life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Posts tagged ‘skyscraper’


Around the time I was in university, taking a class called Ancient Myths And Modern Meaning, I read an old adage:  ‘In order to scale to great heights, you must first plumb the depths.’  Something like that.  I feel it might be related to that other saying about the consciousness-expanding process, ‘You gotta go through hell in order to get to Heaven!’.

In ’06 I made my only visit to New York City.  (I wanted to see it ‘while it was still there’ – modern Rome at its infamous zenith – as I was still a bit of a ‘doom-and-gloomer’ back then).  I was walking down to the waterfront in lower Manhattan, not far from the felled towers, and had to skirt around a massive construction site.  The construction was only in its first or second phase – a full square block hole in the ground (remember, I’m in MANHATTAN!), at least 60 feet deep, maybe much more.  There were giant machines and hundreds of workers all over the place looking like so many oversized ants from my ‘heights’ above on the street level.  I was reminded of something I’d read about construction techniques years earlier.  It had said that, when building skyscrapers, most of the critical and delicate and time-consuming work was done in the beginning, when they actually excavated downwards into the Earth in order to build the foundation for the shooting towers of concrete and steel.  It said that almost the same amount of time was spent below the surface, laying the foundation, than was spent above the street level, to construct the actual skyscraper.  Wow.

Now, to put it into perspective:  To build a thousand-foot skyscraper, they spend the first HALF of their time and effort going down 60-100 feet!  (approximately – I’m no engineer, so please don’t hold me precisely to this).  Fascinating.

‘OK, Waverider, wonderful little tidbit for my next game of Trivial Pursuit —  but so what?  What has that got to do with the price of tea in China?’ you might ask (that’s an old saying my mom used on us a lot growing up).  Well, everything, really.  No, not the specific mechanisms whereby the fair-market retail costs of certain dry herbs are determined in the Far East maybe.  But it speaks to what we ALL go through when we engage the challenging process of self-actualization.

We are at the cusp of an historic shift in our realities.  This Grand Paradigm Shift of the Ages is not simply historic in the ‘four score and seven years ago’ sense, but in the ‘. . .and God created Man in His image and likeness’ sense.  For those who have not begun this process yet, or have tried to begin but seem to keep getting stuck – reaching a certain point and hitting wall after wall after wall – I’d like to express this thought:  IT’S TIME TO GET MOVING, FOLKS!  If you truly want to build yourself (and your Self) a ‘skyscraper’ of self-esteem, self-confidence, integrity, peace, love, joy, and fun – in other words, a life of deep satisfaction and fulfillment and dreams-come-true – then NOW is the time to do it.

In regards to the above metaphor, both my deep research and intense experience in this area point to its veracity:  One must delve deeply into one’s murky subconscious depths of beingness (childhood upbringing, adolescent trauma, pivotal emotional events of early adulthood, unhealed/unforgiven ‘injuries’, hidden roots of a low self-image, etc.), dig up any and all the suppressed, obscure ‘dross’ that has been weighing you down like anchors on a speedboat, and heal that stuff once and for all, in whatever way(s) your personal philosophy can handle:  Offer it up to the Light (or an Archangel, Ascended Master, Guide, Love, Divinity, Christ, etc.); talk to a therapist; do energy work; sign up for a cleansing/purging program; go to group therapy sessions; and/or (one of the most effective tools in my personal experience) practice deep meditation (assisted and/or solo).

Build your skyscraper.  Now.  Please.   With determination, with vigor, and with joy.  There is really, truly nothing better you can do at this moment of history for yourself, your loved ones, our beloved planet, and for ALL.  Dream big, dream wide, dream tall, and then go out – and especially IN – and make it happen!


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