life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Posts tagged ‘manifestation’


All Thought is a form of Prayer

All Thought is a form of Prayer


Ever see the incredibly creative movie Vanilla Sky? Regardless of what you think of the actors themselves in that movie (Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz, and Cameron Diaz as the three biggest ‘stars’, while Penelope Cruz also co-starred in the original Spanish version called Abre Tus Ojos), the story was extremely well-scripted, well-acted and well-produced. I highly recommend it, if for nothing more than a really challenging and intense psychological ‘trip’.

Anyway, one of the concepts presented in the movie is that of the Lucid Dream. So as to not ruin the story for you, I won’t go into too much detail. Basically, the Lucid Dream is a state where the dreamer is given the opportunity to live and relive over and over again a more or less fantastic, custom-designed life. Now the trick is this: The dreamer doesn’t know that it’s all just a dream! So when it starts to ‘break down’ for the main character, it gets really, really weird.

Do you ever remember your lucid dreams? I do, at least most of the time. At least for a while. By the time I’m done in the bathroom, it’s usually faded from recollection, except for a fragment or impression or two. For a while, I wrote my dreams down on a notebook next to my bed, which definitely did help to develop both dream remembrance, and lucid dreaming abilities. If you’ve never been able to remember your dreams (we all dream, as has been scientifically proven beyond a doubt – it’s the recall that many people often have trouble with is all), that writing-your-dreams-down-as-you-wake-up technique works pretty well. Also, there are many videos on YouTube on this subject, including how to start lucid dreaming and get proficient at it. It’s fun to explore, even if just as a ‘hobby’. Although I’ve never needed it that way, I bet it can help those suffering from insomnia a lot.

Lucid dreams can be really wonderful. Being fully conscious while in the dream state, knowing that you are in a dream state but feeling exactly like your ‘regular’ self (though predictably much ‘lighter’ and more relaxed and joyful and adventurous), is quite the fun experience. No rules! No consequences! No restrictions whatsoever on what you’d like to experience! Go anywhere. Do anything. Be with anybody you want, in any way you want. Wow!

Well, get ready, folks! Based on what I’ve been feeling, reading, and intuiting lately, it appears that we may all actually be on the brink of entering that ‘lucid’ state real soon now. Do you think you could handle instant satisfaction of your desires? Do you feel comfortable with every single thought manifesting itself into your reality immediately – ‘good’ or ‘bad’? Does that much freedom appeal to you? Does that much POWER appeal to you? Does having a perfect youthful body sound nice? How about a billion dollars? Yachts, race cars, jets, mansions? Clean, free energy for life? A huge organic farm in an intentional holistic community? What exactly would your ‘ideal lifestyle’ look like? What would you do with your time if you didn’t have to work to ‘earn a living’, or do the dishes, or feed the cat? Where would you live? Who would you want to ‘be’ with? What do you love to do? And would you do only that, or try to join with other people, co-create a fantasy world to share? Deep, serious questions no doubt – but critically important if you become the Grand Creator of your own life, right? It kinda cuts right to the very core of each person’s beliefs and ‘way of being’, no?

Well, all I can say about this challenge is this: After decades of consciously working on controlling my thoughts, shaping my attitudes, and transforming my entire mental and emotional landscape, there is only one absolute certainty that I have come away with – IT AINT AS EASY AS IT SOUNDS! I have strived to create and live this reality consciously to an exceptionally large degree over the past 15+ years — haphazardly at first, then with increasing ‘control’, and never quite precisely (too much detail to deal with, some of which can really go astray). And although there was always a significant time delay, and I was rarely able to maintain the ‘right’ level of vibration long enough to manifest something quite in the manner I had imagined it to come into being (or I changed my mind mid-stream and so messed it all up, the timing and such especially), I have had at least a small taste of what it’s like to consciously manifest one’s own dream-reality. It can be very cool for sure! Fantastagorical and megasuperblissful actually, believe me! But maintaining it that way over long periods of time – like, say, a whole week? Virtually impossible. Even a single day of pure joy and fun and ecstasy is pretty darn tough to keep up without some nasty little thought or negative emotion slithering its way back into the ‘rational mind’ (ego) to mess it up again! (No slight on our wonderful legless brethren the serpents, mind you). Yeah, those monkey wrenches (sorry, furry dudes) are really hard to keep from flying unexpectedly and unwelcomed into even the best-manifested dream lifestyles. .. . . .

Regardless, people, gear up and get ready for action, ‘cause I think we’re in for some pretty shocking ‘near-immediate manifestation of the collective thought-forms’ type experiences. The lids are coming off Pandora’s infamous box, the revelations will come so fast it’ll make most people dizzy (some even suicidal perhaps), and all our closets are gonna get ripped open to give those nefarious old skeletons equal and free reign on our planetary playground. ‘Interesting’ times, indeed!!!

Just remember one basic thing that I have learned from first-hand experience, and you should be just fine: Focusing on LOVE is, always was, and always will be much wiser — and more pragmatic and intelligent and enjoyable as well — than giving in to fear. I guarantee it.

Lucid Dreamin’, here we come . . . . . . . .

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