life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Posts tagged ‘happiness’

In The Garden

In the rich, fertile Garden

      of Limitless AbundanceFlowers in my garden, stream, plants

                    That IS my Soul


FLOWERS in my garden, Oct '13 (1)   The Flowers of Joy

are in

                      Perpetual Bloom . . . .

FLOWERS in my garden, Oct '13 (9)

FLOWERS in my garden, Oct '13, violet

FLOWERS in my garden, Oct '13 (3)


Looks Like We Made It . . . .

Mountain Peak Sunset, LOOKS LIKE WE MADE IT

The other day I was reading something on line — and feeling a lot more than I was reading actually – and an old Barry Manilow tune came into my head.  The song just started flowing into my mind as I reflected on the fact that it appears that our collective lives in the illusion of duality — the Grand Project, the Great Experiment, the Fall into Darkness, whatever you wish to term it – is quickly coming to an end, and we seem to have finally ‘made it’ – in both senses of that phrase (‘arrived’, and created it).  Some people call it ‘the end of the world’, but most of us feel (sense) that this is actually not totally accurate.  It’s just the ‘end of the world as we’ve known it’ is all, the close of the final curtain on the Grand Theater we have all been playing our selected parts in for . . . eons, to put it conservatively.  Though the actual theme of that song isn’t quite what I’m expressing here, the general sense of leaving an old relationship/situation behind for ‘another love’ – or in this case Love Itself – is definitely appropriate, especially the powerful emotion inspired by the musical score.

Some call this our ‘Ascension’, though in reality this process is actually not a ‘single event in time’ of course (remember, ‘time’ is an illusion; even Einstein pointed that out in no uncertain terms), but a never-ending journey of re-discovery.  And it is happening NOW.  We are just at the point of a dramatic ‘jump’ between ‘vibrational octaves of experience’, is how I’ve heard it described best, being a musician myself – but, as has been made very clear of late via numerous independent sources, it never actually ‘ends’, just ‘cycles/spirals through’ into Eternity.  Regardless, the final moves of the ‘opposing forces’ in this Game of Duality are in play these exciting days, and we have very, very little of that thing called ‘time’ before the collective veils get unceremoniously ripped away (like it or not, ready or not) from what has always been ‘how the world really worked’ – until now, that is.  No worries, though!  The positive resolution is already a given, a foregone conclusion, already accomplished!  There simply is no way to thwart the plan of our Very Highest Self, despite the dominant appearances to the contrary.  It’s now just a matter of getting the bulk of humanity up to speed (fully informed/educated on the major issues, already progressing well with all the whistleblowers and revelations), removing/leaving behind the vestiges of the lower vibrations from our collective presence and experience (along with our very tenacious brethren many call the ‘controllers’, ‘dark forces’, ‘ruling elite’, ‘Illuminati’, ‘oligarchy’, etc.), tying up a few loose ends, and cleaning up the little mess we made here on Gaia.  She’s already waiting for us on the Other Side of this Shift with copious gifts of unlimited abundance, you know.  Anyway, once this Gran Finale is over and done with, the Cosmic Amusement Park (which I’ve been privileged to get a few glimpses of recently, btw) can be fully opened for eternal business – and all the rides are FREE!!!

Monks on Roller Coaster

Only one small but very important change to the main lyric of that song that I’d like to make to customize the concept for us today:  ‘Looks like we made it, found our Selves along the way to a Higher Love. . . .’.  You see, that’s exactly what has finally happened, en masse.  The prophets and yogis and lamas and shamans of our collective past individually arrived at this point on their own, after very extreme efforts and with little help or guidance from others.  Now it’s the collective’s turn – well, at least for those who choose to leave The Game and this virtual world behind.  Millions of us, if not billions, have discovered our True Identity as Fractal Holographic Aspects of Eternal Essence, met our Core Self, accepted that We ARE God Incarnate – and decided that we now really need to live as That, fully BE That, and get to work on compassionately – and magnificently — reshaping both our private and collective realms to reflect that new, true, Higher Understanding of Who (and What) We Really ARE.  So be it.  And so it IS!

Light Being, Resplendent Geometric

As for my Self, I have been experiencing things that defy even my own oft-overactive imagination – but while fully awake, fully conscious, and fully ‘rational’ within this quickly-dissolving matrix.  Visions, telepathic conversations, ‘encounters’ with our Higher Selves from the Other Side (which is very, very close to us now vibrationally, btw) – this has been my life for quite a while now, and it’s moved to an entirely new level in the last few weeks.  ‘Mind-blowing’ doesn’t even begin to describe it, and that little piece I penned called Afterglow was just the tip of the iceberg!  😉

Couple in bed, violet afterglow w burst

So now it’s time to move on, as they say.  Onwards and upwards!!!  Collectively, we’ve made it to the threshold of the Promised Land.  Now it’s just a matter of finalizing the process, closing out and releasing the past, rebuilding the decrepit collective systems to reflect our new Universal Abundance Paradigm, and enthusiastically manifesting into this reality our indescribably bountiful and magnificent New Earth.  Yeah, that one, the one we’ve always known was possible during those exciting flights of fancy in our private imaginations (and a few rare visionary motion pictures), but rarely dared to believe was actually within our reach.  Well it ISNow.  For those who choose it.  What do YOU choose???

1994 - Alternative Timeline

Long, long ago, in a reality far, far away . . . .

Afterglow . . . .

Sunset of Wispy Clouds (4)

“The Way is not in the sky. The Way is in the Heart.”  — ancient Buddhist axiom

NOTE:  Best to play the following YouTube music compilation video while reading this, in order to groove with its vibe more easily, as the music in this compilation represents even more viscerally the feeling, the transcendent rapture, I am trying to convey in this post via my words:

A few months ago, I posted a short article about what I had begun to experience, namely a deep and unshakeable inner peace, combined with a soaring joy that was, and still is, completely indescribable.  These amazing sensations and experiences were coming to me only sporadically at that time, sudden spontaneous infusions of ethereal bliss moving wonderfully into and through my entire body, and surrounding me with what felt like the warmest loving embrace a human being could ever imagine or experience.  Well, that’s all changed now.

Towards the end of June, just after the northern Summer Solstice, these overwhelming sensations stopped.  Well, they stopped being sporadic, that is!  I felt this Sunset Cloud from house (2)ineffable state of BE-ing sort of ‘lock in’.  Something fundamental shifted in my . . . Deepest Core, I guess you could term it.  And the spiritual ecstasy became permanent.  Of course, it ebbs and flows like anything else in this life, sometimes flowing subtly just under the surface of my ‘normal’ daily activities, where I am barely conscious of it at all; and other times sending chills and other delightful physical sensations rolling through my body, preventing me from doing anything outside of simply reveling in it until the heavenly moment passes.  It’s pretty awesome, to say the least.

So how can I better describe this now-constant experience/sensation, make it easier for others to get a ‘taste’ of what I’m attempting to convey?  It’s not easy!  Well, this question was exactly what I was thinking about the other morning as I woke up from another night of other-worldly adventures.  I stretched long and powerfully, like a big cat after a long nap, felt the blood flowing a bit more vigorously through my veins and arteries, and enjoyed the little rush of endorphins my muscles were treated to.  And, of course, I bathed myself in the ‘ocean of bliss’ that I am now accustomed to swimming in continuously.  Then it hit me:  Afterglow!  YES, that’s IT!!!

Couple in bed, violet afterglow w burst

Unless you’re still a virgin, or unless you’re one of the unfortunate few (or many? I hope not!) who’ve never made love in a really vigorous, passionate, deeply satisfying manner, in a way which sates not only the body – sometimes to the point of exhaustion — but even your very soul when it’s exceptionally . . . powerful — then you know what I’m getting at here.  For those of you who are also familiar with tantric ecstasy, or who have learned to weave non-physical (higher-vibrational) energies into your lovemaking, this is what I’m talking about.  The after-effects.  Nothing quite like it – and nowhere else in the cosmos you would ever want to ‘be’ when you’re there.  Vibrant, whole, and perfectly content. . . .

I have been floating in a sea of profound inner peace and imperturbable bliss, enjoying deep physical relaxation, and finally trusting fully in the Reality that whispers to me constantly in its still, small Voice, ‘All that transpires, both Within and without, is part of the Divine PlanKeep the faith, we are always with you!’.  I no longer possess any personal agenda, make no long-term plans (at this point ‘next week’ would be long-term for me!), feel no materialistic desires, nor experience any type of stress.  I literally don’t have a single care in the world – despite several people in my lifMan-Woman orgasmic space-chakra imagee who keep trying to impose them on me.  Just so you know, I do still have a family to support, apartments and homes to maintain and manage, and a car that is actually starting to get eaten alive by rust (I live near the ocean) and hasn’t had a tune-up in at least two years.  But nothing of the material world concerns me anymore.  Nothing.  Not in the least.  (Outside of my children’s immediate needs, of course).  I take care of what needs taking care of, but I am no longer emotionally attached to my physical circumstances and material world ‘obligations’.  I hope you can see the difference?  (Non-attachment does not mean ‘neglect’, by the way, as many still stuck in the old 3D mind-set may try to convince you – so you don’t uncouple yourself from them and their little dramas, you see.).  Regardless, I have now stopped giving any emotion (power) to the ‘negative’ events unfolding in our world, as I have come to the knowing that all happens for a Go(o)d reason, despite the fact that we may not always be able to discern or decipher that reason.  Instead, I am focusing exclusively on simply BEing in the moment, in every single moment, while calmly and confidently gazing forward into our glorious emerging lives in the New Earth we are now co-creating together.

The Beginning Is Now - yoga at sunrise

Fortunately (for my sanity), I have heard of others in the global spiritual community having very similar, or even identical, transformations in their BEING-ness lately.  Sandra Walter is one.  Bill Ballard is another.  And the supportive, inspiring messages from and through Aisha North, Ron Head, John Smallman, Méline Lafont (two sites), Sophia LoveUte Posegga-Rudel, more recently Brenda Hoffman, and many other remarkable and courageous souls out there have been pivotal in helping to keep my head together through these Inner changes, since most people in this crazy world in the midst of radical change — those just now starting to undo their disagreeable Old Earth programming, find and cleanse old traumas and inner darkness, and wrestle their tyrannical little egos out of the driver’s seat of their planetary vehicle — still insist on questioning and resisting (or even fighting) these monumental shifts within their own selves.

My fondest hope is that you reading this, and ideally the rest of humanity, quickly join us here on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge to dwell in the Sacred Land that was promised to us long, long ago.  Right here and now in this momentous calendar year of 2013, it appears (and feels) like we are being gently and lovingly summoned back Home.   Weary travelers trudging through alien wilderness, tired and confused by our protracted journey that has lasted so long now that we’ve completely forgotten why we departed in the first place, we finally spot the beckoning light of a nighttime campfire in a nearby forest clearing.  The flames leap and dance to greet us as we approach, inviting us joyfully to return to its ancient circle of warmth, comfort and camaraderie, offering the rest and succor we long for so desperately after our horribly exhausting journey into the previously uncharted wilds of our amazing Material Creation.

So who’s got the marshmallows???. . . .

Bonfire with marshmallow

The Divine Nectar


Females, Artistic Renderings - Earth Mother nursing baby

Oh, to suckle on the teat of the Divine Mother,

To nourish one’s Life with the flow of that luscious Nectar

That has no compare, and never fails to sate!

To be embraced by the Goddess of Unconditional Love

Whose warm liquid sustenance seeps into every pore

Of your Being, leaving no wound unhealed.

YES!  To bathe in the Waters of Bliss so clean and pure,

Purge all fear, struggle and strife, wash away the past,

Forget the future. . . . . . . Just BE Now-Here!

Enter this ecstatic New World, this New Reality with me, my brethren

And we shall then LIVE there forevermore as the One that we truly ARE!

Gaia is waiting . . . . .

PREGNANT nude, with Earth


floodgates  Do ya FEEL it yet???

The other day, I was reading the following blog post: Fran Z, May 19 2013.  I typically read several blogs and articles every day, but this one accomplished something that very, very few have – it described a truly overwhelming experience that I just happened to have had earlier that same day, spontaneously, that I felt so powerfully and deeply it caused me to weep.  The following is that very eloquent description:

‘Feel my love for you. It is delicate and strong, silky and sweet; it is powerful, yet oh so subtle at times. This is the quality of Love you can experience, that you do experience . . . .’

I don’t recall having ever read or heard such an excellent description of That (Pure Unconditional Higher Love)  – insofar as it can even be remotely described in mere words, of course.  Though this ineffable, overpowering Love did not apparently come to me from the soul we know as Mother Mary (the speaker in the above-quoted message), it DID come from another ‘Mother’, another female entity, One much more grand, universal and at the same time easily accessible.  And it was . . . . . . well, it just WAS!

The Divine Floodgates have finally opened, my friends!  There is no longer anythingWalk Into The Garden Love Has Prepared, ACIM poster preventing all of humanity from having access to this Soul-moving experience of inexhaustible bliss!  In truth, there never was, at least without herculean effort – but NOW it’s being pumped into our realm like never before in the history of our existence in physicality, with only minimal veils, filters and barriers in place to dampen the impact.  I pray you all begin to feel this Unconditional Divine Love in your lives as I now do.  It is wonderfully overwhelming, and changes everything, regardless of the ‘circumstances’ you may find yourself inIf you have already felt this, then fantastic – get ready for much, much more!  I am fortunate in feeling the gentle flow of It into and through my waking consciousness almost constantly now for the past few weeks.  It is not only makes for a magnificent wave to ride day-in and day-out, but IS the way we shall ALL be experiencing this thing we call ‘life’ in the very near future – well, those who choose to at least.  What do you choose??? . . . . . . .

I close with oSplit Worlds - Color and Grey Scalene more statement from this message that I resonate to deeply and intimately:

With That as your main focus of existence, everything is colored in a different way. There is no room for worry or doubt as you completely give yourself up to your Essence of Love. You begin to experience the totality of it, the sustainment of it, and nothing is able to shake the joy and bliss coming from it, no matter what. Yes, you can live in that always. Welcome to the 5th dimension and higher, beloveds, when you realize this.

I strongly encourage you to prepare yourselves for, or more accurately just open yourselves to, sudden spontaneous waves of unmitigated JOY!  And also — maybe even more importantly — get prepared to meet — and maybe even merge with (if you dare!) — your True Radiant Self. . . . .

Meditation - humanoid on giant lotus, radiant light, fractals, space


Among those who are ‘on the spiritual path’, there has been a tremendous amount of drama and passion and discussion regarding the subject of ‘twin flames’ (also often called soulmates, or divine complements).  Recently, I have had my own very intense, melodramatic experience regarding this . . . . ‘issue’, I suppose one might term it, so am no stranger to all the ultra-deep, convoluted, heart-soaring and heart-wrenching emotional turmoil that accompanies it.  I can relate, very easily so, to those who get ‘hung up’ on this explosive issue, and all the myriad little side issues (like marriage, children, affairs, social networks, religion, family, etc., etc.) that go along with it.

ImageFor me, though, even during my most confused and intense and ecstatic and blissful and bizarre experiences with two women who are ‘twin flames’ of a major ‘soul aspect’ of mine in the flesh (we can actually have several) , I never allowed myself to forget something pivotal, and critical, that I learned – or at least learned of — early on in my personal spiritual awakening:  WE ARE ALL ONE!  Right?  This is something soooooo many ‘spiritual’ people are very resistant about fully embracing — that is, until after they find their supposed twin flame, of course!  Many who are focused on finding their twin flame are happy to take up the cause and energy and beauty of our true Oneness — once they finally find and merge with (on one plane or another) their ‘other half’, or ‘one true love’, or ‘divine complement’, or whatever other label one wants to place on that ‘one special person’ (see A Course In Miracles for info on ‘special relationships’).  Of course, I have to say that there are many, many, many fellow Lightworkers who DO manage to express their Higher Selves, and Oneness, and PUL (Pure Unconditional Love) with all of humanity and Nature, without having a current intimate relationship, or having found their divine complement.  And I salute them for what I consider such a grand and noble accomplishment, and express my deep gratitude for their priceless contributions.


I should also note here that I do understand the mechanics of the twin flame ‘structure’, for lack of a better word — I’ve experienced it unto the foundations of my very Soul – and am fully on board with the concept.  The ‘reality’ of the idea is not the issue here – it’s the limiting aspects, the ‘distraction’ it creates, and the very lower-D emotions it calls heavily into play, that can really mess things up, pull us away from our Highest Priority:  the ‘narrow path’ to SELF-Realization, our merging with All That Is (which, by definition, includes your twin flame, of course – and everyone else’s!).  The ‘twin flame experience’, you see, is just a relatively small dose of what THAT promises to be . . . .

As St. Germain points out so eloquently in the following quotes (Twin Souls & Soulmates, Triad Publishers Pty. Ltd., 1994), WE ARE ALL ONE IN REALITY!  Therefore, we are all technically ‘twin flames’!  My fondest hope is that we can all transcend and release our collective fascination with this, one of the final booby traps that the wily old ego lays for us spiritual warriors at the end of our long journey through duality, as we finally find ourselves at the threshold of Cosmic Consciousness, reaching slowly for the door handle that, once turned, opens magnificently to the entire multi-dimensional Universe, laid out before us like an endless feast of blissfully ecstatic exploration, on into the Infinity that We ARE . . . . .

‘Your twin flame is the identical vibration of the vibration you emit in your personality-self in Imagethis your now moment.  As you become the Christus, you take on all the other frequencies of the original thirteen bodies of soul essence energy. They come unto you and the different frequencies together culminate in ONE.  In this manner, there is more than one frequency abiding within you.  In this manner, there is more than one frequency that would be an identical twin flame, and they are really all One Twin Flame, as the One comprises ALL; very much like the cells of your body, they form tissues and organs, bundles of like frequencies – the twin flames – but they are all part of the one body . . . . It is all very simple.  You are God.  What else is there???  You are the ones who complicate it into soulmates and twin flames and the like!’

 ‘When you dispense with the idea of soulmate as ‘an entity who will bring you happiness’, and understand soulmate as the rest of humanity, then the entity, the soulmate, who will allow the experience of happiness, will appear. It is a dichotomy, a grand paradox of life, but this is how it works in your reality.’

 Happy merging into Ecstatic Oneness, my fellow mates of Soul and Divine Body. . . . .


Profound Inner Peace, Ineffable Bliss — The Shift is NOW in Progress!

(IMPORTANT NOTE:  The Process that we have been going through is universal for ALL people on Earth at this time.  The Paradigm Shift is planet-wide — if not even greater in scope.  However, each sovereign individual human BE-ing is having a very unique experience of this Shift, based on both their specific circumstances in life, and the particular perspective and attitude which they choose to adopt in any and every given moment, and at what point in The Process they find themselves of course.  Self-comparisons and ‘rankings’ and such are simply . . . . . perpetuating the Illusion, to put it nicely.  Please just let it go.  ALL of it.  Now.  Choose Unity Through Variety instead, Humanity as a stunning mosaic of oft-bewildering, but always fascinating, manifestations of be-ing and do-ing here.  Thank you!)

Wild SCENE, People, Creatures, Mansions -- Pablo A

Over the past week or so, I have been experiencing, and maintaining, the deepest and most relaxing Inner Peace of my life.  I have also been experiencing frequent bouts of ineffable, pure states of Bliss, even feeling waves of ecstatic chills running up and down and throughout my body.  And this has had NO ‘external’ cause, is happening at NO particular time of day, has had no connection whatsoever to my immediate circumstances or situation.  None.  It is spontaneous, magnificent, and utterly overwhelming!

 The Paradigm Shift, the beginning of the Golden Age of Gaia, the Earth Changes – whatever you’d like to label it as – is INDEED in progress, actually in its latter stages of completion . . . . . for those who choose to experience it, of course.  And I personally have definitely chosen — over and over again — to DO just that, and enthusiastically so!!!  The following excerpt from a new blog article posted the other day (seen here) resonated deeply with me regarding both my own recent feelings, personal contacts with the ‘Ocean of Source’, and the NOW manifesting global paradigm shift:

‘The Feeling of Being, the sheer Presence of I AM, the Sacred Chamber of the Heart, is now a tangible Reality, implanted in the collective consciousness of mankind. . . . . It is the Ocean of the Source Which we all share and which is inherently uniting us as inseparable Oneness and Radiant Love. Such Is the Origin from which each One of Us came, and our remembrance of It is dawning now in the One Body of mankind.’

I truly hope that you all join me in embracing and celebrating the wonderful, fantastic New Earth that we are co-creating together – fully aware of its rapid emergence or not – and share in this indescribable Peace and Bliss that I AM now partaking in most of my waking hours.  BE well, and again please consider striving to adopt the following suggestion as your guiding mantra for and in and through our collective grand and radiant future:

‘. . . . (Let’s) ride like waves upon the Infinite Stillness of our Being-ness, arising and dissolving in That Ocean as a dance of light and energy, our new and ascended body-mind a sacred vessel for the force of creation.’

Surfer Tubed, rear underwater view

Gaia, female painter in cosmos w eyesThe Beginning Is HERE




Lighter and brighter grow my days

Raw Joy surges often from deep within

The battles were fierce, the eons of dark

Now the cycle has ended – the New Dawn begins


The tattered, dissolving fabric

Of the Illusion we all lived

Is finally revealing the hidden truth

Even to those who have refused to give


The Lighted words, the soft bright voices

Of those who have struggled to express

The real and, well, ‘unpleasant’ facts of our Matrix. . . .

Our true history reveals itself, nothing less


Each new day I rise I can’t avoid

Feeling slightly better — my Inner Light I can’t hide

Tho some days it’s still hard, I can’t deny

Achieving direct access to the Other Side


But the Veil is lifting, and oh so fast!

With its holes, splitting seams and deliberate rips

The Light of Eternal Day shines through the fog

My tired heart leaps high with even the briefest glimpse


The task is done, a successful mission

We can now let go of the past, the hard toil and strife

‘Build the New Earth!’ is our new call to arms

Enthusiastic once again, we reclaim our Truth, our Love. . .

And our glorious New Life!


Atlantean-Classic Monument on island in space w ship

Sunset, person spreading arms, FREEDOM and JOY



From the article The New Earth I (under The Lightworker Series) published by Aurelia on

Karma is nothing but the natural harmonizer for the swings in which your consciousness engages. You release your ties to the karmic cycle when your consciousness finds its anchor point in the motionless center of the seesaw.  This center is the exit point for the karmic cycle. The predominant feeling tones in this center are stillness, compassion and quiet joy. Greek philosophers had premonitions of this state which they called ataraxia: imperturbability.

Judgment and fear are the energies that most take you off-center. As you release these energies more and more, you become more quiet and open inside. You truly enter another world, another plane of consciousness.

I have also run across this term in Buddhist thought, the same state of mental and emotional BE-ingness that is often called by the same name, or also (in its more expansive or ecstatic version) ‘nirvana’.  I am also familiar with the terms ‘satori’ and ‘samadhi’ as incorporating the aspect of detachment from the material world (and its lower dimensional hijinx), which is an indispensable quality one must have in order to BE ‘imperturbable’.

Meditation - humanoid on giant lotus, radiant light, fractals, space

As long as one allows oneself to be ‘jacked around’ by lower dimensional emotions, attachments, and circumstances, one cannot achieve lasting inner peace.  And getting oneself out of that vulnerable state is QUITE the serious challenge – maybe even the greatest a human being can ever face!  According to the above-cited article, when one finally chooses to take those first steps towards achieving that elusive state of imperturbability,  ‘. . . great upheavals may occur in the area of relationships and work. More often than not, your whole lifestyle turns topsy-turvy. This is only natural, from our perspective, since inner changes are always the forerunner of changes in your outer world. Your consciousness creates the material reality you dwell in. It is always that way.

I sincerely wish you. . . . Happy Trails!!!  Just keep in mind that YES, regardless of what the nay-sayers might throw at you to slow you down or stop you in your quest for a better, more ecstatic life, it IS possible to achieve.  Definitely not easy, no.  But what else is there for us to DO at this point if we seek lasting inner peace and joy, and the capacity to build the New Earth without all those old pesky lower dimensional ‘issues’ holding us down???  Food for thought. . . . .

PREGNANT nude, with Earth



. . . And I feel fine.  Fantastic even!

Happy Decision Day.  Today all of humanity, individually and collectively, is encouraged to make its final decision on what kind of world it wants to create, to live in.  There are many, many global meditations and visualizations happening today, and I am participating in one of them.  I have already gone into prayer, and sent out positive energy, in support of this pivotal paradigm shift happening NOW in our world.

On this energetically auspicious day in our collective history, I shall take the opportunity to share with you my past and present views of what this ‘end of the world thing’ is going to look like.  Instead of writing it all out and boring you to tears, however, I’ll just use some wonderfully entertaining and poetic creations to express the very distinct ‘takes’ on this global shift.

First, my past views, via a song that quickly became one of my favorites for a while back in the 80’s when it first came out:

Now, my present views of how the world will ‘look’ after we get through this somewhat uncomfortable and chaotic ‘transition period’:

I hope you enjoyed the music, the concepts, and this blog.  Please prepare yourselves now for a whole new world (a la the song by that name featured in the Disney movie Aladdin) that, for those who have chosen to reside there, shall make their funnest, most joyful, and loving day in the past appear as a slow march through mosquito-infested swamps at night during a raging hurricane in comparison. . . . . .

Here I shall give you my final recommendation for those wondering what to think of all this, where to go, what to do when the really weird stuff starts to hit the fan. . . .  Regardless of the situation you find yourself in, the so-called ‘obligations’ and ‘commitments’ and ‘duties’ that you have contracted yourself to maintain and/or fulfill, and the people you find yourself surrounded and pressured and coerced by, best to just follow this one simple rule of Living Life To Its Fullest, and you should do juuuust fine (though your material and social worlds may fall completely apart as the necessary ‘adjustments’ are made, of course):   FOLLOW YOUR BLISS . . . . .

Be well.  Hope to see you all on the Other Side of . . . . . well, whatever happens.

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