life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Posts tagged ‘ego’


A few days ago I ran across a recently published message/conversation by Blossom Goodchild.  Part way through the post, I read a passage that appears to answer THE Big Question, very clearly.  Here is the main idea, succinctly and energetically expressed in response to one of Blossom’s pleas for easily understandable ‘final’ answers to her anxious inquiries:

‘We CANNOT answer many questions because you hold the answers … which are dependent upon your own self-discovery of LOVE!  Over and over again we CHOOSE to talk about it … Because that is all there is. That is all there is to talk about.  For there is nothing else in existence other than LOVE.

‘. . . . NOTHING MATTERS other than BEING LOVE.

‘IF YOU REALLY GOT THAT … there simply would be no need to KNOW anything more.’

Sunset w words 'Love Light Laughter', from BGs web site

THIS perspective, you see, is where I have been ‘coming from’ in this blog for the most part, as the above understanding is one I’ve been living for many years now.  I and others could write a million more blog posts about a million subjects, and it wouldn’t make a damned nor blessed bit of difference as to any of you knowing of the ONLY IMPORTANT THINGS about existence.  Not a bit.  To explain:  Intellectual (ego-mind) ‘knowledge’ is NOT true knowledge.  It’s just a temporary 3rd-dimensional tool for those who have not yet made their own connection with their Higher Self, and Higher Knowing.  Those who insist on arguing about who is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ about something – about anything – have simply not yet experienced Truth with their human consciousness (or maybe have — but forgotten again).  You see, only an ego that is not 100% sure of its ‘knowledge’ must try to convince others of their personal perception of reality.  When it comes to truth, no doubts = no ‘need’ to convince others = no arguments. 

Mind Waves graphic, blue light in head

Personally, I myself am a ‘recovering intellectual’ (yeah, it is funny, go ahead and chuckle!).  I have read twice as many books as most college-educated people, and many more times that in essays and magazine articles and blog posts, etc.  I used to rely on my 3D-ego-mind intelligence to make my way in life — and did pretty darn well at it, too (for the most part).  But when it comes to what is considered Higher Truth, you see . . . . well, only the Heart can ‘know’ That.  When I first came across this concept, I fought it tooth and nail – until I started experiencing it in very personal, dramatic ways.  I (my ego-self-personality) eventually gave up the fight against knowing the Truth – in other words, stopped living in denial — and gave in to the process of SELF-discovery.  And the floodgates subsequently opened wide . . . . . 


You all have ALL knowing Within you, now.  Finding and forging that ‘link’ represents possibly the greatest challenge a human being could ever take on.  The ancient yogis would sequester themselves from society and meditate deeply for lifetimes to accomplish that, after having lived many lifetimes of pure experience and struggle (according to Hindu, Taoist, and Buddhist texts).  Nowadays, because of the Divine Cosmic Energies we are being bathed in – some would characterize it more as ‘bombarded by’, lol – here at the threshold of humanity’s Grand Awakening, it doesn’t take much active effort at all.  

Buddha Statue w 3rd Eye Light

In the end, regardless of any individual’s unique set of beliefs or circumstances, whether a person awakens to Higher Truth and consciously strengthens their bond with the Divinity Within — or not —  really comes down to personal choice.  So IF you choose to follow this amazing path to what I described in previous posts as ‘profound inner peace and ineffable bliss‘ and a similar state to ‘afterglow’, just go Within, clear away the flotsam and jetsam of your ego-personality self (old unhealed emotional scars, ancient issues and hang-ups, repressed resentments and longings, etc.), and all shall be revealed to you in an amazingly vivid, yet lovingly compassionate manner. The Universe WILL support your heartfelt choice – and assist you onto and along whichever path you select with more warm, enthusiastic support than you might yet be able to imagine.  When you start to feel the presence of your guides, angels, and others around (and within) you – in ways that wash away all remaining doubt clinging to your tired, battered psyche – you’ll know that you are very, very close to encountering the One Absolute Truth of our common Existence.

Unusual Cloud Formations over lake in Georgia, 4 July '12

For more on this subject of Love as Truth, see this very recent blog post from John Smallman.  I wish you all a joyful, magnificent Grand Awakening!


It’s TIME ! . . . .

It’s time to spread your wings of love and FLY!

Be free to soar and roam the skies. . . .

It’s time to conquer all your baseless fears

Set aside inhibition, hesitation, change gears

It’s time to shed all the false skins you’ve piled on

Covering up who you ARE; let your Inner Light shine!

It’s Time, fellow Souls, that has kept you in limitation

Made you falsely believe (not without cause) in bondage and friction

It’s Time, don’t you see, that needs simply to go

It is dissolving quite kindly as you rejoin the eternal Flow

It’s time to chuck Separation as a ‘means to an end’

Oneness calls from within you – your true Home it portends!

It’s time, Sparks of God, to let all the strife and sorrow go

Time to balance the scales and reap all the good that you’ve sown

It’s time to focus, Lost Ones, on what you DO want

And just set aside the meaningless things you truly do not

End the Grand Illusion, it’s time to move on

Live in wonder and awe, joy second to none!

It’s time to live from the Heart, not the mind and its memes

Make ego servant of Soul, its proper place in the scheme

For to attract all that’s yours, the Gift of Creation

One must see and feel only That, and give no heed to distractions

As Time quickly collapses, as our Transition begins

I hope you choose wisely and join us

Those whose missions now end

In (Re)Union and Bliss . . . . . .


I’ve been reading a lot lately about how much trouble people are having with their incessant mind-chatter.  It is proving extremely difficult for many of you to stem the constant flow of ‘noise’ that your ego-mind seems to love to generate, keeping you distracted with superficial material concerns and interpersonal dramas, while keeping your attention away from the really important things in life.  Since I was able to stop my own mind-chatter – consciously and completely – many years ago, maybe I can be of some assistance here by sharing my most effective technique with you (mentioned in one of my previous posts back in December, here).

It’s really, really, really simple.  And btw, the original statement actually comes from the Christian Bible, so not even the most conservative among you should have any ‘issues’ with it (though your fear-ridden ego may try to convince you otherwise).  This is what you do:  When the ridiculous chatter has you batty, just make this statement in your head, using as assertive and confident a tone as you can muster . . . .


That’s it. That’s all you need to do.  In the beginning, you will probably need to repeat this ‘mantra’ several times before it becomes effective.  With time, however, it will succeed in stopping that annoying little voice in your head immediately with the first firm utterance.  Eventually, you’ll find (like I did) that just having the thought of making the statement, or the desire to quiet your mind, will be enough to make it so.  The verbal statement becomes completely internalized and ‘assumed’, you see, and therefore unnecessary.

You can also ‘customize’ this statement for specific situations or purposes.  Try replacing the word ‘Love’ with one of the following, depending on your desired effect or result:   Spirit . . . Joy . . . Worthy . . . Fun . . . Light . . . Confident . . . . Safe . . . . Happy . . . . Good.  Follow your Inner Guidance, and play with it!  Whatever works best, right?

FYI, the original statement (from the Bible, remember) uses the word ‘God’ — which is what I myself used, and very successfully so, for this amazingly effective technique (before my ‘customizing’ began that is).  I understand, however, that many people out there may take serious issue with this Truth, and so will not even try it out.  This is why I have presented it in this manner.  Hopefully you can quickly arrive at the place of Self-knowledge and Self-esteem to be able to utilize this miraculous tool in its original form.

Lastly, don’t be shy about using this mantra, or a modified variation thereof, for the purpose of initiating deep meditation.  It works great!  Again, one of its most appealing qualities IS its flexibility/adaptability.  Above all, though, just do it, and reap the powerful, amazing, and perpetual accumulative benefits!

P.S. – I’d love to get your feedback on this.  Please let me know how things go (let us know really, with the other blog readers included of course), and feel free to post in the comments section below any expansions or helpful hints you may discover/create, plus any positive experiences you may want to share that may help or encourage others.  Thanks!  Also, please feel free to re-post and/or forward this to whomever you think might derive some benefit.  In these crazy times, we all need to band together in true community spirit, and help each other out in any way we can!


Hi!  Many wonderful things are happening on our planet right now.  Some of them, however, may cause a few of you to go into ‘fear mode’ again.  Please reconsider this very unwise reaction to current events!  We are all about to be truly liberated from the yolk (sic, on purpose, pun intended, lol) of slavery to the Powers That Were, so don’t worry, and be happy, folks!

Today I’d like to give you a really fun and enriching meditation exercise that you can do anywhere, and any when.  The following version is my own, and is simply a slight expansion of one one I saw recently on line (I forget where, but it was a channeled message from our Friends On High – no copyright has ever been filed!).  Besides, it’s really, really, really simple!

Before I describe it (and another one I just ran across for those who can’t stop their egos from launching them into that ‘fear mode’ state), I’ll try to create for you an image of how I ‘see’ our ‘beingness’ for the purposes of this exercise.  It’ll make the image-ing process a bit easier for you, though I shall not make any claims as to the ‘absolute accuracy’ of how I view things.  Whatever helps the visualization process is what I’m after here, NOT create an intellectual treatise on what our energetic beings ‘looks like’ in the third dimension (I mean, how boring would that be?).

In my mind’s eye, I see our energetic selves in this world matrix as a thin layer of material consciousness ‘encapsulating’ a very beautiful Light of extremely high frequency.  This outer layer forms the shape of your physical body.  Most of the time, this Light is fully contained by the denser, ‘harder’ outer shell (ego structure, material consciousness, lower mind — whatever you want to call it) – which means that most people and animals around you feel primarily that energy from you, and not your Inner Light.  OK.

The exercise is this:  Visualize this Inner Light of yours expanding outwards in all directions.  Feel it doing this.  See it going upwards above your head, downwards below your feet, and flowing around you in all directions, forming a brilliant whitish ball of Pure Energy that goes far beyond the ‘denser’ outer layer.  The original idea that I ran across said to imagine your Light expanding out to a ball of several meters in diameter.  Nah!  I decided to make the sphere around 200 meters in diameter!  This would allow it to not only cocoon all the people and pets in my personal household, but also include anybody walking on the road, at least one neighbor and their family, the stream, the coffee plantation across the street, the local evangelical church, etc.  Now, one can take this thing as far as you want to, and continue to expand your Light to include the entire planet, or even the entire Universe, right?  For those of you who feel you can do that, go for it!  The more the merrier, right?  It ALL helps . . . . .

BTW, I do this sometimes while walking, driving my car, working, watering the garden, etc.  Hey, why not?  Now here’s the second exercise, freshly downloaded and copied from the reference below:

We have spoken to you often of your need to clear your negative emotions that are tied to your experiences here, and we would like to touch upon how you can better achieve this. Find yourself a very quiet place where you can be alone, and a place where you can sit quietly in darkness would be very opportune. Sit quietly and begin to take in breaths slowly and deeply. Quiet your mind by focusing only on your breaths. In-out. In-out. Slowly, very slowly. Allow yourself to understand that all has been for your benefit and upliftment. Allow yourself to understand that nothing you have experienced here has occurred without your prior consent. Allow yourself to forgive yourself and understand the guilt you carry with you is nothing but a lower dimensional symptom that has no place in the higher realms and will vanish upon your ascension and your return home, and that you have the power to release this guilt today. Guilt and shame do not have to be a part of these lessons you have learned. Release them as you breathe deep and breathe slow. Release them. They are not necessary, and they mean nothing. Continue to breathe, and when you feel ready begin the rest of your day and the rest of your new life free of these emotions. They no longer serve you and they are no longer needed. You are free of them.

Excerpted from a post of February 29th 2012 entitled Message from the Ashtar Command  2/29/12, on

= = = = = = =

P.S. — Just like some other fun things in life, do this as often as you can for best results!  Again, why not?!  You have nothing to lose but your stress and limitations.

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