For now, what has been set into motion can no longer be negated, and as such, all of the consequent reactions will come about from a positive energetic charge, even if some of the outcome of it may be labelled as negative by those still set on maintaining status quo.

(The Tsunami of Love that is manifesting the Global Paradigm Shift, which our ‘small group’ directly assisted in ushering into this world/planet/reality, can no longer be either stopped, nor even delayed.  Those who stand to lose their power-over-others — over US — shall become more ‘negative’ and resistant.  Watch for this, and strive to simply avoid them as much as possible in your daily life.)

Let us elaborate. You see, this whole chain of events that is now in the middle of being activated is one that will have far reaching consequences, and as we have already informed you, the rippling effect from what is taking place on this little planet of yours is far greater than you at your current level perhaps can even begin to understand. And when we say current level, we simply refer to your ability to fully tap into your very own reservoir of inherent knowledge. In other words, we are not calling you incapable in any way, simply reminding you that things will become clearer to you at a pace that will make it possible for you to literally digest it. For when we refer to mankind’s choice to truly take the required quantum leap that is absolutely necessary for this whole operation to come about, it is also implied that this quantum leap will come about in such a way, it will serve its intended purpose, namely to shift the entire region into a frequency that will be beneficial to all that inhabits it. And so, everything needs to come about at the exact right time frame and in the stipulated sequence so that all the chips may fall in their designated directions.

(The flood of information may become overwhelming for many.  And what the masses shall shortly be exposed to is just the smallest percentage of the total information that shall come to the fore, and shall barely touch on how events on this little planet are affecting the rest of the Cosmos.  Timing is everything, and all is scheduled to fall in place properly for the greatest benefit of ALL involved here.)

Again, we speak in convoluted terms, but again, it is simply to allow you to better take in the underlying message in this message. For as we have already repeated repeatedly, what this contains is something that far surpasses the mere wording of it, and as such, we need at times to make these rather circuitous routes in order to better help you to get the gist of the message. And the gist of this message is simply this: you are no longer where you used to be, and neither is this planet that you live upon. And the same goes for your immediate surroundings. For you have already changed the very fabric of the Universe to such a degree, nothing can ever be the same again. And remember, these changes come about in a way that will be hard to define from a human’s standpoint, but it will be very easily identified when you look upon it from our point of view. For we can see that the very basics that your world has been built upon has already been changed, and so, the algorithms are indeed brand new. On the outside, it may not look like much, merely a few scattered numerals that have shifted ever so slightly over a period of a few days, but what these slight changes will in effect do, is to set off a cascade of rippling effects that will tear away all of the old and restricting cocooning material that you have been swaddled in, almost like the ancient peoples used to do to safeguard their deceased.

(The actual ‘relocation’ of this planet to a different part of the Galaxy (or even another galaxy!) has already taken place.  In an amazing synchronicity, it appears that at the same time Aisha was preparing this missive for publication, the inimitable St. Germain mentioned precisely this ‘event’ in an interview.  See this very wonderfully detailed conversation for more on that (just click on this excerpt to read the entire transcript):  “You have actually even moved to what you can think of as a new house, new dimension, new reality, but you haven’t ventured outside yet!  You aren’t realizing that the ascended masters and their star brothers and sisters came and moved you during the dark of night; it is broad daylight outside; and it is time to venture out. Come and play, come and create with us!”  The Energetics of our world have already changed as a result and, though the ‘numerals’ may only be slightly different, the radical impact on all life on the planet is tearing down the veils and old Matrix containment grids at break-neck speed.)

In other words, the ripples will spread out from these minuscule gashes in that old fabric, the fabric that was woven with so much care in order for you to strain and struggle against it until the day you finally opened your eyes and opened your hearts and realized, that the only way to end the struggle is simply to surrender to the powers that you carry within you, the ones that have been there all along, waiting for you to rediscover their presence at the very core of your being. And then, this process of unraveling the old illusion in order to fully set free not just you, but the whole and glorious truth of who ALL of you are, began to come alive in such a way (that) there is no way now anyone can stop this old cocoon from dissolving completely.

(The Ancient Fabric of our Grand Experiment in limitation is now torn and tattered — for it has served its purpose!  And done it well.  The ONLY Real Choice now is to SURRENDER to your SELF, to the Powers that you all DO carry Within as an integral part of your True Core Beingness.  The Process has accelerated to such an extent that it cannot be stopped, and the Old Fabric that was skillfully woven to ‘contain’ us shall quickly break apart and fall away completely. 🙂  So it’s time to open both your minds and hearts to what you ARE in Reality!)

But again, when something dissolves, it inevitably leaves a gaping hole in someone’s armor, as in the walls that so many of your fellow men are still busy keeping intact. For not all are ready to face the reality after living lifetime after lifetime enshrouded in a wall of make believe, and so, to them, there will be much anguish, pain and indeed anger erupting within. For with this new clarity also comes a new insight, and that is that you are no longer beholden onto others to make your life a good life. But with this realization also comes another realization, namely that you can no longer blame your misfortunes on anyone else either. And for some, that realization will perhaps to them be perceived as the heaviest burden to bear. For with freedom also comes responsibility, and this is not as easy to embrace as the idea of freedom. For freedom means that you are once again aware of creating your own lives, and so, there is no longer any outside source that can or will be blamed for any perceived “misfortunes” that may befall you along the way.

(“Tear down the walls!!  Remember that classic Pink Floyd album?  The ‘ultimate punishment’ for the ‘deviants’ of the Matrix Control Grid……   Well, folks, that is EXACTLY what is happening right now!  And many, many egomaniacs and power-mad controllers and tyrannical despots are NOT liking it.  Oh, well . . . .  They SHALL feel pain.  They SHALL lash out.  But pay them no mind.  Literally.  We do not need them anymore, not at all.  BUT True Freedom carries with it this ‘inconvenient’ little attachment called RESPONSIBILITY.  So no more victimhood, no more blame, no more pointing fingers at ‘outside forces’ or people who were NEVER actually responsible for your misfortunes in life, nor for your inability to ‘escape’ your Self-created circumstances.  Nope!  The idea of Freedom is very easy to embrace and celebrate, sure!  But the timeless virtues of personal integrity and FULL accountability for one’s thoughts, words and actions — part and parcel of the reality of True Freedom . . . .  Well, many otherwise well-meaning folks will ‘balk’ at this point — and therefore, by their OWN FREE WILL CHOICE, fail to reach the Promised Land.  This time at least 😉 )

We know that this will not be news to many of you, for you have stepped into this truth a long time ago, but again, we want to remind you that you are not yet amongst the majority on this planet, and so, what you have seen as the dawning of the New, they will simply see as the disintegration of all that they have staked their very existence upon, and so, they will rebel in any way they can, and the range with which they will display their dissent will vary, from anger to sadness, from fear to downright terror.

(Most of those reading this have already embraced the Truth, the Light, the New — but we are still in the minority among humans.  Those who do not want the New to unfold and blossom upon this plane literally do not have the ‘eyes to see’ the beauty and joy of what we are creating in New Earth; their eyes see ONLY what lies on the very outer surface of the material and socio-economic-political world:  the collapse, implosion, and disintegration of what — to them — is their ENTIRE REALITY STRUCTURE!  So they will be ‘freaking out’ in a major way.  And fighting the changes, the Great Shift of the Ages.  Viciously, and some even violently…..)

But again, this will simply be the final nail in the coffin of the old, if we may use such blunt words to describe the shift that is taking place now. For remember, you have already pushed the buttons that activated this whole operation by your willingness to fully embrace your inner light, and so, what comes around now will be a change that will affect all, and it will do so because you as a collective have come to a place where a decision was needed, and the decision was to say a resounding YES to the New. And so, the wheels of change will roll faster and faster now, and as such, more and more of your every day actions will be governed by this new light that is imbuing every sentient being on this planet.

(But they will fight to no avail.  As a matter of fact, their violent resistance shall serve ONLY to seal their own chosen fates:  To go to a place where they feel more ‘comfortable’, more ‘secure’ — and where their Old World, Old Paradigm mentalities will feel right at home again :-).  But no matter.  Live and let die (though even ‘death’ is part of the Illusion, right? 😉 ).  For OUR CHOICE to embrace the Light, surrender to our True Selves, has fully activated this sacred Operation to such a degree that it is not only unstoppable, but accelerating.  And OUR thoughts, words, and harmonious actions — despite any resistance we may still encounter — shall more and more affect ALL on this planet, to an increasing degree,, every…single…day!)

And yes, enough of you have already chosen to open your hearts to this light, and this in itself is more than enough to set the wheels rolling. And so, what took only a small number of the population of this planet to make come into being, will give every single one of the souls currently inhabiting this little sphere the same chance to take part in the process of recreating your world. And so, the call has gone out, the call to join in on this magnificent make over, a make over that far surpasses anything ever accomplished anywhere else in All of creation. And make no mistake, you do have a lot of things that needs to be rectified before this whole project is over, but again, there will be no lack of willing hands nor of inquisitive minds that will join forces with you, the true vanguards. For as we have told you again and again, you already possess everything you need in order to fulfill every single dream you might carry within of the paradise you so long for. There is no lack of skills, nor of manpower, nor of resources, and as you have finally allowed yourselves to re-enter the ancient halls of knowledge that has been kept safely hidden away until you as a collective were once again ready to enter them, there is no longer anything nor anyone standing in your way for this whole thing to become a success beyond compare.

(The opportunity to participate directly in this beautiful unfolding of the New is open to ALL, Yes!  And it shall be MAGNIFICENT, something never before seen anywhere in Creation!!  BUT each must make his/her own choice in the matter. . . .   And those of us who DO make that choice, that commitment to the New, shall have limitless resources placed at our exclusive disposal to make it all happen 😀  And nobody shall be allowed to hinder our progress EVER again….)

And so we say again know that all is well, and take every single eruption of fear, anger or hatred as clear signals of the advent of the New World. For you have felt it already, and now, it will begin to seep into the consciousness of every single individual on this planet. For some, it will be such a welcome sight, they will instantaneously know just what to do in order to fully embrace the New. While for others, the very idea will still provoke their old gut instinct to safeguard the very last piece of “security” they can cling on to, namely the very idea itself that change must be avoided at all cost. And so, they will dig in their heels and protest in any way they can. But we can confidently predict that the latter will be the minority this time, for remember, on a higher level, it has been a decision that was made with an overwhelming majority, and the answer you gave back when the question was raised, was simply this: “yes, now, we are finally ready to step away from the old and fully embrace the totality of our being and to re-enter the prosperous sea of love that we for so long have turned our backs to.” For you as a collective are more than ready to take to these shimmering waters yet again, and it is you, the forerunners, who have been given the wonderful task of being the first ones to take the plunge.

(ALL IS WELL, my friends!!  Every outburst of ‘lower vibrational emotions’ serves only to CONFIRM that we ARE making progress — for if we were not, then they would not be protesting the Change, correct?  So let the heel-diggers rant and rave.  But distance yourself from them as much as possible.  It’s important!  But they will be in the minority ‘this time’ ;-).  So we can all dive back into the Waves of Love once again, with our New Surfboards of Light waxed up and ready to RIDE baby!!  Many of us Forerunners — High Vibe Tribe Wayshowers, Vanguard of the New, First Wavers (hehe) — are already firmly embedded deeply in The Slot, in the very Heart of this Tsunami of Love, as experienced veteran Cosmic Surfers.  And we’re ready to don our Cosmic Surf Instructor caps and surf trunks, and get this Blisstatic Inter-Galactic Party STARTED! . . . . )

And so once again we thank you all on behalf of All of creation. You have chosen well, and you have already set your actions behind your words, and the actions that have already been accomplished by what may seem to be only a small handful of individuals scattered all over your wold, will have a far reaching and wondrous effect on All. And for that, we can only once more extend our greatest gratitude, and we would also like to add that from now on, the pace of this ripping apart will continue to escalate at such a pace, it may at times literally take your breath away. But for you, we know the breathlessness will come out of pure and simple joy and the knowledge that what will come apart now, will do so in order to make it all come together again in a way that will bring joy into the hearts of ALL.

(You’re very welcome!  🙂 . . . .  What we have accomplish shall have very expansive positive effects on All involved — and on All That IS!  And at a pace that will blow most 3D/4D minds — both awakened and unawakened.  So Grab Rail, my fellow Waveriders of the New Earth, ’cause this next ‘stage’ of The Process is going to get quite intense!  Riding this one out with a spirit of adventure, uninhibited joy, and a positive focus towards what we are recreating together in the Spirit of Love and Harmony and FUN, is actually the most ‘pragmatic’ attitude one can maintain.  HOLD STRONG TO YOUR VERY HIGHEST VISION at all cost, my friends!!  It is absolutely critical now that you BE and DO what you KNOW is the Highest Expression of your True Inner Self.  FOR You.  For US!  For Gaia/Terra.  And for the entire blessed COSMOS . . . . . . 😀 )

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I leave you with this short video featuring someone I relate to very closely 😉 .  The Voice, the Cosmic Wisdom, and the ‘Vibe’ in this short work of art express what I freely, unapologetically, whole-Heartedly and ENTHUSIASTICALLY align with in this glorious moment of NOW!!

“Out of your Dreams, BE born . . . . Out of your Heart, BE alive . . . . Out of your Soul, BE Light!  For You ARE nothing else . . . . . “

Poster - IT IS TIME

And this magnificent short video not only explains a few other things nicely — and ‘scientifically’ — but is also spectacularly stimulating . . . . .  WE are the future, my friends!!  😀  Now let’s just CLAIM it en masse, shall we??!


Alexander 'Beaming' Light, 90 to left