life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Posts tagged ‘meditation’

Bless This Moment

Bless this moment, for it is one that I created for my Self.

Sunset Cloud from Uvita House (2)


Food For Thought: EVERYTHING

A wise sage once stated, as his most memorable and enduring legacy, that to know what life was about, to understand how things worked, to comprehend the meaning of what we do and, more importantly, who we are, one should seek to hold as one’s most important guiding credo:  ‘Know thyself.’

Another sagacious gentlemen, born of a very wealthy family, said after meditating under a tree for quite some time, ‘Peace comes from within.’

Another wise brother of ours said once long ago, when pressed again and again by those around him to reveal in simple language what they should be doing in order to draw to themselves the things of the world they felt they so desperately needed to survive and be happy, the following:  ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, . . . and all these things shall be added unto you.’

In our modern age, a peaceful warrior who led a people to throw off the shackles of imperialism and establish a new independent nation based on spiritual principles, stated it with equal simplicity:  ‘Each one has to find his peace from within.

Many others have pointed us in the same exact direction.  Seems pretty clear to me.  How about you?

Buddha Statue w 3rd Eye Light

When one finally turns away from the distractions of the virtual reality matrix of this illusional realm, the ‘external’ material world of matter and movement and never-ending drama; when one succeeds in quieting and releasing the incessant mind-chatter of the superficial ego-self, and goes Within to seek the Core Essence of one’s True Eternal Beingness . . . . . . then one shall finally find EVERYTHING!

I encourage you to ponder these thoughts and, if it resonates to where you are ‘at’ in this particular Divine Moment of the Eternal Now, give it a go!  You have literally nothing to lose (well, maybe you do actually – strife, sorrow, loneliness, anger, despair . . . . those types of ‘things’) and, well, everything to gain!

Grid Patterns w Yoga Pose

DREAM YOURSELF AWAKE! or Matrix Disassembly In Progress

(Note:  I just today read this article by John McIntosh, and saw how it related directly to some info that came to me yesterday and this morning that was meant for my next post.  So now, I’ll just repost his article and preface it with a few thoughts . . . .)


Our shared ‘reality’, the illusional matrix that we have co-created together for eons, is NOW being completely disassembled.  Our individuated consciousness is being ‘extracted’ from this dream world (many consider it a ‘nightmare world’ no doubt) – whether every individual is aware of this process or not.

Wouldn’t this concept very neatly account for the ‘what the heck is going on here?’ question in many people’s minds, explain the unprecedented levels of confusion, mayhem, strife, bewilderment, doubt, self-doubt, conflict, seeking, and just general chaos – mental, emotional and spiritual — of most of the world’s population in these crazy times we find ourselves experiencing as a Collective?

Here is my ‘take’ on the matter:  We are returning to our true Home, folks!  However, when a) one doesn’t even know that one is not ‘home’ in the first place, and b) one has no clue as to what one’s True Home ‘looks like’, and c) one is being bombarded by the MSM every single moment of one’s waking dream with messages, both overt and subtle, that tell you that ‘No, THIS is the ONLY reality, people!’ and ‘FEAR the unknown, don’t trust anybody who preaches positive, uplifting news!  The world/universe really does suck, and we are nothing but fleeting life forms evolved from ancient slime molds, living only for competing and even fighting to survive and breed!’ (even screaming it in your face every day from all angles) . . . . . . Well, I can see how challenging this may appear as a concept to most of the lost souls out there!

Anyway, I strongly recommend that you embrace, and enjoy, this sacred disassembly and quantum perceptual shift (or extraction if you prefer) as much as you can possibly manage to — bit by bit, step by step, day by challenging day.  The veil is lifting on our small but very influential world, as simultaneously the curtain is being lowered on the Grand Theater we have been acting out for untold millennia.  The horror show is over, my fellow players.  Time to take off our masks and costumes, take a nice long bath or hot shower to wash all the sweat and grit off our tired and somewhat mistreated Selves – and get ready for the magnificent after-party!  It is my fervent hope that the following article by John McIntosh will help you all do just that . . . . . IF you put the recommended spiritual technology into passionate action, connecting your naturally brilliant minds with your love-portal hearts, and putting them both to the epic task of your own Grand Awakening.


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Dream Yourself Awake by John McIntosh

17 August 2012

While in the dream – the 3D world of opposites, of separation of limitation – nothing you have learned, none of your history is True except … as you believe it to be. Even then, it is still not True but seems True to you while you give it Life through your belief.

When you come to the Moment when you finally see you are dreaming and choose to Wake from the dream all you have is what you have learned within the dream to use to Wake from it … call it your history.

This means you are using a dream to Wake from the dream.

There are a multitude of choices from the various religions and philosophies to the more esoteric spiritual belief systems … many ancient and several relatively new.

You may choose to try many of these techniques but eventually you will find they all lead to stilling the mind – the false ego self – so that Truth can shine through.

The question arises … who is listening and who is speaking? You may hear suggestions of a ‘still small voice’ or the ‘voice of silence’ or the ‘inner guide’ as the speaker of Truth … but who is listening?

If the ego-mind is to be stilled, what is left to listen with?

Consciousness is the screen on which the play of dreams plays and it is also the Awareness that watches it and the player within it. It goes into the play It creates and ‘plays’ in that creation … a dream.

It is the instrument through which the Unknowable One Knows It Self.

Once Consciousness goes into Its creation to have this experience of Knowing It Self, it loses Awareness of Its True Self … Its Divine Unknowable origin. This is done in order that the experience may ‘seem’ completely Real.

It is not a mistake that IT … which is US … has done this.

The season of this forgetting It Self in order to fully experience It Self has ended and Now we are returning to the full Awareness that we Are that Divine Unknowable One.


The listener within the dream IS the Consciousness (the player) that has been sleeping within the dream. For the most part the silent voice has not been heard down through the eons of experience but Now the silent voice ‘seems’ louder.

This is because the veil between full Awareness and full forgetfulness has thinned and we ‘hear’ It more easily … which is to say, we hear the voice of Truth, which is US … calling us Home.

Many still refuse to listen and that is their choice to remain sleeping.

For those who choose to listen and follow the guidance YOU are giving yourself, a new dream is being given to you in order to Awaken you from the old one. It is simply that you Are Free … you Are Peace, you Are Joy.

While in the dream … these are just words but the New dream asks you to shift from the flat, lifeless meaning of words to the Vital Aliveness of the ‘Essence’ within the words. It asks you to FEEL the words rather than hear them. This is a shift from the head-thoughts to the Heart-feelings. This IS the Consciousness you Are and Knows It Self as feelings (not emotions).

As you allow yourself to FEEL everything you are Being your True Self and dreaming your True Self back into full Awareness of your Unknowable Oneness or Being-ness.


I invite you to join – GLOBAL PEACE WEB /link to original article

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LATE ADDITION:  I just read a very timely message posted by John Smallman on his blog (after writing all of the above), which ‘coincidentally’ speaks to the exact same theme as this post of mine, and John McIntosh’s article of the 17th.  Sooooo many synchronicities lately . ….  Anyway, John S’s post (notice the same first names of the writers, and of the ‘other’ author in Smallman’s blog post — hmmmm) dovetails nicely on this one, coming from a more ‘purely spiritual’ perspective ( ).  Hold on tight to your Inner/Higher Selves as the momentous unraveling of the Collective Dream begins to accelerate . . . .










FOOD FOR THOUGHT (& ACTION) — Tinderboxes, Avalanches, & Pressure Cookers

Our Current Situation

The Global Elite, in one form or another, have been ruling our planet for eons. They have grown in both power and hubris over the last few centuries, ruling over us in their minds by ‘divine right’ and, according to some reports from those intimately familiar with their perspective, they even possess the unshakeable belief that they are ‘genetically superior’ to the ‘ignorant rabble’, and were always destined to be the masters of us ‘useless eaters’. Since they have been bred and raised within that system of belief, and their personal experiences up until very, very recently have done nothing but reinforce these appalling sentiments, I believe it is folly to attempt to resolve the situation – peacefully or otherwise — without taking these facts into primary consideration.

The only language that this relatively small group of people has ever learned to speak – and been indoctrinated and trained into respecting above all other forms of ‘communication’ — is the language of raw physical power. Even their fascination with occult rituals and such 4th-dimensional exercises, as well as their intense training in subtle forms of non-physical communication, manipulation, and mass psychology, has had as its sole purpose the acquisition and consolidation of more influence and control over our third-dimensional world.

We as a planet stand at a crossroads. There is no more time for silly games, nor for delays, and even less for denying the true nature of our dire situation. Pollyanna attitudes will lose the day, and summarily derail our valiant march towards the oft-promised Golden Age. We need to take off our rose-colored glasses, see things as they truly ARE, and deal with them assertively and, yes, forcefully if necessary – whether we ‘like’ it or not. Remember the ancient adage; God helps those who help themselves. Have not our galactic brethren been saying as much for what feels like years now?

The Dangers of Denial, Wishful Thinking, and Physical Inaction

The enormous pressures of our oppression over the last few centuries, and especially the last few decades, have dammed up the human psyche. The sheer volume of repressed anger, angst, and even rage have grown to explosive levels, to put it mildly. The box by the fireplace is now wide open, dry as an old bones in the desert sun, and the accumulated tinder is spilling out all over the place. As we have seen in the Middle East, even the tiniest spark — just one single person making a dramatic statement of final rebellion on behalf of his fellows against The System (the young martyr in Tunisia) — can literally explode upon the world without reason or temperance, resulting in bloody death and destruction on a mass scale. This scenario — an amorphous, undirected, disorganized flash flood of deeply-repressed violent emotion unleashed both from and upon hordes of innocent people – should not be allowed to happen again. Unchecked conflagrations like that only serve the agenda of the Dark Ones, as they provide for them a perfect excuse to come in with heavy armaments to ‘keep the peace’, and push us even deeper into abject slavery.

To look at it another way . . . . . I have never myself lived above the snow line in mountainous areas, but have visited often and read a bit about that lifestyle. I was fascinated to find out how often very dangerous, even fatal, situations are created when lots of snow falls in a relatively brief stretch of time, and enormous weight is placed on cliff edges and such on the sides of large mountains. So what do the local folk living in the towns below and beside these dangerous mountains do in order to avoid the looming disaster of massive avalanches, some of which have wiped out entire villages in less time than it takes to put on a pair of snowshoes? They place powerful explosives in very specific, well-thought-out places on certain sensitive pressure points within the deep snow banks and accumulations. Then they set them off. This ‘strategy’ in the face of imminent threat saves literally thousands of lives each year – using intelligent, well-calculated and minimally-destructive, disciplined ‘violence’ to avoid utter devastation and massive loss of life.

My mom used to cook beans with a pressure cooker. As a kid, I always tripped out on both its design and function, and the underlying concept behind it. The most amazing thing is to see how such enormous pressure can be controlled and utilized in a very productive way – but can also get quickly out of hand if that same pressure is not released bit by bit, like if the valve gets stuck. Things can go very, very wrong in an alarmingly short period of time. The result is not pretty.

The Narrow Path of The Middle Way

Yes, it may be true that ‘violence begets violence’. However, most people that sit firmly on the ‘meditate our way to liberation’ side of the fence may be missing fully half of that ancient equation. You see, the Cabal is using direct, brutal, inhuman violence against us every single day – both physical and psychological. No sane person can deny this fact. This has always been their modus operandi. Therefore, the violence that they are ‘begetting’ is precisely our resistance to their attacks. Our counter-strategy of at least some bit of ‘violence’ – or the perception thereof — is actually necessary to balance out their nefarious actions and short-circuit the horrific cycle forever! I agree wholeheartedly that matching physical force with an equal or greater amount of force is not a good idea, no, nor would it be productive in the end, only serving to exacerbate the situation. However, a small, carefully measured amount of decisive and forceful collective physical action – not necessarily violent, you see, only potentially so if ‘they’ decide to fight back (which some undoubtedly will, preferring death to surrender to us ‘dumbed down cannon fodder’ – but relatively few in my opinion) – should resolve the situation once and for all, and facilitate their capitulation. You see, the appearance or illusion of physical strength — the major currency of their trade — can be just as effective as the ‘real thing’. Why not use their own tactics against them??? Besides, there ain’t nothin’ more ‘persuasive’ to a power-mad, twisted mentality such as theirs than a rifle barrel pointed directly at their forehead. Just look at how quickly they agreed to at least sit down and discuss the possibility of surrender (regardless of their true intentions) after our friends started sabotaging their arsenal of WMDs. This proves the fact that the display of physical force – even if never employed — is the ONLY effective strategy available to us at this late date to deal with these intransigent miscreants. Otherwise, they will continue to see us as ‘weak cowards’ who are more concerned with watching soap opera reruns and how many app’s our cell phones have, than our true freedom and the health and futures of our children and planetary life-support systems. I still have difficulty comprehending how people can literally watch silently as they poison our skies with deadly chemtrails, and shut down and even incarcerate simple organic farmers and health food companies just trying to provide a healthier option for the population. The apathy I observe in the face of such vicious assaults just boggles my mind. I side with Patrick Henry (and Drake) on this one for sure.

Anyway, if their incarceration and maiming and killing of humans, animals, and Gaia Herself are allowed to continue any longer, the ONLY viable option that our Earth shall have is total annihilation of our hideously destructive modern civilization. That would mean massive earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes going off in the dozens or hundreds (which is actually already starting to happen), etc., etc. Apocalypse Now. Even our Friends On High have mentioned this as a possibility (not a probability, mind you, but a distinct possibility) countless times – IF we 99.9% don’t get our collective s—t together right quick and cut down the cornered Beast that still thrashes about wildly among us.

Those innocent souls who believed that the majority of the Global Elite would actually willingly surrender, especially under the terms that Cobra and Drake and company laid out on their web sites, were suffering from a potentially fatal lack of understanding of how those people think. Many of us with family and/or friends in such organizations as the military, corporate upper management, large business ownership, elitist business clubs and groups, etc. simply knew that that scenario was never anything more than a fairy tale, a pipe dream, subtly perpetuated by the highly-educated strategists and think tanks of the elite themselves to buy more time to execute their horrific agenda (which they are fervently attempting as you read this with Agenda 21 and the new ‘treaty’ in the Eurozone) – regardless of how sincerely and ardently we prayed and meditated to change that reality. Once you reach a certain point, it is quite impossible to change another person from the outside against their will. This is why the ET/EDs keep emphasizing to us to just send them love and light, and forget any other ‘spiritual strategy’. Regardless, their overtures of peace were never real, never sincere (at least for that majority of them). This is why Cobra mentioned the fact that those who are helping Gaia shake off her life-sucking parasites at this juncture already had back-up plans in place. Naturally! They’ve dealt with the off-planet versions of these warped psyches for eons, and KNOW their basic mentality. Sure, despite the awareness of our oppressors’ duplicitous nature, it is never a bad idea, spiritually speaking, to give your ‘enemy’ every possible chance to redeem themselves, mend their ways, and seek restitution. I agree. However, as Drake and our Galactic Family and many others have clearly expressed, we’ve given way, way more time to them than they have ever given to us (or even considered giving), and THEIR TIME IS UP! We can no longer afford to play the ‘softie’ in this grand game of hardball, the ‘innocent victims’ (which we are decidedly NOT, of course, as part of the collective Whole – see countless other articles and channelings about how those who rule us are only physical reflections of the Dark aspects of us all) — without literally sacrificing the majority of the population of Gaia in the process – humans, animals, and plant life included.

The Resolution, Our Collective Revolution, Is Now At Hand

I ask only this: PLEASE help all those raging souls in the United States and the rest of the world to resolve their personal karmic situations once and for All, release their heavy energetic burdens in a collectively constructive manner, via the purgative ACTION of fighting for their freedom and/or protecting their families and communities against the murderous assaults of the Cabal. If they are blocked from doing this, stymied from releasing that immensely powerful energetic bombshell, both they and we shall have to deal with it in some other, possibly even less harmonious (ie., more violent and destructive) manner. And PLEASE give our counterparts on the ‘other side’ of this spectrum the opportunity to learn their final lessons in duality and move on, instead of forcing them to continually believe in their chosen paths as ‘right’ and ‘proper for the teeming masses’, an outlook that they shall only perpetuate and persecute upon other humans on other worlds if not revealed and disassembled right now. PLEASE stop trying to control other people’s thinking and behavior, regardless of how ‘right’ and ‘honorable’ you believe your chosen path and/or solution to be in your mind. If one limits oneself firmly to a dualistic, ‘right vs. wrong’ system of thought, is not one only perpetuating the current broken and dysfunctional paradigm? Consider allowing those brave souls among us to do what their hearts are telling them is the ‘right’ and ‘honorable’ way out of our very tricky dilemma. The militias and warriors among us cannot be condemned as ‘wrong’ and ‘unbalanced’ simply because they seek a better world than they grew up in for themselves and their loved ones, and know no other way to accomplish their missions that are overwhelmingly based on equally loving and compassionate motives than our more ‘peaceful’ strategies are, now can they?

Time To Move On, Folks . . . .

Please contemplate the above offerings. And please remember what actually may be the most important bit of ‘intel’ of all: Our collective dream in Illusion is ending. The Matrix is being revealed for what it is, and always really was – and broken down forever on this ailing world. It never was truly ‘real’ anyway, you see. This is another aspect of our world that has been hammered home to us via the ascended masters, angels, saints, yogis, modern physicists and goodly ETs throughout history. Once you accept this fact, the fear-based stress of making the ‘wrong decision’ fades quickly into the oblivion from whence it emerged.

Like a grand circus that has overstayed its time in the fields of summer, and must move on and make room for the new plantings in the fall, the impressive Big Top, vender stands glittering with toys and baubles, outrageous rides and challenging games are being quickly dismantled and packed up in their crates — despite the hordes of people still wanting to shoot at moving targets, win stuffed animals, paint their faces with crazy colors, watch feats of skill and daring by acrobats and their trained menagerie, gorge themselves on barbecued meats and cotton candy, and mount scary rides that whirl dizzily in the sky. Let the long-suffering crews do their final work here, as the rains have come and the soft dirt is turning quickly to sticky mud. If you’re one of those die-hard players that simply can’t let go of the ‘fun and games’, even at the cost of your own health or that of your friends and family – or continue to insist that you know ‘best’ how to take down the giant metal structures and collect the trash scattered all over the fairgrounds — I strongly urge you to reconsider your attitude. There’ll be other 3D carnivals, other thrilling rides, other stimulating games to play – just not here. Again, please allow the mechanics and janitors to do their thankless but critical jobs, so that those of us who are ready to leave the playground (for another, even more fun and satisfying one — but with more wholesome and mutually joyful activities) can do so in peace and satisfaction of time well spent, and our long summer of wild adventures can finally come to a close.

Thank you for your time and thoughtful consideration.


Hi!  Many wonderful things are happening on our planet right now.  Some of them, however, may cause a few of you to go into ‘fear mode’ again.  Please reconsider this very unwise reaction to current events!  We are all about to be truly liberated from the yolk (sic, on purpose, pun intended, lol) of slavery to the Powers That Were, so don’t worry, and be happy, folks!

Today I’d like to give you a really fun and enriching meditation exercise that you can do anywhere, and any when.  The following version is my own, and is simply a slight expansion of one one I saw recently on line (I forget where, but it was a channeled message from our Friends On High – no copyright has ever been filed!).  Besides, it’s really, really, really simple!

Before I describe it (and another one I just ran across for those who can’t stop their egos from launching them into that ‘fear mode’ state), I’ll try to create for you an image of how I ‘see’ our ‘beingness’ for the purposes of this exercise.  It’ll make the image-ing process a bit easier for you, though I shall not make any claims as to the ‘absolute accuracy’ of how I view things.  Whatever helps the visualization process is what I’m after here, NOT create an intellectual treatise on what our energetic beings ‘looks like’ in the third dimension (I mean, how boring would that be?).

In my mind’s eye, I see our energetic selves in this world matrix as a thin layer of material consciousness ‘encapsulating’ a very beautiful Light of extremely high frequency.  This outer layer forms the shape of your physical body.  Most of the time, this Light is fully contained by the denser, ‘harder’ outer shell (ego structure, material consciousness, lower mind — whatever you want to call it) – which means that most people and animals around you feel primarily that energy from you, and not your Inner Light.  OK.

The exercise is this:  Visualize this Inner Light of yours expanding outwards in all directions.  Feel it doing this.  See it going upwards above your head, downwards below your feet, and flowing around you in all directions, forming a brilliant whitish ball of Pure Energy that goes far beyond the ‘denser’ outer layer.  The original idea that I ran across said to imagine your Light expanding out to a ball of several meters in diameter.  Nah!  I decided to make the sphere around 200 meters in diameter!  This would allow it to not only cocoon all the people and pets in my personal household, but also include anybody walking on the road, at least one neighbor and their family, the stream, the coffee plantation across the street, the local evangelical church, etc.  Now, one can take this thing as far as you want to, and continue to expand your Light to include the entire planet, or even the entire Universe, right?  For those of you who feel you can do that, go for it!  The more the merrier, right?  It ALL helps . . . . .

BTW, I do this sometimes while walking, driving my car, working, watering the garden, etc.  Hey, why not?  Now here’s the second exercise, freshly downloaded and copied from the reference below:

We have spoken to you often of your need to clear your negative emotions that are tied to your experiences here, and we would like to touch upon how you can better achieve this. Find yourself a very quiet place where you can be alone, and a place where you can sit quietly in darkness would be very opportune. Sit quietly and begin to take in breaths slowly and deeply. Quiet your mind by focusing only on your breaths. In-out. In-out. Slowly, very slowly. Allow yourself to understand that all has been for your benefit and upliftment. Allow yourself to understand that nothing you have experienced here has occurred without your prior consent. Allow yourself to forgive yourself and understand the guilt you carry with you is nothing but a lower dimensional symptom that has no place in the higher realms and will vanish upon your ascension and your return home, and that you have the power to release this guilt today. Guilt and shame do not have to be a part of these lessons you have learned. Release them as you breathe deep and breathe slow. Release them. They are not necessary, and they mean nothing. Continue to breathe, and when you feel ready begin the rest of your day and the rest of your new life free of these emotions. They no longer serve you and they are no longer needed. You are free of them.

Excerpted from a post of February 29th 2012 entitled Message from the Ashtar Command  2/29/12, on

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P.S. — Just like some other fun things in life, do this as often as you can for best results!  Again, why not?!  You have nothing to lose but your stress and limitations.

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