And the spiritual ecstasy became permanent.  Of course, it ebbs and flows like anything else in this life, sometimes flowing subtly just under the surface of my ‘normal’ daily activities, where I am barely conscious of it at all; and other times sending chills and other delightful physical sensations rolling through my body, preventing me from doing anything outside of simply reveling in it until the heavenly moment passes.  It’s pretty awesome, to say the least.

So how can I better describe this now-constant experience/sensation, make it easier for others to get a ‘taste’ of what I’m attempting to convey?  It’s not easy!  Well, this question was exactly what I was thinking about the other morning as I woke up from another night of other-worldly adventures.  I stretched long and powerfully, like a big cat after a long nap, felt the blood flowing a bit more vigorously through my veins and arteries, and enjoyed the little rush of endorphins my muscles were treated to.  And, of course, I bathed myself in the ‘ocean of bliss’ that I am now accustomed to swimming in continuously.  Then it hit me:  Afterglow!  YES, that’s IT!!!

Couple in bed, violet afterglow w burst

Unless you’re still a virgin, or unless you’re one of the unfortunate few (or many? I hope not!) who’ve never made love in a really vigorous, passionate, deeply satisfying manner, in a way which sates not only the body – sometimes to the point of exhaustion — but even your very soul when it’s exceptionally . . . powerful — then you know what I’m getting at here.  For those of you who are also familiar with tantric ecstasy, or who have learned to weave non-physical (higher-vibrational) energies into your lovemaking, this is what I’m talking about.  The after-effects.  Nothing quite like it – and nowhere else in the cosmos you would ever want to ‘be’ when you’re there.  Vibrant, whole, and perfectly content. . . .

I have been floating in a sea of profound inner peace and imperturbable bliss, enjoying deep physical relaxation, and finally trusting fully in the Reality that whispers to me constantly in its still, small Voice, ‘All that transpires, both Within and without, is part of the Divine PlanKeep the faith, we are always with you!’.  I no longer possess any personal agenda, make no long-term plans (at this point ‘next week’ would be long-term for me!), feel no materialistic desires, nor experience any type of stress.  I literally don’t have a single care in the world – despite several people in my lifMan-Woman orgasmic space-chakra imagee who keep trying to impose them on me.  Just so you know, I do still have a family to support, apartments and homes to maintain and manage, and a car that is actually starting to get eaten alive by rust (I live near the ocean) and hasn’t had a tune-up in at least two years.  But nothing of the material world concerns me anymore.  Nothing.  Not in the least.  (Outside of my children’s immediate needs, of course).  I take care of what needs taking care of, but I am no longer emotionally attached to my physical circumstances and material world ‘obligations’.  I hope you can see the difference?  (Non-attachment does not mean ‘neglect’, by the way, as many still stuck in the old 3D mind-set may try to convince you – so you don’t uncouple yourself from them and their little dramas, you see.).  Regardless, I have now stopped giving any emotion (power) to the ‘negative’ events unfolding in our world, as I have come to the knowing that all happens for a Go(o)d reason, despite the fact that we may not always be able to discern or decipher that reason.  Instead, I am focusing exclusively on simply BEing in the moment, in every single moment, while calmly and confidently gazing forward into our glorious emerging lives in the New Earth we are now co-creating together.

The Beginning Is Now - yoga at sunrise

Fortunately (for my sanity), I have heard of others in the global spiritual community having very similar, or even identical, transformations in their BEING-ness lately.  Sandra Walter is one.  Bill Ballard is another.  And the supportive, inspiring messages from and through Aisha North, Ron Head, John Smallman, Méline Lafont (two sites), Sophia LoveUte Posegga-Rudel, more recently Brenda Hoffman, and many other remarkable and courageous souls out there have been pivotal in helping to keep my head together through these Inner changes, since most people in this crazy world in the midst of radical change — those just now starting to undo their disagreeable Old Earth programming, find and cleanse old traumas and inner darkness, and wrestle their tyrannical little egos out of the driver’s seat of their planetary vehicle — still insist on questioning and resisting (or even fighting) these monumental shifts within their own selves.

My fondest hope is that you reading this, and ideally the rest of humanity, quickly join us here on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge to dwell in the Sacred Land that was promised to us long, long ago.  Right here and now in this momentous calendar year of 2013, it appears (and feels) like we are being gently and lovingly summoned back Home.   Weary travelers trudging through alien wilderness, tired and confused by our protracted journey that has lasted so long now that we’ve completely forgotten why we departed in the first place, we finally spot the beckoning light of a nighttime campfire in a nearby forest clearing.  The flames leap and dance to greet us as we approach, inviting us joyfully to return to its ancient circle of warmth, comfort and camaraderie, offering the rest and succor we long for so desperately after our horribly exhausting journey into the previously uncharted wilds of our amazing Material Creation.

So who’s got the marshmallows???. . . .

Bonfire with marshmallow


Fireworks, with people watching

So here we are, halfway through the Gregorian calendar year of 2013.  Wild, crazy, epic time!  However, most people still don’t quite understand, or even suspect, what is really happening in and around our world.  Most people are still stuck in the old limited 3D paradigms and their methods of processing information, thinking, feeling, and even living.  As a direct result, most people are more than a little nervous, upset, fearful, insecure, and uncertain about what the future holds, as their ‘tried and true’ old strategies for navigating reality are just . . . not . . . working anymore!

The basic problem is this:  The vast majority of the human population still seems unable to just BE in the moment called ‘now’, live from there.  But what is actually much worse is that they have never even really thought deeply about it, much less attempted to discipline their minds to stay in that immensely powerful and creative space.  And, believe me, it takes a LOT of discipline to accomplish that, and constant vigilance as well!  But even that isn’t really the core problem.  This is:  Most people still LIVE in either the past or the future, and not at all in the now.  OK, maybe in a flashing moment of fun or ecstasy, the ego releases its vice-grip on their consciousness, sure — for a few brief moments at best.  However, outside of a few zany artists and mystics and the like, most people still are too deeply programmed in the old 3D ways of living and surviving to simply let go of what does not, and never has existed:  the past and the future.  They have never been taught to, nor really even felt the need to, live wholly in the Now.

Alarm Clock - 5 to midnightBrief periods of ‘past-think’ can be OK, even helpful on occasion, if one is eliciting the deep positive feelings from moments lived fully in joy or love — like those of the passion of a fresh new romantic relationship, or a childhood roller-coaster ride, or riding your first wave to the end.  ‘Future-think’ can be helpful on occasion as well, like when one is using L.O.A. techniques to visualize a desired scene or outcome, or planning a fun vacation.  But maintaining your mind occupied in thoughts of either the past or the future is severely limiting if engaged in exclusively, or even  more than a very small percentage of the time.

You see, most people – including myself, of course, much of my past life – tend to constantly be dwelling on the past and the future in their moment-to-moment thoughts.  Therefore, because our mind in that mode is almost perpetually ‘in’ the past or ‘in’ the future – ‘That trip I took to the beach last month was awesome!’; ‘I hope the baby isn’t coming down with a cold again. . . .’; ‘I wonder if I can afford that new phone next week?’; ‘That was some awesome sex with her yesterday. . . ‘; ‘Where is the money to pay the bills going to come from?’; ‘God, I hope my 401K is enough for me to retire on’; ‘I hope someone comes to save us soon from this horrible mess we’re in’; etc., etc. – what is supposed to be a ‘when’ actually becomes a where.  Unfortunately, that is exactly ‘where’ our egos dwell (our intellect primarily, our purely material-world-oriented 3D minds) — in the past and the future!  To make it worse, most people are still stuck in basing their expectations of future behavior and results and circumstances on past behavior and results and circumstances, especially when it comes to their personal relationships and finances – which just keeps them stuck in the ego’s murky, controlling domain even more.

Only the NOW actually exists in Reality.  This has even been established ‘scientifically’, via advanced physics.  In relation to this world, this realm, this dimension, the past is long gone.  The future is not yet manifest, and is totally malleable via the ‘control room’ of your most prevalent thoughts.  And emotions, especially the positive ones, are only felt in the precise nanosecond of now.  Therefore, logically speaking, if we want to live life to our fullest, experience and enjoy what this journey on GaiaSpiritual - Time in hands’s surface has to offer, we must learn (discipline ourselves) to live only in the Eternal Now — which is the only ‘place’ where we truly can BE and FEEL fully alive and vibrant anyway!  Fortunately, we are ‘now’ getting lots and lots of help from Gaia herself (and others) as what we perceive as ‘linear time’ is rapidly collapsing.  I’m sure you’ve noticed.

I hope I’ve been able to convey at least a little of what came to me the other morning in that strange, wonderful space between sleeping and waking.  It’s definitely ‘time’ to let go of the past, forgive any and all perceived trespasses against us (and by us – self-forgiveness is at least equally important), and simply move on.  It’s also ‘time’ to create our wonderful future in the moment of now, by taking full responsibility in each and every moment of our days and nights to take the actions necessary to improve our world – no more delays, no more fear, no more hesitation — and be who we all truly ARE at our Sacred Core.  As long as we ‘dwell’ in either the past or the future, our egos can maintain control of our Selves, and keep us distracted, side-tracked, and out of touch with our Center.  In the end – which all signs are indicating is NOW, by the way – true liberation can only come from Within.  Only by understanding where the shackles that bind us are hidden, can we finally find them, recognize them for what they are, and unbind ourselves from the limiting constraints of the egoic body-mind, regardless of where those constraints and deep psychological programs originally came from.  It matters not.  Only our personal liberation does.

I look forward to us all dwelling in a much better ‘place’ very, very soon. . . . .

Moorea 3, rainbow over village


Moving Out of Denial — And Into Our New Earth!

Note:  I wrote and published this article over two years ago, before I started this blog.  I have slightly edited and updated it for current readers. I apologize for its length – but simply could not cut much out, seeing that each part made an essential contribution to the whole.  In any case, I hope you enjoy it; but even more importantly (to me at least), I hope what I share with you below helps you to BE more of Who you truly ARE in this rapidly evolving reality, as we race inexorably into a completely new phase of our Universe’s eternally unfolding Creation. . . .


We live in an age of radical change, chaos in fact, as our Mother Earth accelerates her frequencies towards a shift to a higher dimensional state, a new level of BEing, assimilating the massive waves of cosmic energy that now lovingly bathe our planet.  The collective consciousness of humanity is striving to balance the feminine and masculine, right and left, higher and lower – and it’s a pretty rocky road so far.  Right now, as you read this, there is a psychological and spiritual battle going on of epic proportions for our hearts and minds, and the two primary opposing ‘forces’ are mutually exclusive.  Only one can ‘win’, despite the fact that only one of these philosophies is even fighting.  Add to that the virtually limitless streams of information from the dominant paradigms that all vie for your attention and energy, and the global landscape is definitely getting . . . weird.  And confusing for most, to put it mildly.

In this wild milieu of informational and lifestyle choice saturation, the very foundations of all of our belief systems are being challenged, down to their very roots.  As a result, we are being presented with choices every day of our lives – and, to quote one of my favorite old rock bands, ‘if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice’.  Whether we like it or not, embrace it or not, we MUST make these decisions, these selections, of what we want our personal worlds to look like.  Now.  The first step, however, is to open up our minds to possibilities that we may never have had to consider before, possibilities of the most fundamental aspects of what we call ‘reality’ that may crash head-on with what we considered ‘set in stone’ or ‘unquestionable’ as the ‘way things are’ just a few short years ago.  The path to higher consciousness is not always easy, but we are being pushed inexorably along this path that some call ‘ascension’ – and clearing out the dark veils draped over our highest inner truths is now essential if we are to successfully move forward.


Complex 3D crop formation

I have an old friend in the States who read an article I had published on crop circles a while ago.  His first reaction was, unfortunately, somewhat typical of mainstream middle-class attitudes.  As any person in this modern world can confirm for themselves (references were given in that article to do exactly that), crop circle formations have been with us for a very long time, and have represented an amazing and inspiring array of visceral imagery, complex geometry, sophisticated mathematics, and potential fundamental meanings that literally boggle the mind.  However my friend, a highly intelligent, educated professional who has lived in other countries and travelled the world many times over, chose to respond to this phenomenon as follows:  ‘I just don’t believe these are real.’  Whoa!  Note that he wasn’t talking about who possibly made them – which I could totally understand — but about their very existence!  He also told me that he believed that somebody just manufactured the photos of them on Adobe Photoshop, and posted them on the internet for fun (he chose to completely neglect to address the many videos and documentaries and newspaper and magazine and e-zine articles, etc., on the subject, let alone the tens of thousands of physical witnesses, including even some MSM reporters).  After I provided him with links to all the overwhelming proof of their obvious existence, he did finally admit that they apparently existed — but still cannot get himself to believe that the many hundreds of crop formations that have appeared throughout the world for several decades (or more) are anything more than some very extravagant, very advanced, very time- and cost- and labor-intensive practical joke.  The mere possibility of the existence of crop circles as a bona-fide scientifically inexplicable phenomena was so threatening to his perception of reality, that initially this university-educated man of the world even refused to spend five or ten minutes to check out the sources I had provided, do a simple fact-check!  I was truly shocked by his reaction of incredulity and flat denial.  Unfortunately, my old friend’s attitude towards crop formations – one he admittedly shares with tens of millions of other ‘mainstream’ thinkers — is unfortunately pretty typical, and can be applied to most ‘unusual’ phenomena that rarely, if ever, make it onto CNN or BBC News.  He suffers from the extreme pandemic that is generally known as DENIAL.

Denial is one of the most debilitating syndromes in the modern era.  It inhibits middle and working class people from revolting, or even voting, against an inhumane, broken socio-economic system; it hampers and suppresses reporters from questioning the true causes of unusual explosions, untouched buildings spontaneDENIAL cartoon image - ostrich and businessmanously collapsing in total free-fall, and ‘freak accidents’ of people who are out there risking it all to bring to light the dark deceptions and manipulations of the ruling cabals.  The obfuscating mind-set of denial hinders investigators from making connections between the power/money elite, multinational corporations, orchestrated global financial scandals, political intransigence, Big Oil, Big Banking, Big Pharma, and their nonsensical (but highly profitable) wars.  Not wanting to admit even the possibility of nefarious conspiracies among our so-called ‘leaders’ stops most people from ever seriously considering the possibility that their deeply ingrained belief systems may be based on false assumptions, faulty science, and even outright lies.

Denial is a questionable psychological tool that apparently only human beings possess, a tool which has been part of our deeper psychological makeup for eons.  I came up with a hypothesis regarding why this relatively neglected aspect of the human psyche has become so powerful, so influential, in our daily lives.  It relates to our comfort zones.  Our precious comfort zones. . . . .  I have always been absolutely amazed at how people will go to such radical extremes to stay deeply tucked into their precious, incredibly fragile, mind-numbing comfort zones.  I heard years ago that, even when confronted with undeniable proof from multiple independent sources, most people (especially women, statistically speaking) will absolutely refuse to accept even the possibility that their partners are cheating on them sexually.  Another statistic is even more horrific, the one that confirms that most abused women, despite powerful statements by concerned professionals employed to help them, feel that they have ‘done something wrong’ in order to cause their male partner’s physical attacks on them.  These are both common examples of the not-so-obvious connection between denial and comfort zones.  In a nutshell, if you can deny to yourself the existence of a fact or situation, or a link between two superficially disconnected facts or events, then you can remain safely in your cozy little comfort zone, where life is  . . . . well, not necessarily grand and joImageyful, but at least simple and manageable.  Most importantly, you will not be forced to completely reevaluate and change your deeply held beliefs, nor your perception of reality as you would like it to be.  In the above cited examples, these women, by denying that their husbands are cheating on them, or that their husbands are not nice people, are avoiding a very nasty confrontation – both internal and interpersonal.  How can they justify staying with the person they apparently love if they acknowledge his cheating, and/or that he has an inherently violent personality?  Once they admit to those realities, any option they choose makes for a quick, startling boot OUT of their familiar comfort zone and into a distressful, trying, potentially devastating face-off with ‘reality’ – one in which they could lose everything they hold dear in their lives.  Therefore, they avoid that psychological shock no matter what it takes – even if it costs them their sanity, or in some cases their very lives!  We need only look to today’s revelatory news about the poisoned food chain (especially from GMO foods) and the ‘side-effects’ of vaccines — and most people’s refusal to look at the horrific (and often fatal) damage they are doing to human beings, including our children — for conspicuous current examples.  Nowadays, to dig one’s heels deeply into denial in order to not be ‘uncomfortable’ psychologically really CAN kill you!  And your kids.

I have run across very few articles that dealt with this subject in my life (Hmmm, I wonder why?).  But one I did find was called The Illusion of Living Within Your Comfort Zone (Deborah Bier, PhD, 2010).  Her words may express more clearly to you what I am trying to convey:  ‘Many of us live in the illusion that comfort is the ultimate, and it must never be left except kicking and screaming… and then only at the point of a loaded gun. . . .  “Oh, I couldn’t talk about how much it means to me… speaking up is just not in my comfort zone.”  “Go after that big life change? Not yet — not until it’s in my comfort zone.”  “I’m not comfortable with what you want from me, so I’m going to say ‘no’.”  Who said we were supposed to be soImage comfortable all the time?  In the American culture I’ve been in my entire life, we seem to be stuck in the idea that living “comfortably” or “within one’s comfort zone” is some kind of right we have been granted by the Divine.  And to be pushed out of — or, heaven forbid, decide on our own to leave — our cozy sense of comfort, is some kind of horrendous personal assault.  I also encourage you to take to heart her vivid imagery, and deeply felt personal experience and conclusions:  Unless you are already living in a perpetual state of bliss, living within your comfort zone is to live in hell. Not a screaming in terror, boil in vats of lava kind of hell, but a numbing, dull, lifeless, pabulum kind where all the walls are painted off-white and everywhere is piped-in muzak. . . .  There’s no growth, no life-affirmation, no soul, no evolution — and every change is the enemy.  A devotion to being comfortable is life-sucking at its most persistent.’

Living in denial, and refusing adamantly to leave their cushy little comfort zones, has seemed to become de rigeur for most Westerners these days — and has now become the primary cause of global pollution and destruction.  Maybe you can see how fundamentally damaging it is – fatal even at this juncture in our history — for us as a species to continue to live with this mind-set controlling our global consumerist culture.  Let me explain.  If you can continue to deny (refuse to ‘believe’) that our climate is changing in an aMade by Samsung DVClarming way – regardless of the root cause or causes – then you can continue to drive your fossil fuel-guzzling SUV, support oil and gas drilling in national parks, vote for the decimation of natural forests for the sake of the ‘survival of the lumber industry’, and support your local industrial and nuclear power plants — all with complete freedom from guilt.  Its just soooooo much easier that way, isn’t it?!  If you can also deny that the millions of metric tons of nonrecyclable trash spewed by human beings into previously pristine environments every single day is having a seriously destructive effect on life on this planet, especially our dying oceans; and that the controllers of this world are pulling out the stops to maintain their vise-grip on our minds and souls; and that having the latest iPhone and biggest house and newest car are all that ‘really matters’ in life; etc., etc. – then you may soon go bonkers in your attempt to maintain your catastrophic illusions.  The veil is now being pulled off the face of Reality these days, and it’s going to take more and more serious effort to sustain the mirage of ‘business as usual’ for those among us who cherish the ‘ignorance is bliss’ approach to life.

We can no longer afford the luxury of living in denial, nor of fighting tooth and nail to maintain sheltered lives in our debilitating comfort zones.  If we are to save this planet – much less pass it down to our children and grandchildren in anything even remotely resembling a better state than we ourselves inherited it in – than we as a species must stop our crazed zombie march towards the cliff of annihilation, open up our minds to the disturbing, even alarming circumstances we find ourselves in — both physically and culturally — and force ourselves, both individually and collectively – to make the very UNcomfortable, possibly UNpleasant, and distinctly UNavoidable choices that will lead us all, and our descendants, to a much more sane, balanced, healthy, sustainable, and heart-centered lifestyle.  Now.  Please think deeply about this, and stop rejecting out of hand any facts or evidence that you come across that forces a conclusion that may not be ‘comfortable’ for you and your ‘take’ on reality.  Take true comfort in this extremely encouraging fact:  You are not alone!!  Once you make your decision to help humanity accept the facts, and the gravity, of the current unpalatable situation, and then decide to DO what you can to help make manifest a much better reality, you will find that there is an ENORMOUS amount of assistance and support among like-minded souls out there — with MILLIONS more joining the High Vibe Tribe every single day.  So throw off your self-imposed shackles and join us in this Sacred Task – and discover once again how exciting, meaningful and truly ecstatic life can really BE.  Coming together as the One People that we are, we do have the power to co-create a clean, universally abundant, truly egalitarian, and magnificently resplendent New Earth!! 😀



The Divine Nectar


Females, Artistic Renderings - Earth Mother nursing baby

Oh, to suckle on the teat of the Divine Mother,

To nourish one’s Life with the flow of that luscious Nectar

That has no compare, and never fails to sate!

To be embraced by the Goddess of Unconditional Love

Whose warm liquid sustenance seeps into every pore

Of your Being, leaving no wound unhealed.

YES!  To bathe in the Waters of Bliss so clean and pure,

Purge all fear, struggle and strife, wash away the past,

Forget the future. . . . . . . Just BE Now-Here!

Enter this ecstatic New World, this New Reality with me, my brethren

And we shall then LIVE there forevermore as the One that we truly ARE!

Gaia is waiting . . . . .

PREGNANT nude, with Earth



CNN Presenter

Distractions abound

Both inside and out

Why is it so trying, so hard

To ignore them, opt out?

Bombings, wars and earthquakes

Financial crises and chemtrails

The MSM news outlets

Work to keep us biting our nails

The Masters of Mass Control

They have their hands on the knobs

The arrogance of centuries

Makes them unapproachable SOBs

But they suffer, too!

In their lack of love, and of joy

Their ‘priorities’ blind them

To what many of us now know and enjoy

But Oh! how trying it is

To turn away from their noise

When most people around us

Believe them, but not their own Inner Voice

Our family and friends, too

Though ‘meaning well’ I admit

Try to rein in our Light

Get us our ‘craziness’ to quit

Our libidinal urges as well

Ever powerful, most basic

Tempt us down egoic paths

Those physical pleasures — so magnetic!

The glamorous social life of the ‘hip’

We’ve been carefully programmed to follow

Makes the need to disconnect from ‘the show’

Somewhat bitter to swallow

You see, we’ve all been deceived

By so many distractions

To prevent our longings for Freedom and Love

From getting translated into real-world actions

Like building communities on mutual respect

Unity Consciousness, compassion and caring

Leaving behind separation, competition and greed

Embracing universal abundance, joy and bliss-sharing

I myself still often struggle

As you may have noticed in my blog

It’s not easy to turn away completely

Pull your mud-caked feet out of the bog

I apologize for those lapses

When I drew attention to the negative crap

I was just trying to help more sleeping Souls awaken

From their rather unpleasant duality nap

But look! The New Earth awaits us!

She’s emerging right now!

Just got to ignore those pesky distractions

From both within and without

We have lots of help in this venture

As True Masters abound

For those just waking up to the trickery of ages

Lots of assistance can be easily found

If we hold fast to the Truth,

Our New Reality, Divinity Rising

The distractors can’t sway us

From manifesting NOW the Golden Age of Gaia

So buckle up, people

The Great Transition has begun

As we leave the distractions behind

. . . . And dive into the FUN!

Monks on Roller Coaster

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