life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Archive for the ‘Love’ Category


floodgates  Do ya FEEL it yet???

The other day, I was reading the following blog post: Fran Z, May 19 2013.  I typically read several blogs and articles every day, but this one accomplished something that very, very few have – it described a truly overwhelming experience that I just happened to have had earlier that same day, spontaneously, that I felt so powerfully and deeply it caused me to weep.  The following is that very eloquent description:

‘Feel my love for you. It is delicate and strong, silky and sweet; it is powerful, yet oh so subtle at times. This is the quality of Love you can experience, that you do experience . . . .’

I don’t recall having ever read or heard such an excellent description of That (Pure Unconditional Higher Love)  – insofar as it can even be remotely described in mere words, of course.  Though this ineffable, overpowering Love did not apparently come to me from the soul we know as Mother Mary (the speaker in the above-quoted message), it DID come from another ‘Mother’, another female entity, One much more grand, universal and at the same time easily accessible.  And it was . . . . . . well, it just WAS!

The Divine Floodgates have finally opened, my friends!  There is no longer anythingWalk Into The Garden Love Has Prepared, ACIM poster preventing all of humanity from having access to this Soul-moving experience of inexhaustible bliss!  In truth, there never was, at least without herculean effort – but NOW it’s being pumped into our realm like never before in the history of our existence in physicality, with only minimal veils, filters and barriers in place to dampen the impact.  I pray you all begin to feel this Unconditional Divine Love in your lives as I now do.  It is wonderfully overwhelming, and changes everything, regardless of the ‘circumstances’ you may find yourself inIf you have already felt this, then fantastic – get ready for much, much more!  I am fortunate in feeling the gentle flow of It into and through my waking consciousness almost constantly now for the past few weeks.  It is not only makes for a magnificent wave to ride day-in and day-out, but IS the way we shall ALL be experiencing this thing we call ‘life’ in the very near future – well, those who choose to at least.  What do you choose??? . . . . . . .

I close with oSplit Worlds - Color and Grey Scalene more statement from this message that I resonate to deeply and intimately:

With That as your main focus of existence, everything is colored in a different way. There is no room for worry or doubt as you completely give yourself up to your Essence of Love. You begin to experience the totality of it, the sustainment of it, and nothing is able to shake the joy and bliss coming from it, no matter what. Yes, you can live in that always. Welcome to the 5th dimension and higher, beloveds, when you realize this.

I strongly encourage you to prepare yourselves for, or more accurately just open yourselves to, sudden spontaneous waves of unmitigated JOY!  And also — maybe even more importantly — get prepared to meet — and maybe even merge with (if you dare!) — your True Radiant Self. . . . .

Meditation - humanoid on giant lotus, radiant light, fractals, space

Just Be LOVE . . . .

Ah, the deep, fundamental, pivotal questions we are grappling with these days. . . . .  What do we ‘do’ now, given that the Big Shift at the end of last year did not immediately ‘save’ us from the Cabal/Illuminati/Controllers, and our space brethren didn’t whisk us away on fancy lightships to our Galactic family reunions in 5D?  Should we demonstrate and rally in the streets, or just meditate and visualize ourselves into freedom?  Do we only work on and in our Inner World, or also act assertively in the ‘outer world’ as well in order to break the chains that bind us in Illusion and economic slavery?  What to do, what not to do. . . .. To be or not to be. . . .

Well, I personally am going to do my best – ie., put forth my best effort, re-Mind myself as often as possible, etc. — to stick to the simplest and highest vibrational mantra I’ve ever run across, one that sooooo many have mentioned over the last century in myriad forms:  All we need is Love!

All You Need Is Love

‘But wait a sec, Waverider, I agree wholeheartedly’, you say.  ‘But what do we then DO with our lives???’  Well. . . . just BE that.  BE Love!  It IS What We Are at our Core, is It not?  Holographic Sparks of Divinity with only a small part of our Infinite Consciousness immersed in the illusion of separation and duality . . . . . right?


So how does this concept translate into ‘action’, you ask?  Well, according to what I’ve found in my research, here is my best answer:  In every hour of every day, strive as best you can (and this IS very challenging, I admit), when making decisions about things in the course of your daily life, to answer this very fundamental question:  ‘What would Love do?’  I mean, can it get any simpler than that???

For a very different, much more assertive, but not totally unrelated perspective, this short video conveys the idea in a more socially impactful manner:

Love as ‘The Silver Bullet’

Best of fortune with whatever you decide works best for YOU, my fellow ascending humans!




Why Fight It?

Why fight it, or dare I ask?

Why fight the urge to merge,

To live, to bask

In Love?

Why resist The Call?  I wonder. . . .

It builds each day I know

Yet most hit the brakes

Instead of the accelerator

Why hold on to fear and ‘security’?

It makes no sense in the 3D world

Despite the lies your TV blares

LOVE is all you ‘need’ (I know you’ve heard)!

Why fight this global surge of Freedom, of Light?

This wells up within you, you cannot deny it.

It’s driving them mad, those who suppress it –

Unhealthy at best, tragic consequences manifest.

Why not wake up?  Why not Self-empower?

Believe me you, ‘tis nigh the hour!

But each makes their own sovereign choice —

And either gives it away, or takes back their power.

Why fight the urge to live for REAL?

Pursue one’s dreams, drink Joy at every meal?

The ‘conservative’ path leads only to death

If not of the body, of the Soul, no less.

Why fight it?!  I shout

It’s time to put up or shut up!

Fish or cut bait. Lord or lout,

NOTHING more ‘important’ to think about!

One thing I’ve learned

As a surfer of big swells

To swim against a strong current

Is suicidal, a quick ticket to hell

Regardless of your ‘beliefs’ about

Hydrology or Newtonian physics

So Why Fight It???



Light & Clear


These bright days I wake refreshed, with Love and with Light

Gratitude fills my heart; I rise with clear sight

No more is it hard, the tedious day for to face

The morrow breaks with such glee — Oh what a difference Higher Love makes!


Those goals we were given I’ve left far behind, no mind

Plus aches and sharp pains, and most thoughts un-Divine

My body bursts with joy and vigor, never feels sore

Begs to run, leap, and play — and much, O much more!


Many may choose to judge me as cocky or vain

Say I’ve changed ‘way too much’, gone quite insane

But this is fundamentally false — the opposite is more true

Just trust in The Flow, love your Self, friends, and manifest the same for you!


It is not my own fault, those who choose not to listen

It is not my own fault, what the masses are missing

The sages of ages have to us begged and implored

The paths to Nirvana and Freedom were not well hidden — just ignored


I do not apologize for heeding their advice

Putting into hard practice, their suggestions so wise

Intuition and pure logic have been my best guides

Leading to fun, joy and laughter that often split my thin sides!


The trek was not easy, often knocked my arse down

Greater challenge in life I doubt can be found

But the time, yes! had come to undo what we’d wrought

Transcend the old battles (inside and out) we have ALL valiantly fought


Decades of toil, trials and deep strife

Attempted to break me, put me out of the fight

But deep down in my Core I just knew what was needed

The incessant ‘advice’ of my ego (and others’) I’m VERY glad was not heeded


My mission completed, I AM quite relieved

The dam has been broken, the dike finally breached

Now the real facts of our past, and the Love that rings true

Will flood the mass consciousness, and not be hoarded by few


I wish you all well with your decisions these days

I humbly urge you to seek clarity, dispel the dark’s fear-induced haze

It shall all be transparent, the new world of the future

No more lies, tricks or violence can our peace further butcher


Those who choose to evolve shall be guided back Home

The Narrow Path must be tread by each human alone

But much aid and support is being proffered, I know

In this historical epoch, no (wo)man is an island — together we glow!


So please take the kind offers that may come your way

Via family, friends or even strangers, local folk or beings from ‘far away’

You need not go it solo now, nor a bold trailblazer be

The Company of Heaven is here to assist — for those with eyes to see


I may keep in touch here and there, not lose contact just yet

There’s lots more to do soon, like clean up the set

Of our eons of theater on this Jewel of the Cosmos

Help Gaia create the New Eden, fulfill ancient promises


It’s been quite the fun ride, this wild jaunt through duality

I’ve had incredible times — such extremes in this reality!

But I’m stoked to move on, get back to our Home

Where we’ll meet up again — I hope with most (not just some). . . . .



At Heaven’s Gate

Most have heard the sage advice
From a pulpit or elder wise:
‘Never hide your Inner Light
Under a bushel’

But in this world today
Where our most evolved are called insane
To shine your Brightness out in public
Can cause a tussle

In maintaining the agenda
Of keeping our perceptions well upended
We have been taught that free expression
Is a sin

The exposure of the lies
Of those who profit from downcast eyes
May create a whole new game
‘They’ cannot win

Our common root can here be found
For daily angst, despondence profound
It is now becoming clear
Our ancient plight

We chose to leave our One True Home
Venture off all on our own
And along the way of our True Nature
We just lost sight

But beside the point that all is really
The time has come for massive healing
We must mature back to our place
Within the Light

As we close that brutal cycle
Drag our exhausted bodies the last mile
Some can glimpse the Higher Joy
That for us waits

The bit of sadness we still feel
That we could never quite conceal
Is quickly fading, giving way
To ecstatic states

We can soon return to fun
To what has been our truest song
To dream great dreams of Love
And to create

The circle is complete
The cycle ends, our souls replete
As we like children fuss and fidget
At Heaven’s Gate

Love Is Quite Caustic

Love Is Quite Caustic

Daring to Live in Love!

Love is quite caustic
Blessed acid of Life
Burns softly it does
Brings warmth to cold nights

Love is quite caustic
It wears gently away
Wood, steel or hate
Cannot stand in its way

Love is quite caustic
The Heart knows it is so
Ego structures erode
Under its inexorable flow

Love is quite caustic
Only fools dare to mock
Open the gates or be flooded
It cannot be stopped

Love is quite caustic
Resistance by force
Shall spell only your doom
Better joyful than toast

Love is quite caustic
A dark fortress? No go!
Its Light breaches all ramparts
You shall reap what you sow

Love is quite caustic
I think you get that by now
Please join our Light Forces
And help bring in the ‘Wow!’

View original post


I’ve been reading a lot lately about how much trouble people are having with their incessant mind-chatter.  It is proving extremely difficult for many of you to stem the constant flow of ‘noise’ that your ego-mind seems to love to generate, keeping you distracted with superficial material concerns and interpersonal dramas, while keeping your attention away from the really important things in life.  Since I was able to stop my own mind-chatter – consciously and completely – many years ago, maybe I can be of some assistance here by sharing my most effective technique with you (mentioned in one of my previous posts back in December, here).

It’s really, really, really simple.  And btw, the original statement actually comes from the Christian Bible, so not even the most conservative among you should have any ‘issues’ with it (though your fear-ridden ego may try to convince you otherwise).  This is what you do:  When the ridiculous chatter has you batty, just make this statement in your head, using as assertive and confident a tone as you can muster . . . .


That’s it. That’s all you need to do.  In the beginning, you will probably need to repeat this ‘mantra’ several times before it becomes effective.  With time, however, it will succeed in stopping that annoying little voice in your head immediately with the first firm utterance.  Eventually, you’ll find (like I did) that just having the thought of making the statement, or the desire to quiet your mind, will be enough to make it so.  The verbal statement becomes completely internalized and ‘assumed’, you see, and therefore unnecessary.

You can also ‘customize’ this statement for specific situations or purposes.  Try replacing the word ‘Love’ with one of the following, depending on your desired effect or result:   Spirit . . . Joy . . . Worthy . . . Fun . . . Light . . . Confident . . . . Safe . . . . Happy . . . . Good.  Follow your Inner Guidance, and play with it!  Whatever works best, right?

FYI, the original statement (from the Bible, remember) uses the word ‘God’ — which is what I myself used, and very successfully so, for this amazingly effective technique (before my ‘customizing’ began that is).  I understand, however, that many people out there may take serious issue with this Truth, and so will not even try it out.  This is why I have presented it in this manner.  Hopefully you can quickly arrive at the place of Self-knowledge and Self-esteem to be able to utilize this miraculous tool in its original form.

Lastly, don’t be shy about using this mantra, or a modified variation thereof, for the purpose of initiating deep meditation.  It works great!  Again, one of its most appealing qualities IS its flexibility/adaptability.  Above all, though, just do it, and reap the powerful, amazing, and perpetual accumulative benefits!

P.S. – I’d love to get your feedback on this.  Please let me know how things go (let us know really, with the other blog readers included of course), and feel free to post in the comments section below any expansions or helpful hints you may discover/create, plus any positive experiences you may want to share that may help or encourage others.  Thanks!  Also, please feel free to re-post and/or forward this to whomever you think might derive some benefit.  In these crazy times, we all need to band together in true community spirit, and help each other out in any way we can!


The harsher the oppression — physical and non-physical — the stronger it grows: the desire – the passion, the need – for Freedom.

Love and appreciate your so-called enemies, both conscious (living) and circumstantial, for the critical role they play; they do you a grand service. Without them, in the absence of their ‘provocation’, stagnation, decadence, narcissistic self-indulgence and boredom would be your perpetual companions in this world.

True Peace is not the absence of conflict and challenge, but rather the absence of separation. Unity Consciousness demands the presence of Unconditional Love. Where Unconditional Love is present, so is True Peace. The stronger Its presence, the greater the inner peace.

Where there is Life, there is movement, flow, change, growth, expansion, creation — challenge. No challenge, no change. No change, no growth. No growth, no expansion. No expansion, no Creation. The line between stagnation and rot is wafer thin. The line between ‘peace’ — in the sense most people view that concept (as simply a lack of physical conflict and/or strife) — and stagnation . . . . . even thinner.

Physical death is a far, far cry from the ‘worst’ that one can experience.

As a musician once scribed some time ago, I’d rather wear out than rust out.

Be safe, stay centered, and stay very alert and discerning — both internally and externally — in the days to come.  May all your personal choices lead you upward and onward on your never-ending journey Home. . . . .


I was sitting out on my porch Saturday morning on a pillow, just leaning against the wall with a nice spiritual book I was rereading after first being blessed with its exciting real-life adventures and transformational information around 20 years ago, and sipping on some fresh home-brewed Central American coffee. I drifted a bit from the pages I was engrossed in, and reflected on the idea, oft-repeated via many different sources, that we all need to hold the vision of our New Earth and its Life-enhancing culture as frequently and passionately as possible in our hearts and minds these days, thereby facilitating its rapid manifestation into our collective reality. This visualization practice, not necessarily as easy as it appears on the surface (but actually really fun once you get into it), is something I personally have been doing for quite a while now. I’ve been both encouraged and elated to see many others join us Lightworkers in this Sacred Cause of late.

All of a sudden, I felt it: A wonderful, ineffably powerful, absolutely delicious and joyfully incapacitating wave of PUL (Pure Unconditional Love) washing over and through me as I gazed out into my yard on this soft rainy day unfolding before me. It was tremendous! The thoughts came unbidden: We are with you, dear soul, as always. You and we are now closer than ever, and we know that you can feel that Reality more and more each day. We are giving you as much as we can now, and are so delighted that you can sense our unending support for you, and accept it so willingly and joyfully. We shall be reunited in waking consciousness very, very soon now. . . . .

While still reeling a bit from the overwhelming influx of pure love energies, I went to change the radio station — but wait! What’s that song playing right now, another one of those old favorites from the 80’s? Didn’t they use this one for Bill Clinton’s theme song??? I let it play out, knowing that the timing of its arrival was not coincidental. . . . .

Don’t Stop by Fleetwood Mac
(some selected excerpts)

Open your eyes and look at the day
You’ll see things in a different way

Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow
Don’t stop, it’ll soon be here
It’ll be here, better than before
Yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone . . . .

Try to think about the times to come
And not about the things that you’ve done
If your love was . . . to you
Just think what tomorrow will do

All I want is to see you smile
If it takes just a little while
I know you don’t believe that it’s true
I never meant any harm to you. . . .

Don’t you look back . . . . .

After relaxing to that wonderful tune by Fleetwood Mac, absorbing and enjoying its timely message, I went to finish what I started to do and change the station to some light jazz or softer pop – but wait! (Yes, again). Could it be?! Another little message from my Friends On High coming through??? . . . . . . .

That’s What Friends Are For by Dionne Warwick & A Whole Slew of Her Friends
(a few relevant excerpts)

And I never thought I’d feel this way . . . .

Keep Smiling, Keep Shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That’s what friends are for
For good times, and bad times
I’ll be on your side forevermore
That’s what friends are for. . . . .

Well you came and opened me
And now there’s so much more I see
And so by the way I thank you. . . .

And then, for the times when we’re apart
Well then close your eyes and know
The words are comin’ from my heart
And then if you can remember
Keep smiling, Keep shining. . . . .

Be well, my fellow co-creators, and Keep smiling, Keep shining. Please consider joining me and many thousands of others out there and open up your hearts, and your consciousness, enough to allow our mutual Friends to grace your life as directly and profoundly and wonderfully as they have graced mine. They’re eagerly awaiting your heartfelt invitation. Can’t you hear ‘em knockin’??? Go ahead, open the door and let ‘em in! Join me in the chorus now. . . .

I get by with a little help from my Friends,
Yeah, I’m gonna try with a little help from my Friends. . . . .

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