life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Archive for the ‘vacation’ Category


My vacation is over!  EVERYBODY’S vacation is over it appears.  There is a LOT happening on this little blue planet this week, pretty radical and fundamental stuff, and all of us lightworkers (or ‘lightwarriors’ in my case — next post will explain) are being called up into service for our final ‘push’ into . . . . whatever is coming.  It’s ‘GO TIME’, people!

Fortunately, this SHALL be the truly final episode of this multi-millenial drama, the final installment of the Grand Theater of Life on Planet Earth in 3D.  Finally.  I’m glad, because our collective ‘vacation’ after this next few weeks or months — however long the deep purge and ‘reset’ takes to accomplish — shall be so fantastic that I believe the old Star Trek episode of their trip to the ‘vacation planet’ (where all their thoughts — whether fantasies or nightmares — instantly materialized) will pale in comparison!  . . . . . On the positive side, of course.  No worries!.

So grab your etheric surfboards and jump right in, dudes, ’cause this is going to prove to be the ride of a thousand lifetimes. ¡Cowabunga, baby . . . . .!

VACATION TIME! Part II – Confirmation & Validation

I’m on vacation, right?  That’s what ‘came to me’ yesterday morning, just before I got showered and dressed and went to another town to do some errands, after which I put up my last blog post (VACATION TIME!).  Uh-huh.  Well, I just saw this message in my inbox (Tuesday, March 13th, 3.00pm).  Um, how does it get any clearer than THIS?????:

Excerpted from The Galactic Free Press Daily, Update of 3~12~12 (that’s yesterday):

Greetings Love Beings~ Welcome to the Energies of Mercury retrograde. We have entered a Period of integration and processing of all the Energy that has been blasting the Planet and All of Humanity. This is a rest period. This will allow everyone’s choices to be made manifest. For those who are choosing surrendering into Love will receive everything, and those who have been fence sitters or making no choice at all will receive nothing. This is the Reality.  (For further reading, go to )

Fascinating, huh?  Add to that my constant (every day, sometimes 2 or 3 times) being ‘prompted’ to look at a clock at exactly the moment when an 11.11 number, or a similar related number series (1.11, 2.22, 3.33, 4.44, 12.12, etc.), is being displayed, and it’s pretty darn obvious that I’m aligned with Something that is far, far greater than my humble little self – and that That Something is demonstrating to me It’s ‘reality’ in an unequivocal manner.

Those reading this post who are still in total denial about all my ‘crazy ideas’ can no longer reject out of hand the ‘scientific’ proof (at least it is for me, a trained scientist — personal objective observations of ‘bizarre’ synchronistic phenomena) that something very ‘real’  is happening around here.  For those of you already ‘in the know’, no explanation is needed.  I’m sure many of you of the latter category have also been experiencing ‘events’ like this, albeit in slightly different ways – or maybe even the same ways in some cases.  Let me know.

Anyway, it’s all very, very good.  Now I’m off to help my wife bake some fresh organic banana bread, and then water our garden, and maybe play a little with our happy little daughter outside in the grass . . . . . .


I haven’t mentioned this before in my blog, ‘cos I’ve been too darn busy trying to spread good intel (info) to the rest of humanity.  So, just so you know, I came to realize/feel/understand relatively recently that THIS was my primary mission for the ‘home stretch’ epoch in our loooooong journey through duality: to first gather information over a number of years, look into it as best I could, and then to start communicating with others about this very ‘alarming’ AND ”amazing’ information — alarming regarding the 3D aspects (financial system, oligarchy, Illuminati, control, poisons, manipulation, false flag operations, etc.), and amazing regarding the ‘transcendant’ aspects of our inevitable transition/transformation/transmutation into the ‘higher realms’.

This morning, I got the word.  I was laying on my bed with my wife, and out of now-here a very brief message came into my consciousness:  ‘Relax and enjoy, as your vacation has started.’  Huh?  I asked.  Um, what was that again???  ‘Your vacation has started.’  Oh, OK.  Cool!

My first thought was this:  SOMETHING has happened on this planet, or is happening right now, something BIG.  (Well, to be clear, even bigger than all the other stuff that’s been going on, which has itself been huge, right?)  Good.  Finally!  OK.

I was thinking of writing another blog post this afternoon about something else, thinking about writing a new article that I’ve been asked for from a lightworkers web site, thinking about entering the creative, constructive competition (my take, my interpretation, not the blogger’s) that the WP blog The Alternate Economy is hosting — it’s a really nice program, with a very cool mutually beneficial ‘prize’ — but now I think I’ll just sit back for a day or two and watch things unfold.

Oh, after leaving home for most of the day without going on the internet, I finally got back on line just before writing this, and got clear confirmation that something really, really big did just go down, and that a LOT more is going to ‘come out’ over the next few days (think virtually free energy for everyone on the planet for starters) that will demonstrate, clearly and without any doubt or equivocation or possibility of reversal, that the ‘dark forces’ have finally been completely and utterly vanquished.  For Good.  Go see Ben Fulford‘s latest blog post, or the one from Kauilapeles Blog (also a WP blogger, who reposts exceptionally connected bloggers like Fulford and Dave Wilcock and ‘Poofness’), to bone up on the latest not-broadcast-via-MSM events.  Maybe, just maybe, CNN and BBC will rebel against their ex-masters and get on board soon as well.  One can only hope . . . .

Keep the faith, folks, and it won’t be too much longer before that faith of yours — instead of the fear being offered by the other side — shall be amply rewarded.  Namaste.

P.S. — As you might suspect, my tiny little vacation is not really the BIG vacation I told them was due me after this is all said and done.  No way, as all of us who have been working our chakras off spreading the good word, planting organic gardens, getting closure with our family and friends, promoting alternative healing modalities, occupying parks and streets and our Selves, etc., shall be getting our final (really final) ‘assignments’ — or at least offers thereof — very shortly.  Maybe we’ll run into each other out there somewhere over the next few months.  There’s a LOT of work yet to be done before the ascended lady sings, you know . . . . .

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