life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Posts tagged ‘children’


Collectively, at this precise moment in space-time, humanity teeters on the very, very edge of a gaping dark chasm.  This chasm represents the divide between the Old Earth systems of limitation, duality, and restriction, and the New Earth systems of limitlessness, unity, and uninhibited glorious co-creation.  So who, I wonder, shall lead us over this murky chasm of chaos and uncertainty into the Promised Land of our Golden Age of Freedom?

What type of people are capable of this grand feat?  Who among us has no fear whatsoever of exploring new ways of doing things?  Who looks at ALL possible solutions to our current problems without prejudice or prejudgment?  Who among us has no self-imposed restrictions on their imaginations, or their creative juices?  Who among us still carries an insatiable curiosity about how things work, what makes things tick, and why?  Who do you know in this world that wakes up every single day with vim and vigor and a rare zest for life, eager to see what amazing things they can learn and do and accomplish, what new areas of activity they can investigate in order to make their lives — and the lives of the people around them — even more fun and interesting than it was yesterday, or is today?  Who in this crazy world is actually eager to help their fellow human beings enjoy life to the fullest, and eager to share that enjoyment with as many others as possible?  Hmmm.  Good question, huh?

There are children playing in the streets who could solve some of my top problems in physics, because they have modes of sensory perception that I lost long ago.  — J. Robert Oppenheimer

Why, OUR CHILDREN, of course!  The ‘little masters’ that have come into our lives, our households, our communities — without fear, without limits, and without any ‘programmed’ ideas of what is or is not possible in this blossoming new world.  These wise souls are the great leaders who will guide us into the exciting transformed world of our unfolding New Earth, show us how to ‘navigate’ this awesome new territory.  They’re naturals at it, you see.

Why do I feel this way?  For starters, it seems that every single luminary in our past – Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Gandhi, Osho, Einstein, etc. – has encouraged us to become ‘like little children’ in our approach to learning, and living our lives.  What they meant, as some clearly spelled out, is not to revert to an uneducated person who is irresponsible or undisciplined, no; but rather, to return to our state of ‘innocence’, when life was a joy to live, everything was alive with vibration and color, every new day offered new experiences and adventures, and brightness and limitless positive possibilities – versus boring routine and stress and fear – ruled our attitudes and states of being.

For example, the quality of living only in the NOW moment – letting go of the past, and not worrying even a second about the future – is one of the greatest qualities any master can strive to develop — and one that kids have down pat naturally (until their parents and ‘modern’ society in general psychologically beats it out of them, of course).  Curiosity, open-mindedness, intensity of focus, constantly pushing the envelope of (and expanding) one’s skills and abilities, unrelenting faith in positive outlooks, irrepressible resiliency even in the face of injury or physical abuse, and especially the uninhibited expression of joy and love – are these not among the qualities that our children naturally display every day of their lives, and the same qualities that all of our Great Masters have encouraged us to develop in ourselves in order to reach the heights of both physical and spiritual achievement?  Is that just a ‘coincidence’ — or could it represent something more . . . . . meaningful?

It really humbles me sometimes when my little daughter reminds me, in the white flash of a joy-filled instant and without even trying, what is really important in life.  Most evenings she just can’t help but start giggling when it’s time to put her pajamas on, ‘cause she knows that there is a distinct possibility of the ‘tickle fingers’ making their auspicious appearance, coming out of nowhere to rock her world.  Her rib cage and neck are no match for the quick and agile tickle fingers, no matter how hard she tries to push them back!  But what really gets to me is this:  on those occasional nights when I’m a little bit bothered or tired or frustrated, distracted by something that happened (or didn’t happen) earlier that day, and just not feeling very playful; when her habit of running into the corner of our bed laughing to escape the ‘onslaught’ doesn’t produce it’s desired effect (the tickle fingers do not appear), oftentimes she actually comes back over towards me and grabs my fingers, pulling them towards her so she and Daddy can play a while.  And I am uplifted once again — and also deeply embarrassed and humbled — by the Little Master that has entered my world to help me understand more clearly what I am, and all of us are, really here for.

Now who could be better people than that to lead us worn out, battle-weary, aching old souls over the chasm of darkness and confusion, and into our glorious and vibrant collective future . . . . . .?

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