life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Archive for the ‘meditation’ Category

Bless This Moment

Bless this moment, for it is one that I created for my Self.

Sunset Cloud from Uvita House (2)



I’ve been reading a lot lately about how much trouble people are having with their incessant mind-chatter.  It is proving extremely difficult for many of you to stem the constant flow of ‘noise’ that your ego-mind seems to love to generate, keeping you distracted with superficial material concerns and interpersonal dramas, while keeping your attention away from the really important things in life.  Since I was able to stop my own mind-chatter – consciously and completely – many years ago, maybe I can be of some assistance here by sharing my most effective technique with you (mentioned in one of my previous posts back in December, here).

It’s really, really, really simple.  And btw, the original statement actually comes from the Christian Bible, so not even the most conservative among you should have any ‘issues’ with it (though your fear-ridden ego may try to convince you otherwise).  This is what you do:  When the ridiculous chatter has you batty, just make this statement in your head, using as assertive and confident a tone as you can muster . . . .


That’s it. That’s all you need to do.  In the beginning, you will probably need to repeat this ‘mantra’ several times before it becomes effective.  With time, however, it will succeed in stopping that annoying little voice in your head immediately with the first firm utterance.  Eventually, you’ll find (like I did) that just having the thought of making the statement, or the desire to quiet your mind, will be enough to make it so.  The verbal statement becomes completely internalized and ‘assumed’, you see, and therefore unnecessary.

You can also ‘customize’ this statement for specific situations or purposes.  Try replacing the word ‘Love’ with one of the following, depending on your desired effect or result:   Spirit . . . Joy . . . Worthy . . . Fun . . . Light . . . Confident . . . . Safe . . . . Happy . . . . Good.  Follow your Inner Guidance, and play with it!  Whatever works best, right?

FYI, the original statement (from the Bible, remember) uses the word ‘God’ — which is what I myself used, and very successfully so, for this amazingly effective technique (before my ‘customizing’ began that is).  I understand, however, that many people out there may take serious issue with this Truth, and so will not even try it out.  This is why I have presented it in this manner.  Hopefully you can quickly arrive at the place of Self-knowledge and Self-esteem to be able to utilize this miraculous tool in its original form.

Lastly, don’t be shy about using this mantra, or a modified variation thereof, for the purpose of initiating deep meditation.  It works great!  Again, one of its most appealing qualities IS its flexibility/adaptability.  Above all, though, just do it, and reap the powerful, amazing, and perpetual accumulative benefits!

P.S. – I’d love to get your feedback on this.  Please let me know how things go (let us know really, with the other blog readers included of course), and feel free to post in the comments section below any expansions or helpful hints you may discover/create, plus any positive experiences you may want to share that may help or encourage others.  Thanks!  Also, please feel free to re-post and/or forward this to whomever you think might derive some benefit.  In these crazy times, we all need to band together in true community spirit, and help each other out in any way we can!


Someone’s knockin’ at the door
Somebody’s ringin’ the bell
Someone’s knockin’ at the door
Somebody’s ringin’ the bell
Do me a favor,
Open the door and let ’em in
Sister suzie, brother john,
Martin luther, phil and don,
Brother michael, auntie gin,
Open the door and let ’em in.

Someone’s knockin’ at the door
Somebody’s ringin’ the bell
Someone’s knockin’ at the door
Somebody’s ringin’ the bell

Do me a favor,
Open the door and let ’em in.

— Let ‘Em In, by Paul McCartney

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Do us ALL a favor, yourself included.  Let ’em in.  Please.  They’re here to help, and it’s high time we let them, fully and without restrictions.  Just open the door. . . . . .  Image


Around the time I was in university, taking a class called Ancient Myths And Modern Meaning, I read an old adage:  ‘In order to scale to great heights, you must first plumb the depths.’  Something like that.  I feel it might be related to that other saying about the consciousness-expanding process, ‘You gotta go through hell in order to get to Heaven!’.

In ’06 I made my only visit to New York City.  (I wanted to see it ‘while it was still there’ – modern Rome at its infamous zenith – as I was still a bit of a ‘doom-and-gloomer’ back then).  I was walking down to the waterfront in lower Manhattan, not far from the felled towers, and had to skirt around a massive construction site.  The construction was only in its first or second phase – a full square block hole in the ground (remember, I’m in MANHATTAN!), at least 60 feet deep, maybe much more.  There were giant machines and hundreds of workers all over the place looking like so many oversized ants from my ‘heights’ above on the street level.  I was reminded of something I’d read about construction techniques years earlier.  It had said that, when building skyscrapers, most of the critical and delicate and time-consuming work was done in the beginning, when they actually excavated downwards into the Earth in order to build the foundation for the shooting towers of concrete and steel.  It said that almost the same amount of time was spent below the surface, laying the foundation, than was spent above the street level, to construct the actual skyscraper.  Wow.

Now, to put it into perspective:  To build a thousand-foot skyscraper, they spend the first HALF of their time and effort going down 60-100 feet!  (approximately – I’m no engineer, so please don’t hold me precisely to this).  Fascinating.

‘OK, Waverider, wonderful little tidbit for my next game of Trivial Pursuit —  but so what?  What has that got to do with the price of tea in China?’ you might ask (that’s an old saying my mom used on us a lot growing up).  Well, everything, really.  No, not the specific mechanisms whereby the fair-market retail costs of certain dry herbs are determined in the Far East maybe.  But it speaks to what we ALL go through when we engage the challenging process of self-actualization.

We are at the cusp of an historic shift in our realities.  This Grand Paradigm Shift of the Ages is not simply historic in the ‘four score and seven years ago’ sense, but in the ‘. . .and God created Man in His image and likeness’ sense.  For those who have not begun this process yet, or have tried to begin but seem to keep getting stuck – reaching a certain point and hitting wall after wall after wall – I’d like to express this thought:  IT’S TIME TO GET MOVING, FOLKS!  If you truly want to build yourself (and your Self) a ‘skyscraper’ of self-esteem, self-confidence, integrity, peace, love, joy, and fun – in other words, a life of deep satisfaction and fulfillment and dreams-come-true – then NOW is the time to do it.

In regards to the above metaphor, both my deep research and intense experience in this area point to its veracity:  One must delve deeply into one’s murky subconscious depths of beingness (childhood upbringing, adolescent trauma, pivotal emotional events of early adulthood, unhealed/unforgiven ‘injuries’, hidden roots of a low self-image, etc.), dig up any and all the suppressed, obscure ‘dross’ that has been weighing you down like anchors on a speedboat, and heal that stuff once and for all, in whatever way(s) your personal philosophy can handle:  Offer it up to the Light (or an Archangel, Ascended Master, Guide, Love, Divinity, Christ, etc.); talk to a therapist; do energy work; sign up for a cleansing/purging program; go to group therapy sessions; and/or (one of the most effective tools in my personal experience) practice deep meditation (assisted and/or solo).

Build your skyscraper.  Now.  Please.   With determination, with vigor, and with joy.  There is really, truly nothing better you can do at this moment of history for yourself, your loved ones, our beloved planet, and for ALL.  Dream big, dream wide, dream tall, and then go out – and especially IN – and make it happen!



Lots of confusion these days.  Chaos will shortly ensue.  So, where does one stand in times like these?  Where can a person place their trust, when the two main opposing forces are disseminating completely contradictory ‘versions’ of reality, accusing each other of duplicity and chicanery and the rest of it, and trying to dupe us ‘dumbed down’ 99% into supporting their ‘side’ over the other?

 Traditional Faith

We were all trained – I mean raised — to do at least ONE thing well:  Trust and obey authority.  Though many of us didn’t abide very well with that training, especially during and after our teenage years, its influence is ubiquitous.  First, our parents.  Then, our teachers and school administrators (especially the dean or ‘student counsellor’, right?).  Then, the so-called law enforcement personnel.  Then, our politicians and government beaurocrats.  Along with all those guys, most of us were expected to accept, part and parcel and without question, the ‘divinely inspired’ word of our preachers and priests and rabbis and ministers.  ‘Pillars of civil society’ one and all, right?  Oh, I can’t forget this very influential little group:  The newscasters.

 Now, should we just continue to trust them???  Well, let’s look at the situation, the FACTS (briefly).

Who exactly has gotten us into this current horrible mess?  Who exactly has, intentionally or not, led us down not only the path to perdition not once, not twice, but continually over the last century or so?  Who, after the economic crash of 2008, has not only failed to ‘fix’ things, but continued to make things worse than they were before, creating more wars, more poverty, more strife, more dissatisfaction and discontent – and simultaneously demonstrating less collective abundance, less responsibility, less guidance, and (critically important here) much less enforcement of the laws that were meant to protect us from the greedy and corrupt sociopaths in our society?  At the same time, who has actually taken away many or most of our God-given (and constitutionally-given) rights and privileges as natural human beings on this once-beautiful planet?

OK.  So regarding this group, the ones we have been TOLD to trust all of our lives, only a single question remains:  Who in this world (or any other) could actually be worse than them???

The Other Side

On the other side of the coin, we have what have been traditionally called ‘conspiracy theorists’.  I prefer to call them, especially these days, ‘conspiracy realists’.  Remember that trippy old movie with Mel Gibson, Conspiracy Theory?  In the beginning of that movie, good ‘ol Mel is spouting off all these crazy theories to his clients in the taxi that he drives for a living.  I distinctly remember one of them as being about a huge earthquake in Turkey just barely missing putting the president of the US in mortal danger while he was visiting there.  If he would have stayed just a few minutes longer on the ground, he probably would have been killed.  When I found out recently that Russia, China, and the US have all apparently had many talks about their ‘weather weapons’ over the last few decades – about not using them against each other – I remembered that part of the movie.  It turns out that too many of those theories Mel was going on about in the movie have turned out to be actually real (or very close to it, like the MK Ultra program the CIA ran that he was a victim of in the movie).  I won’t even touch the stuff he was saying about Area 51 and the ET-secret government connections. . . . .  Funny how art reflects Nature so often – and Nature even reflects art sometimes.

Anyway . . . . . those who have been ‘into’ this stuff for years and decades have been putting out a lot of information about ‘what’s going on around here’.  The movies Zeitgeist, Esoteric Agenda, Kymatica, Thrive, Loose Change, Fahrenheit 9/11, etc., have elucidated many, many aspects of ‘how we got here in the first place’ – and backed up their research with easily verifiable FACTS and links to truckloads of reference material that anybody nowadays can quickly and easily go look up themselves on the internet (unlike people such as, say, Rush Limbaugh or certain ex-presidents, who don’t point to any verifiable facts or documents at all, but just say asinine things like ‘You are either with us, or you are against us.’  What hubris, what gall!  Well, their reckoning is soon acomin’ . . . .).  Anyway, should we trust them in these critical times?

Well, maybe.  Personally, I do NOT trust them or any person 100%.  Why not?  Well, while I feel most of those whistleblowers and conspiracy types definitely DO have our collective best interests at heart, some of them may not.  Some of them may actually be agents of DISinformation for the PTW (Powers That Were, the Cabal, the Illuminati, Team Dark, whatever – those guys).  Also, some of their information may have been purposefully (and unknowingly) ‘fed’ to them by those same agents.  On top of that, some of them are definitely motivated primarily not by compassion for their fellow human beings, but by profit.  Look at how many ‘survival’ groups there are out there, urging all of us to ‘stock up’ on certain things as soon as possible, and as much as possible – oh, and here’s a great web site where you can order your products right away, and get a 20% discount if you pay cash!  Shipped in less than 24 hours with your verified credit card purchase – Order Now! . . . .

The Third Group

There IS another group of people out there gently but firmly vying for your attention.  In the mainstream media, these generally kind-hearted souls are termed the ‘new age’ people, ‘spiritual types’, or just plain ‘nut jobs’ (along with the conspiracy realists, right?  Totally different species, but the same treatment by the MSM.).  These are actually, again generally speaking, the ONLY group to be promoting a much more positive outlook on things.

Archangel Michael

Their information does not come from recently released documents via the Freedom of Information Act, nor SEC paperwork that directly implicates deception and collusion among the banksters, nor recently resigned or fired Wall Street big shots, nor deep-seated whistleblowers who have come out of the closet to reveal the once-secret shenanigans of our ‘leadership’, nor even ex-astronauts or military pilots who have revealed their personal experiences with things that officially ‘do not exist’.  No.  Some of that ‘alternative’ info may be discussed or referred to in their writings, but is not THE most important aspect of their messages.  Their information comes from what they claim are ‘non-human’ sources:  Angels, ETs, Ascended Masters, Jesus, Mary (both, Mother and Magdalen), God, or various groups of Higher Dimensional Beings.  Though they are the ones least assertive, and definitely least offensive, of the three groups, these people tend to receive the most hostility from others, especially conservative religious groups (though they often coincide in their ‘beliefs’ and fundamental philosophies).  Interesting, isn’t it?

The Final Authority

Just recently, I ran across something the inimitable Albert Einstein wrote:  ‘The Intuitive Mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant.  We have created a society that honors the servant, and has forgotten the Gift.’

Wow.  That is beautiful, isn’t it?  And profoundly accurate, in my humble opinion.  I wrote an article last year about the tragic mistake Western philosophy made when it ‘split’ science from spirituality, a la Descartes (see the wonderful and witty explanation in the science documentary What The Bleep Do We Know?, available to watch free on YouTube.).  It appears that the father of modern physics agreed wholeheartedly with that sentiment.

Yes, the Gift.  THIS is what I personally recommend, after decades of deep thought, reading, reflection, research, and hard-core experience, all under very challenging circumstances.  DISCERNEMENT is the key to wading through the morass of information now being poured into our world from every conceivable source.  Higher Discernment specifically.  Use your Intuitive Mind, folks!  Go within.  This IS ‘The Secret’, you see, the answer we all have sought since time immemorial.  Use your God-given Gift!  NOW is the time to do that, to ‘go there’, OK?

Our world is about to explode into utter chaos and confusion — for those who don’t yet know what is really going on at least (that’s still most of humanity, of course).  Most people will not have a friggin’ clue as to what’s going down or, more importantly, who to listen to for helping to define the ‘new reality’.  So stop looking already!  You have, and have always had, the Final Authority within you, you see.  Use it!  Screw anybody who tells you that the rational mind is King and Savior, and that you shouldn’t consider your Inner Voice as anything more than fantasy or delusion or spiritual mumbo-jumbo (or even clinical insanity).  As kindly and diplomatically as you can, simply inform them that you prefer to side with ALBERT EINSTEIN and JESUS (‘The Kingdom of Heaven is within you’) and THE BUDDHA (see quote below), rather than go with what their very materialistic and negative and fearful ‘rational mind’ is telling them is ‘best’.

If you’ve never gone within, never meditated deeply, do it now.  Please.  If not for yourself, for your friends, associates and loved ones.  It will not only calm you down, and reduce your fear and anxiety, and make you feel better about things, and get you in touch with your True Self (hopefully – that may take a few tries) – it may even save your life.  And your Life.  I mean, if Jesus, Mahatma Gandhi, the billions of devout Hindus and Buddhists, martial arts masters, adepts, monks of all creeds (including Christians, of course), and every single yoga instructor on the planet swear by it, shouldn’t you at least give it a try??? 

Take care, strive to remain calm and centered, be discerning, and above all try to en-JOY this Great Awakening we are all experiencing together.  Namaste.

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.   ~ Buddha ~

What lies ahead of you and what lies behind you is nothing compared to what lies within you. – Mohandas K. Gandhi


Hi!  Many wonderful things are happening on our planet right now.  Some of them, however, may cause a few of you to go into ‘fear mode’ again.  Please reconsider this very unwise reaction to current events!  We are all about to be truly liberated from the yolk (sic, on purpose, pun intended, lol) of slavery to the Powers That Were, so don’t worry, and be happy, folks!

Today I’d like to give you a really fun and enriching meditation exercise that you can do anywhere, and any when.  The following version is my own, and is simply a slight expansion of one one I saw recently on line (I forget where, but it was a channeled message from our Friends On High – no copyright has ever been filed!).  Besides, it’s really, really, really simple!

Before I describe it (and another one I just ran across for those who can’t stop their egos from launching them into that ‘fear mode’ state), I’ll try to create for you an image of how I ‘see’ our ‘beingness’ for the purposes of this exercise.  It’ll make the image-ing process a bit easier for you, though I shall not make any claims as to the ‘absolute accuracy’ of how I view things.  Whatever helps the visualization process is what I’m after here, NOT create an intellectual treatise on what our energetic beings ‘looks like’ in the third dimension (I mean, how boring would that be?).

In my mind’s eye, I see our energetic selves in this world matrix as a thin layer of material consciousness ‘encapsulating’ a very beautiful Light of extremely high frequency.  This outer layer forms the shape of your physical body.  Most of the time, this Light is fully contained by the denser, ‘harder’ outer shell (ego structure, material consciousness, lower mind — whatever you want to call it) – which means that most people and animals around you feel primarily that energy from you, and not your Inner Light.  OK.

The exercise is this:  Visualize this Inner Light of yours expanding outwards in all directions.  Feel it doing this.  See it going upwards above your head, downwards below your feet, and flowing around you in all directions, forming a brilliant whitish ball of Pure Energy that goes far beyond the ‘denser’ outer layer.  The original idea that I ran across said to imagine your Light expanding out to a ball of several meters in diameter.  Nah!  I decided to make the sphere around 200 meters in diameter!  This would allow it to not only cocoon all the people and pets in my personal household, but also include anybody walking on the road, at least one neighbor and their family, the stream, the coffee plantation across the street, the local evangelical church, etc.  Now, one can take this thing as far as you want to, and continue to expand your Light to include the entire planet, or even the entire Universe, right?  For those of you who feel you can do that, go for it!  The more the merrier, right?  It ALL helps . . . . .

BTW, I do this sometimes while walking, driving my car, working, watering the garden, etc.  Hey, why not?  Now here’s the second exercise, freshly downloaded and copied from the reference below:

We have spoken to you often of your need to clear your negative emotions that are tied to your experiences here, and we would like to touch upon how you can better achieve this. Find yourself a very quiet place where you can be alone, and a place where you can sit quietly in darkness would be very opportune. Sit quietly and begin to take in breaths slowly and deeply. Quiet your mind by focusing only on your breaths. In-out. In-out. Slowly, very slowly. Allow yourself to understand that all has been for your benefit and upliftment. Allow yourself to understand that nothing you have experienced here has occurred without your prior consent. Allow yourself to forgive yourself and understand the guilt you carry with you is nothing but a lower dimensional symptom that has no place in the higher realms and will vanish upon your ascension and your return home, and that you have the power to release this guilt today. Guilt and shame do not have to be a part of these lessons you have learned. Release them as you breathe deep and breathe slow. Release them. They are not necessary, and they mean nothing. Continue to breathe, and when you feel ready begin the rest of your day and the rest of your new life free of these emotions. They no longer serve you and they are no longer needed. You are free of them.

Excerpted from a post of February 29th 2012 entitled Message from the Ashtar Command  2/29/12, on

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P.S. — Just like some other fun things in life, do this as often as you can for best results!  Again, why not?!  You have nothing to lose but your stress and limitations.

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