life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Posts tagged ‘joy’

In The Garden

In the rich, fertile Garden

      of Limitless AbundanceFlowers in my garden, stream, plants

                    That IS my Soul


FLOWERS in my garden, Oct '13 (1)   The Flowers of Joy

are in

                      Perpetual Bloom . . . .

FLOWERS in my garden, Oct '13 (9)

FLOWERS in my garden, Oct '13, violet

FLOWERS in my garden, Oct '13 (3)


Bless This Moment

Bless this moment, for it is one that I created for my Self.

Sunset Cloud from Uvita House (2)


Afterglow . . . .

Sunset of Wispy Clouds (4)

“The Way is not in the sky. The Way is in the Heart.”  — ancient Buddhist axiom

NOTE:  Best to play the following YouTube music compilation video while reading this, in order to groove with its vibe more easily, as the music in this compilation represents even more viscerally the feeling, the transcendent rapture, I am trying to convey in this post via my words:

A few months ago, I posted a short article about what I had begun to experience, namely a deep and unshakeable inner peace, combined with a soaring joy that was, and still is, completely indescribable.  These amazing sensations and experiences were coming to me only sporadically at that time, sudden spontaneous infusions of ethereal bliss moving wonderfully into and through my entire body, and surrounding me with what felt like the warmest loving embrace a human being could ever imagine or experience.  Well, that’s all changed now.

Towards the end of June, just after the northern Summer Solstice, these overwhelming sensations stopped.  Well, they stopped being sporadic, that is!  I felt this Sunset Cloud from house (2)ineffable state of BE-ing sort of ‘lock in’.  Something fundamental shifted in my . . . Deepest Core, I guess you could term it.  And the spiritual ecstasy became permanent.  Of course, it ebbs and flows like anything else in this life, sometimes flowing subtly just under the surface of my ‘normal’ daily activities, where I am barely conscious of it at all; and other times sending chills and other delightful physical sensations rolling through my body, preventing me from doing anything outside of simply reveling in it until the heavenly moment passes.  It’s pretty awesome, to say the least.

So how can I better describe this now-constant experience/sensation, make it easier for others to get a ‘taste’ of what I’m attempting to convey?  It’s not easy!  Well, this question was exactly what I was thinking about the other morning as I woke up from another night of other-worldly adventures.  I stretched long and powerfully, like a big cat after a long nap, felt the blood flowing a bit more vigorously through my veins and arteries, and enjoyed the little rush of endorphins my muscles were treated to.  And, of course, I bathed myself in the ‘ocean of bliss’ that I am now accustomed to swimming in continuously.  Then it hit me:  Afterglow!  YES, that’s IT!!!

Couple in bed, violet afterglow w burst

Unless you’re still a virgin, or unless you’re one of the unfortunate few (or many? I hope not!) who’ve never made love in a really vigorous, passionate, deeply satisfying manner, in a way which sates not only the body – sometimes to the point of exhaustion — but even your very soul when it’s exceptionally . . . powerful — then you know what I’m getting at here.  For those of you who are also familiar with tantric ecstasy, or who have learned to weave non-physical (higher-vibrational) energies into your lovemaking, this is what I’m talking about.  The after-effects.  Nothing quite like it – and nowhere else in the cosmos you would ever want to ‘be’ when you’re there.  Vibrant, whole, and perfectly content. . . .

I have been floating in a sea of profound inner peace and imperturbable bliss, enjoying deep physical relaxation, and finally trusting fully in the Reality that whispers to me constantly in its still, small Voice, ‘All that transpires, both Within and without, is part of the Divine PlanKeep the faith, we are always with you!’.  I no longer possess any personal agenda, make no long-term plans (at this point ‘next week’ would be long-term for me!), feel no materialistic desires, nor experience any type of stress.  I literally don’t have a single care in the world – despite several people in my lifMan-Woman orgasmic space-chakra imagee who keep trying to impose them on me.  Just so you know, I do still have a family to support, apartments and homes to maintain and manage, and a car that is actually starting to get eaten alive by rust (I live near the ocean) and hasn’t had a tune-up in at least two years.  But nothing of the material world concerns me anymore.  Nothing.  Not in the least.  (Outside of my children’s immediate needs, of course).  I take care of what needs taking care of, but I am no longer emotionally attached to my physical circumstances and material world ‘obligations’.  I hope you can see the difference?  (Non-attachment does not mean ‘neglect’, by the way, as many still stuck in the old 3D mind-set may try to convince you – so you don’t uncouple yourself from them and their little dramas, you see.).  Regardless, I have now stopped giving any emotion (power) to the ‘negative’ events unfolding in our world, as I have come to the knowing that all happens for a Go(o)d reason, despite the fact that we may not always be able to discern or decipher that reason.  Instead, I am focusing exclusively on simply BEing in the moment, in every single moment, while calmly and confidently gazing forward into our glorious emerging lives in the New Earth we are now co-creating together.

The Beginning Is Now - yoga at sunrise

Fortunately (for my sanity), I have heard of others in the global spiritual community having very similar, or even identical, transformations in their BEING-ness lately.  Sandra Walter is one.  Bill Ballard is another.  And the supportive, inspiring messages from and through Aisha North, Ron Head, John Smallman, Méline Lafont (two sites), Sophia LoveUte Posegga-Rudel, more recently Brenda Hoffman, and many other remarkable and courageous souls out there have been pivotal in helping to keep my head together through these Inner changes, since most people in this crazy world in the midst of radical change — those just now starting to undo their disagreeable Old Earth programming, find and cleanse old traumas and inner darkness, and wrestle their tyrannical little egos out of the driver’s seat of their planetary vehicle — still insist on questioning and resisting (or even fighting) these monumental shifts within their own selves.

My fondest hope is that you reading this, and ideally the rest of humanity, quickly join us here on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge to dwell in the Sacred Land that was promised to us long, long ago.  Right here and now in this momentous calendar year of 2013, it appears (and feels) like we are being gently and lovingly summoned back Home.   Weary travelers trudging through alien wilderness, tired and confused by our protracted journey that has lasted so long now that we’ve completely forgotten why we departed in the first place, we finally spot the beckoning light of a nighttime campfire in a nearby forest clearing.  The flames leap and dance to greet us as we approach, inviting us joyfully to return to its ancient circle of warmth, comfort and camaraderie, offering the rest and succor we long for so desperately after our horribly exhausting journey into the previously uncharted wilds of our amazing Material Creation.

So who’s got the marshmallows???. . . .

Bonfire with marshmallow


Fireworks, with people watching

So here we are, halfway through the Gregorian calendar year of 2013.  Wild, crazy, epic time!  However, most people still don’t quite understand, or even suspect, what is really happening in and around our world.  Most people are still stuck in the old limited 3D paradigms and their methods of processing information, thinking, feeling, and even living.  As a direct result, most people are more than a little nervous, upset, fearful, insecure, and uncertain about what the future holds, as their ‘tried and true’ old strategies for navigating reality are just . . . not . . . working anymore!

The basic problem is this:  The vast majority of the human population still seems unable to just BE in the moment called ‘now’, live from there.  But what is actually much worse is that they have never even really thought deeply about it, much less attempted to discipline their minds to stay in that immensely powerful and creative space.  And, believe me, it takes a LOT of discipline to accomplish that, and constant vigilance as well!  But even that isn’t really the core problem.  This is:  Most people still LIVE in either the past or the future, and not at all in the now.  OK, maybe in a flashing moment of fun or ecstasy, the ego releases its vice-grip on their consciousness, sure — for a few brief moments at best.  However, outside of a few zany artists and mystics and the like, most people still are too deeply programmed in the old 3D ways of living and surviving to simply let go of what does not, and never has existed:  the past and the future.  They have never been taught to, nor really even felt the need to, live wholly in the Now.

Alarm Clock - 5 to midnightBrief periods of ‘past-think’ can be OK, even helpful on occasion, if one is eliciting the deep positive feelings from moments lived fully in joy or love — like those of the passion of a fresh new romantic relationship, or a childhood roller-coaster ride, or riding your first wave to the end.  ‘Future-think’ can be helpful on occasion as well, like when one is using L.O.A. techniques to visualize a desired scene or outcome, or planning a fun vacation.  But maintaining your mind occupied in thoughts of either the past or the future is severely limiting if engaged in exclusively, or even  more than a very small percentage of the time.

You see, most people – including myself, of course, much of my past life – tend to constantly be dwelling on the past and the future in their moment-to-moment thoughts.  Therefore, because our mind in that mode is almost perpetually ‘in’ the past or ‘in’ the future – ‘That trip I took to the beach last month was awesome!’; ‘I hope the baby isn’t coming down with a cold again. . . .’; ‘I wonder if I can afford that new phone next week?’; ‘That was some awesome sex with her yesterday. . . ‘; ‘Where is the money to pay the bills going to come from?’; ‘God, I hope my 401K is enough for me to retire on’; ‘I hope someone comes to save us soon from this horrible mess we’re in’; etc., etc. – what is supposed to be a ‘when’ actually becomes a where.  Unfortunately, that is exactly ‘where’ our egos dwell (our intellect primarily, our purely material-world-oriented 3D minds) — in the past and the future!  To make it worse, most people are still stuck in basing their expectations of future behavior and results and circumstances on past behavior and results and circumstances, especially when it comes to their personal relationships and finances – which just keeps them stuck in the ego’s murky, controlling domain even more.

Only the NOW actually exists in Reality.  This has even been established ‘scientifically’, via advanced physics.  In relation to this world, this realm, this dimension, the past is long gone.  The future is not yet manifest, and is totally malleable via the ‘control room’ of your most prevalent thoughts.  And emotions, especially the positive ones, are only felt in the precise nanosecond of now.  Therefore, logically speaking, if we want to live life to our fullest, experience and enjoy what this journey on GaiaSpiritual - Time in hands’s surface has to offer, we must learn (discipline ourselves) to live only in the Eternal Now — which is the only ‘place’ where we truly can BE and FEEL fully alive and vibrant anyway!  Fortunately, we are ‘now’ getting lots and lots of help from Gaia herself (and others) as what we perceive as ‘linear time’ is rapidly collapsing.  I’m sure you’ve noticed.

I hope I’ve been able to convey at least a little of what came to me the other morning in that strange, wonderful space between sleeping and waking.  It’s definitely ‘time’ to let go of the past, forgive any and all perceived trespasses against us (and by us – self-forgiveness is at least equally important), and simply move on.  It’s also ‘time’ to create our wonderful future in the moment of now, by taking full responsibility in each and every moment of our days and nights to take the actions necessary to improve our world – no more delays, no more fear, no more hesitation — and be who we all truly ARE at our Sacred Core.  As long as we ‘dwell’ in either the past or the future, our egos can maintain control of our Selves, and keep us distracted, side-tracked, and out of touch with our Center.  In the end – which all signs are indicating is NOW, by the way – true liberation can only come from Within.  Only by understanding where the shackles that bind us are hidden, can we finally find them, recognize them for what they are, and unbind ourselves from the limiting constraints of the egoic body-mind, regardless of where those constraints and deep psychological programs originally came from.  It matters not.  Only our personal liberation does.

I look forward to us all dwelling in a much better ‘place’ very, very soon. . . . .

Moorea 3, rainbow over village


Profound Inner Peace, Ineffable Bliss — The Shift is NOW in Progress!

(IMPORTANT NOTE:  The Process that we have been going through is universal for ALL people on Earth at this time.  The Paradigm Shift is planet-wide — if not even greater in scope.  However, each sovereign individual human BE-ing is having a very unique experience of this Shift, based on both their specific circumstances in life, and the particular perspective and attitude which they choose to adopt in any and every given moment, and at what point in The Process they find themselves of course.  Self-comparisons and ‘rankings’ and such are simply . . . . . perpetuating the Illusion, to put it nicely.  Please just let it go.  ALL of it.  Now.  Choose Unity Through Variety instead, Humanity as a stunning mosaic of oft-bewildering, but always fascinating, manifestations of be-ing and do-ing here.  Thank you!)

Wild SCENE, People, Creatures, Mansions -- Pablo A

Over the past week or so, I have been experiencing, and maintaining, the deepest and most relaxing Inner Peace of my life.  I have also been experiencing frequent bouts of ineffable, pure states of Bliss, even feeling waves of ecstatic chills running up and down and throughout my body.  And this has had NO ‘external’ cause, is happening at NO particular time of day, has had no connection whatsoever to my immediate circumstances or situation.  None.  It is spontaneous, magnificent, and utterly overwhelming!

 The Paradigm Shift, the beginning of the Golden Age of Gaia, the Earth Changes – whatever you’d like to label it as – is INDEED in progress, actually in its latter stages of completion . . . . . for those who choose to experience it, of course.  And I personally have definitely chosen — over and over again — to DO just that, and enthusiastically so!!!  The following excerpt from a new blog article posted the other day (seen here) resonated deeply with me regarding both my own recent feelings, personal contacts with the ‘Ocean of Source’, and the NOW manifesting global paradigm shift:

‘The Feeling of Being, the sheer Presence of I AM, the Sacred Chamber of the Heart, is now a tangible Reality, implanted in the collective consciousness of mankind. . . . . It is the Ocean of the Source Which we all share and which is inherently uniting us as inseparable Oneness and Radiant Love. Such Is the Origin from which each One of Us came, and our remembrance of It is dawning now in the One Body of mankind.’

I truly hope that you all join me in embracing and celebrating the wonderful, fantastic New Earth that we are co-creating together – fully aware of its rapid emergence or not – and share in this indescribable Peace and Bliss that I AM now partaking in most of my waking hours.  BE well, and again please consider striving to adopt the following suggestion as your guiding mantra for and in and through our collective grand and radiant future:

‘. . . . (Let’s) ride like waves upon the Infinite Stillness of our Being-ness, arising and dissolving in That Ocean as a dance of light and energy, our new and ascended body-mind a sacred vessel for the force of creation.’

Surfer Tubed, rear underwater view

Gaia, female painter in cosmos w eyesThe Beginning Is HERE

Food For Thought: The Pot IS Boiling!

The ‘temperature’ of our Earthly environment is at ‘full boil’ now.  When a pot of water is boiling, what happens to the molecules of liquid that stubbornly resist their logical transformation into vapor, not only not go with the flow, but deny that there even exists a flow at all?  Why do they not join in the fun, and float effortlessly and peacefully above the roiling maelstrom below, moving happily beyond the pot along with the majority of their fellow water molecules?  What happens to those who continue to claim that ‘nothing major is happening’, cling to the status quo of gravity-restricted pot dwelling, and refuse to allow their natural transmutation into a higher-vibrational state of BE-ing, fighting the process every step of the way?  I don’t know exactly.  Do you?

Water Boiling in glass pot w colored vapor, jpg

Food for thought indeed.  A veritable feast for deep thought, ¿verdad?  Well, as I’ve written in what is now the past, each sovereign individual ‘water molecule’ has the right, actually the responsibility, to choose for itself its own unique path, and its timing as well (until the experience of time actually runs out, of course).  No judgment, no blame, no reason to fret.  All is as it should be, and each shall manifest its personal destiny according to its own unique plan – regardless of how strenuously one hopes and wishes and desires that ALL their fellow water molecules just let go and fulfill their ultimate, unavoidable evolution/transmutation into . . . . . . something more peaceful and fulfilling and pleasurable — and MUCH more exciting!

From JOY I come.  In JOY I live.  To JOY I now surrender all that I do, all that I feel, all that I AM. . . . . .  EnJOY the feast!

I’m FREE!!!


by The Who, from the rock opera Tommy

I’m free!  I’m free!

And freedom tastes of Reality

I’m free!  I’m free,

And I’m waiting for you to follow me . . .


If I told what it takes to reach the highest high

You’d laugh and say ‘nothing’s that simple’ . . . .

But you’ve been told many times before

Messiah’s pointed to the door

But no one had the guts to leave the temple


I’m free!  I’m free!

And freedom tastes of Reality

I’m FREE!  I’M FREE!!!

And I’m waiting for you to follow Me . . . . . .



How can we follow?

How can follow-ooooo . . .oooo-oooo-oooo-oooo. ..


= = = = = = =

 My demons have been purged.

The Core of my Eternal Being has risen to the surface, forged its bonds to the Light, and prepared Itself for the Transition.

 I AM ready for the next stage of Hu-man evolution.


I sincerely hope that I see Us all ‘There’!


Food for Thought – Joy

True Joy is not dependent upon external events or circumstances.


I thought I’d repost part of the following blog article that came in just yesterday.  It dovetails very nicely with what I wrote back in February, doesn’t it?  It’s both a great confirmation, and a nice expansion, of the personal sentiments that I expressed in my post.  Enjoy!  And feel free to view the entire article, and other insightful, helpful information, at

Jafree Ozwald – Enlightened Beings – How To Be Unstoppably Happy

Posted on March 9, 2012 at

There are many people who have spent lifetimes striving to reach their dreams and goals which they believe will one day make them happy. Yet, most find themselves addicted to the pursuit of their vision, and the fantasy of what may come, instead of actually enjoying being happy in their lives today. The truth is there are as many distractions inside us as there are on the outside of us, and they are ALL excuses that say it’s not possible to be happy right now. The secret we have discovered to becoming unstoppably happy is simply to see how happiness is not far away at all. It is always a choice readily available to you in each new moment.

When the understanding sinks in that your inner happiness is not based upon anything in the outer world, you start the journey towards being truly liberated and empowered. No matter how people react in life, you don’t have to wallow in sadness, negativity or pain. You can choose to feel it momentarily and move on into joy and appreciation because it is simply an availalbe choice! However your choose to respond to those people in your outer world results in what experience you’re accepting on your inner world, and this greatly impacts how you feel about yourself. You are always interpreting situations and events in your life, so why not choose the response that opens those doors towards feelings of expansion, serenity, appreciation and continuous jubilation!

Happiness is a FEELING that is always available to you. It can be accessed instantly whenever you remember that acceptance, appreciation and self approval is always a choice. It is possible in each moment to love yourself and accept life exactly as it is. It’s that simple! Make the decision right now that NOTHING, yes absolutely nothing, can stop you from choosing joy, appreciation and relaxation in any moment. There is nothing more powerful than having this choice. When you accept this, you’ll discover a deeper freedom hidden inside you that is continuously emanating from the very core of your being.

“Act happy, feel happy, be happy, without a reason in the world. Then you can love, and do what you will.” – Dan Millman

Happiness is a conscious choice, not an automatic response.”  – Mildred Barthel.

“We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.”  –  Fredrick Koeing

“A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.”  – Hugh Downs

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