life and times . . . . a waverider's perspective

Unconditional JOY!

The concept of ‘unconditional love’ has been talked about, debated, attempted, experienced, attacked, reborn, syndicated, commercialized, ignored, revived, and finally just forgotten by many.  Among other things.  It IS a key to entering the Higher Realms of human experience, of course.  But many of us have gotten so . . . . um, tired of hearing about how we need to ‘embrace’ this concept, incorporate it into our ‘skill set’ of life, think in only those terms in our intimate relationships, etc., etc., that some people might be a bit jaded by the phrase by now — or even tempted to go in the oopposite direction.

So I have a suggestion, based on recent personal experience:  For those of us who may fall into, or nearly into, that ‘jaded’ category, let’s all give a good ol’ college try at a completely different approach: Unconditional JOY!  Yeah, that’s right, folks – Joy!  Elation!  Bliss!  Ecstasy!  (If you read a very recent previous blog of mine, you might notice how, um, ‘similar’ these two phrases really are in Reality. . . . .).

‘OK, WaveRider, now we know you’re really eating a bit too much of that ‘organic food’ from your garden these days . . . .’  Anyway, here’s what I mean. . . . .  The vast majority of people, consciously or unconsciously, must have some kind of reason to feel joy, correct?  Visualize this:  If a person came up to you with a big s—t eatin’ grin on their face – at work, say – gave you a big hug, and said, ‘Wow, life is just great, isn’t it?!’; and you said, ‘Yeah, I guess – but why are you so friggin’ happy?’; and then they said, ‘Oh, no particular reason. . . .’,  you might just ask yourself, to yourself, at that moment, ‘Who should I call about this person – the supervisor, to drug test this person, or the guys with the white coats?’

You see, feeling horrible for no particular reason is perfectly acceptable in our ‘modern’, negative-biased society.  But not only is it NOT acceptable to feel good for no ‘logical’ or ‘rational’ reason, but it’s generally considered lunacy to even think that that is possible!

So let’s all just flush, once and for all, that disastrously unhealthy and unproductive school of thinking, shall we?  I say we all strive to feel unbridled, unconditional JOY at every moment possible – just for the sheer fun of it! No props, no ‘reasons’, no specific external motivation at all!  To unashamedly – and unapologetically – rip off and improve a popular phrase that sold billions of overpriced shoes worldwide just a few years ago, Just Feel It!!!

As I heard once in a B-52’s song a few years ago . . . .’Now, doesn’t that make you feel a whole lot betta???’  So, from this moment on until our rapidly approaching arrival to . . . . a better place, please remember, as often as you possibly can, to . . . .


And so it is . . . .

Comments on: "Unconditional JOY!" (2)

  1. And so it is….(jumping for joy)!


  2. Love is definitely out there. Once a re connection is made its hard to look back. Unfortunately in our society most means of obtaining true love and experiencing its memorizing glow, its authenticity as a historical phenomena is frowned upon and looked at as a most silly thing.

    Ive recently experienced joy in the realization that Love is real. I experienced a blanket of emotions and feelings that connected me to the source. Its sad that most people are only left with a crust and do not understand the concept of love or joy.

    I enjoyed your article. made my night. thank you very much!


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