life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Archive for the ‘karma’ Category

One Of These Nights . . . .

Yesterday morning I did something very unusual.  I was ‘urged’ to do it, so I did.  Just before getting up, I listened to a song on my wife’s iPod (not one that she listens to, btw, but got on there), that she just happened to leave on the bed — and got TOTALLY into it.  It was really, really intense, almost as intense as the visions I had had a bit earlier just after waking, and feeling the message that I was going to read later that day from the GFL about all of us soon being able to live our grandest dreams, fulfil our most passionate desires. . . . .

Anyway, the musical and linguistic artistry of this song feels very appropriate for what is happening on this planet right now, and especially to all of us, internally.  I’ve highlighted some lines that seem to imply that the artists themselves were hinting at a deeper, more profound meaning than just that of seeking a ‘special’ fantasy woman to get wild with.  What do you think?

One Of These Nights

The Eagles

 One of these nights
One of these crazy old nights
We’re gonna find out
Pretty mama
What turns on your lights
The full moon is calling
The fever is high
And the wicked wind whispers
And moans

You got your demons
You got desires
Well, I got a few of my own

Oooh, someone to be kind to
In between the dark and the light
Oooh, coming right behind you
Swear I’m gonna find you
One of these nights

One of these dreams
One of these lost and lonely dreams
We’re gonna find one
One that really screams

I’ve been searching for the daughter
Of the devil himself
I’ve been searching for an angel in white
I’ve been waiting for a woman who’s a little
Of both
And I can feel her but she’s nowhere
In sight

Oooh, loneliness will blind you
In between the wrong and the right
Oooh, coming right behind you
Swear I’m gonna find you
One of these nights

One of these nights
In between the dark and the light
Coming right behind you
Swear I’m gonna find you
Get ya baby one of these nights
One of these nights
One of these nights
I can feel it
I can feel it
One of these nights
Coming right behind you
Swear I’m gonna find you now
One of these nights.. . . .


I was reading an article the other day, part of a daily collection of interesting and very current offerings put together and e-mailed out by The 2012 Scenario.  It was called The Unknown Lightworker – The Lightwarrior.  The title intrigued me, so I read it.  I’m glad I did, as it spelled something out for me that I could never quite put my finger on, something about myself, and the way I express things to others that I feel are very important for them to understand (for all of us to understand, of course, including myself – and apply in our daily lives as much as possible).  This is especially relevant now, in these exceptionally uncertain and chaotic times.

Here are the most germane excerpts:

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‘Everyone in the new age/spiritual scene is familiar with what a lightworker is….

Lightworkers…. Those who soothe the soul, inspire the masses, heal the mind and/or body, and teach seekers the ways of truth and light. Lightworkers do their functions both in public and private, and are those beautiful souls that are sought when there is another in need. Their methods are mostly gentle, nurturing, encouraging, empowering, or enabling in nature. The lightworker sees the beauty in all things, all the time.

What is unknown though, until now, is the “hidden” lightworker that you may have seen from time to time. . . . . Seeming cold, logical, and often times seeming negative, they are often misunderstood and disliked among the lightworker community.

Lightwarriors… Those who make known all sides of any given issue or topic. Those who defend and fight for light and truth, either in the earth or astral realms. Those who restore, fight for, and keep balance in all things. Lightwarriors can and often do those things that lightworkers do as well, but most often in a closed and one-on-one setting, and methods used may differ than those of most light workers. The lightwarrior methods may include the diplomatic but direct approach, bluntly honest in nature, but offering encouragement and support where needed and warranted. The lightwarrior approach may range from gentle and nurturing to a more intense, empowering “tough love” approach. Lightwarriors are aware of both sides of the coin, and defends the light by making all sides of an issue known, no matter how unpleasant or controversial.

The lightwarrior respects all paths and beliefs, but is quick to jump to the forefront of things if there is something important to be said. Often times the message the lightwarrior brings is against the grain, against the fabric of what most lightworkers believe or hold.

Lightwarriors tend to be intense, often appearing to lack love and compassion, and speak from the viewpoint of blatant honesty, no matter how blunt or controversial.

The Defender of Truth… This is the type of lightwarrior that tends to draw the most fire. The defender of truth knows that truth itself is highly subjective, each having its own meaning to those experiencing it. What is truth for one person might not be truth to another. The highly subjective nature of truth, and the infinite ideas that truth represents, provide a unique challenge to the lightwarrior. The lightwarrior speaks ideas to the masses whenever he/she sees an area of concern that needs to be addressed.

The lightwarrior knows that not all lightworkers have the same level of discernment, and is aware that with the subjective nature of truth, his/her ideas may not resonate with all, and is therefore left open to attack by those of whom his/her words may not resonate. The defender of truth’s style of speaking may vary from lightwarrior to lightwarrior, but often times it is the bold and upfront approach taken by some that tend to inspire one group of lightworkers, while drawing reproach from others. Many times those in support of the lightwarrior will voice their words in private, while those against the lightwarrior will voice their opinions publicly. This tends to give the appearance that the lightwarrior is speaking to an empty room, and sometimes leaves their credibility in question.  This is a risk the lightwarrior is aware of, and is willing to take in the name of the Greater Good for ALL.

Sometimes, there are some perfectly balanced lightworkers who are a perfect balance between the lightworker and lightwarrior, carrying within them traits of both.’

* * * * * * * * *

This last characterization/description is what I strive to BE, incorporating the love and empathy and upbeat attitude of the typical Lightworker, with the distinctly less ‘warm and fuzzy’, more ‘just deal with it’ style of the Lightwarrior – which is what I most definitely AM still best defined as (for now).  Some of those descriptive words and phrases up there in that article have been used to describe me!  (Which is why I highlighted them.).  It’s not always pleasant, believe me, especially if it’s someone you really love and care for.  Both I and my ideas get attacked constantly, more often the former – it’s a lot easier for many less educated/researched/experienced, emotional-driven people to simply attack the messenger than to have a civil, orderly discussion of the concepts it seems.  You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink — especially if it’s trying to kick you in the head!  Sometimes trying to help people can be downright dangerous . . . . .

Anyway, I may not like the impressions that people get of me sometimes about the stuff I write, and/or my particular style, but I can’t argue with them either.  I admit I can be ‘blunt’, ‘insensitive’, ‘pushy’, ‘direct’, ‘undiplomatic’, or even ‘asinine’ on occasion with the direct manner in which I present information.  But I can take it, you see.  It used to get to me, but no longer.  I feel, to the very core of my Being, that it is very, very important that people open their minds to a greater understanding of things in our Universe – NOW.  I don’t claim to know all the answers, no way.  But the things I DO ‘know’ have been vetted, proven, demonstrated, and ‘tried by fire’ enough times in my personal direct experience that it would take a professor of many disciplines, AND a veteran of many extreme experiences, to even begin to be able to successfully dissuade me from my conclusions.  It’s happened, of course, enough to let me know that I definitely do NOT have ‘all the answers’.  But not often, and not lately.  Thank the Multiverse I do NOT debate subjects, or even write about those, with which I do not have years of learning and direct experience with.  There is a LOT of stuff that I simply don’t know much about at all – but, unlike many, I have a strong enough self-esteem to readily admit that.

Anyway, I really appreciate this article because it makes clear, as I believe only ‘one of us’ can, that our intentions as ‘Lightwarriors’ are just as ‘pure’ as any other Lightworker’s (if not more than some of them), AND that our deepest motivation comes not from any feelings of ‘arrogance’, or attempts at forceful compliance with our ‘version’ of the very subjective lower realities (yikes!), but from a really, really, really powerful desire to get the information/message through – and/or prevent somebody, or a group of people, from making a tragic, pivotal mistake in their thought process, logic, analysis, or perceptionsThe term ‘tough love’ is precisely accurate.  Whatever works, right?  There just isn’t any time left to mess around.

For future reference, please keep in mind the following advice from the author when dealing with me, and other Lightwarriors out there.  I’d really appreciate it a LOT! . . . .

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‘So the next time you find yourself in a confrontation in someone with a differing opinion, whether it is in a forum, a chatroom, or in a real life situation, take a minute to think before speaking. Is this person worthy of your attack? Their idea may not resonate with yours, or they may be a bit too blunt or arrogant for your taste. Take a minute to absorb what this person says, as sometimes they carry a warning that could save you time and trouble down the line.  Lightwarriors have no less love than lightworkers, they just express it in different ways. Keep this in mind before you pass judgment.’

(you can find the entire article published here Article kindly provided by Mai’ani San’Tarai Onara, c. 2007-2011)


My vacation is over!  EVERYBODY’S vacation is over it appears.  There is a LOT happening on this little blue planet this week, pretty radical and fundamental stuff, and all of us lightworkers (or ‘lightwarriors’ in my case — next post will explain) are being called up into service for our final ‘push’ into . . . . whatever is coming.  It’s ‘GO TIME’, people!

Fortunately, this SHALL be the truly final episode of this multi-millenial drama, the final installment of the Grand Theater of Life on Planet Earth in 3D.  Finally.  I’m glad, because our collective ‘vacation’ after this next few weeks or months — however long the deep purge and ‘reset’ takes to accomplish — shall be so fantastic that I believe the old Star Trek episode of their trip to the ‘vacation planet’ (where all their thoughts — whether fantasies or nightmares — instantly materialized) will pale in comparison!  . . . . . On the positive side, of course.  No worries!.

So grab your etheric surfboards and jump right in, dudes, ’cause this is going to prove to be the ride of a thousand lifetimes. ¡Cowabunga, baby . . . . .!


I haven’t mentioned this before in my blog, ‘cos I’ve been too darn busy trying to spread good intel (info) to the rest of humanity.  So, just so you know, I came to realize/feel/understand relatively recently that THIS was my primary mission for the ‘home stretch’ epoch in our loooooong journey through duality: to first gather information over a number of years, look into it as best I could, and then to start communicating with others about this very ‘alarming’ AND ”amazing’ information — alarming regarding the 3D aspects (financial system, oligarchy, Illuminati, control, poisons, manipulation, false flag operations, etc.), and amazing regarding the ‘transcendant’ aspects of our inevitable transition/transformation/transmutation into the ‘higher realms’.

This morning, I got the word.  I was laying on my bed with my wife, and out of now-here a very brief message came into my consciousness:  ‘Relax and enjoy, as your vacation has started.’  Huh?  I asked.  Um, what was that again???  ‘Your vacation has started.’  Oh, OK.  Cool!

My first thought was this:  SOMETHING has happened on this planet, or is happening right now, something BIG.  (Well, to be clear, even bigger than all the other stuff that’s been going on, which has itself been huge, right?)  Good.  Finally!  OK.

I was thinking of writing another blog post this afternoon about something else, thinking about writing a new article that I’ve been asked for from a lightworkers web site, thinking about entering the creative, constructive competition (my take, my interpretation, not the blogger’s) that the WP blog The Alternate Economy is hosting — it’s a really nice program, with a very cool mutually beneficial ‘prize’ — but now I think I’ll just sit back for a day or two and watch things unfold.

Oh, after leaving home for most of the day without going on the internet, I finally got back on line just before writing this, and got clear confirmation that something really, really big did just go down, and that a LOT more is going to ‘come out’ over the next few days (think virtually free energy for everyone on the planet for starters) that will demonstrate, clearly and without any doubt or equivocation or possibility of reversal, that the ‘dark forces’ have finally been completely and utterly vanquished.  For Good.  Go see Ben Fulford‘s latest blog post, or the one from Kauilapeles Blog (also a WP blogger, who reposts exceptionally connected bloggers like Fulford and Dave Wilcock and ‘Poofness’), to bone up on the latest not-broadcast-via-MSM events.  Maybe, just maybe, CNN and BBC will rebel against their ex-masters and get on board soon as well.  One can only hope . . . .

Keep the faith, folks, and it won’t be too much longer before that faith of yours — instead of the fear being offered by the other side — shall be amply rewarded.  Namaste.

P.S. — As you might suspect, my tiny little vacation is not really the BIG vacation I told them was due me after this is all said and done.  No way, as all of us who have been working our chakras off spreading the good word, planting organic gardens, getting closure with our family and friends, promoting alternative healing modalities, occupying parks and streets and our Selves, etc., shall be getting our final (really final) ‘assignments’ — or at least offers thereof — very shortly.  Maybe we’ll run into each other out there somewhere over the next few months.  There’s a LOT of work yet to be done before the ascended lady sings, you know . . . . .

CHOICE (again)

Our world has entered an epoch of serious upheaval.  What is being ‘heaved upwards’?  EVERYTHING!  All that was ‘low’ – hidden, suppressed, depressed, subconscious, dense, of lower vibration — is being pulled up to the surface of our consciousness to be exposed, energized, processed, healed, transformed and made to vibrate at the higher levels that humanity is now entering – or eliminated, simply removed from our world.  Every single fundamental concept of ‘life on planet Earth’ that we were told was ‘reality’ is being challenged and, for the most part, shown to be not nearly as ‘solid’ or ‘unshakeable’ as our parents, teachers, bosses and politicians would like us to believe.  As a result, each and every human being on this planet is currently being faced with a very critical Choice – a choice for which the phrase ‘if you choose not to decide, that in itself is a choice’ does not apply.  THIS time, everybody must make this Choice consciously, you see.  By the time the northern winter solstice comes around, that Choice shall be made very plain to each and every person still living on this planet, even if they are completely isolated out in the jungles of Borneo wearing nothing but loincloths and smiles.


The ‘Wheel of Karma’ has stopped, and we have already entered a period of no-karma, an epoch that the Maya call no-time, the period of transition.  We must prepare for what is to come.  The cycle of what is termed ‘duality’ is over.  The movies Thrive, Zeitgeist, Esoteric Agenda, Kymatica, etc. all lay out this reality from different perspectives.

Regarding the PTW (Powers That Were), Controllers, Cabal, Dark Forces, Illuminati, etc. . . . . .  Those misguided fools are simply playing out their previously scripted roles – some a bit too much I must admit.  They have played the oppressed at one time or another in our past, or shall in the future – but not on this planet.  Wittingly or not, they are being used as a tool to awaken humanity.  As the book ET101 (by Diana Luppi) put it a couple of decades ago, they are ‘sacred cowpokes on a sacred cowherd’ (please check that book out – very funny, succinct, profound wisdom there!).  Their aggressive tactics of mind and population control worked wonders for me, as they got me to start questioning, investigating, challenging, seeking the underlying (actively suppressed) truth of our situation, and later our very existence.  Think about that for a minute before rebelling instinctively and emotionally at the concept.  They are NOT ‘the enemy’, you see, but appear to actually serve us (yes, I use that word intentionally) as scripted characters in the Grand Scheme Of Things.  If it weren’t for their horrific, heinous, nefarious acts and attitudes, the vast majority of humanity would go right on sleeping through this, the greatest upcoming event in our entire history!  Accept them, forgive them, bless them, and pray that they see the Light, capitulate, and understand that THEIR best and highest and even most intelligent and comfortable choice is to stop resisting the inevitable, get with the Divine Program, and help the rest of humanity through this challenging process (many of ‘them’ have actually already done that, as those deeply personally involved in the global financial scandals can tell you).  It is critical for all of us that we STOP giving them so much of our energy by focusing on them and their ridiculous manipulative hijinx – and the past – and start focusing exclusively on our own personal growth and expansion into the New Earth way of life NOW.  For me, to focus one’s mind and energies on the demolition of an ugly, decrepit, poorly constructed 3D building, while a stunningly beautiful 5D theme park is being built right next door, with all your favorite rides and activities, is just a complete waste of precious time, no?  Let the dead bury the dead, I say.

P.S. – For a wonderful re-mind-er of how to improve your mental state quickly, and get into the flow of the positive, and make the highest and best CHOICE in this matter, check out a book by a very astute therapist and motivational speaker called Happiness Is A Choice ( by Barry Neil Karfman).  It helped me get better control of my attitude around 10 years ago, when I was going through some deeply serious challenges (one of the many in this lifetime).  Maybe it’ll help you, too.  Oh, and also check out the Go Gratitude! people.  They provide awesome thoughts, ideas, exercises and the like that really, really help to see things from a higher perspective – and make it fun!

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